JU .. Portland Observer, May 29, 1906, Page 7 Healthwatch As more bacteria and parasitic o r­ ganisms become resistant to our pesti­ cides, the efforts by producers and shippers to utilize Gamma or Ionizing radiation to sterilize food is increas­ ing. The proponents o f irradiation, like those o f the "peaceful a to m " claim that no health dangers exist through irradiation. Proponents claim that irradiation: I) kills micro­ organisms yet 2) pose " n o " negative potential for the consumer. Oppon­ ents to irradiation (including myself) claim that many potential problems exist with this new process (claims o f safety in countries such as Japan are exactly the type o f testing abhored by the F.D .A . when it comes to accept­ ing new drugs, but appears to be the primary support for the claims o f safety offered by the proponents). When dealing with the effects o f radi­ ation, history has shown that the general population doesn't manifest many o f the clinical conditions (such as leukemia, birth defects and other cancers) for 10 to 30 years; certainly we would not expect significant ill- effects o f the process this early in its use. There are three major concerns that are shared by opponents o f irradia­ tion. They are I) nutritional loss due to destruction o f vitamins and trace elements, 2) the creation o f "super bacteria” similar to what has tran­ spired in the pesticide and anti-biotic practices, and 3) the creation o f can­ cer causing substances by the conver­ sion o f molecular chemistries through irradiation. N u tritio n : We live in a society that is strongly attached to convenience. The refinement o f flour, white sugar, etc., has led to substantially reduced levels o f certain nutrients in the pre­ pared foods that many Americans consume. Likewise it is doubtful to me that the food industry w ill show any reverence for replacement o f nutrients that are destroyed by the irradiation process. I have not seen any studies on the integrity o f water- soluble vitamins exposed to these forms o f irradiation yet it seems rea­ sonable to believe that these foods that are so sensitive to heat and oxy­ gen. would not be any more stable against the radiation than are the bacterium, etc., which show such a high resistance to other forms o f sterilization. R esistance: Our use o f antibiotics in feed for cattle has recently been linked with the creation o f bacteria that are resistant to the antibiotics used in the feed. This in turn has led to human deaths from these "super- bacteria." On a similar vent, the use o f penicillin to treat gonorrhea has led to both penicillin destroying nis- seria gonoccus (the bacteria that causes gonorrhea) and n. gonoccus that are completely resistant to peni­ cillin. The potential o f certain bac­ teria to develop resistance to irradi­ ation is a very real possibility. The life span o f bacterium is very short in comparison to human life, therefore allowing for hundreds o f generations o f a given bacterium within a short period o f time. The ability o f an o r­ ganism to mutate into a resistant form is directly related to the number o f generations o f that particular organ­ ism that are exposed to the particular substance (irradiation chemicals, etc ). Whether 5 - 20 years o f irradia tion will produce resistant forms o f bacterium, similar to our experience with D .D .T ., is an uncertainly, but certainly worth our concern at the present. Cancer: The transformation ol Black center anniversary The Black Educational Center will celebrate 15 years o f cultural and edu­ cational leadership in Portland at a banquet and awards ceremony on Saturday, June 15, 1985, from 7 - 1 0 p.m ., at PSU Smith Center B allrixim , located at 1825 S.W. Broadway. Tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for children under 12 and are tax deduct­ ible. The Black Educational Center, founded in May o f 1970, is a non­ profit organization whose primary operation is a full-tim e school for students in kindergarten through fourth grade The school’ s curriculum includes reading, mathematics, sci­ ence, music, art, and Spanish. The Center also operates the Talking Drum Bookstore, which specializes in Black literature. SOUL FOOD non-toxic (non-carcinogenic) chemi­ cals into cancer-causing agents (car­ cinogens) has been shown in a variety o f instances through changes o f acid­ ity, heat and other physical occur­ rences. The dimerization o f human cells from the excessive exposre to ultra-violet light (sun-light) has long been accepted as a cancer initialing occurrance. Similar changes within foods exposed to ionizing irradiation is not at all far-fetched or unrealistic o f a fear. Should be really expose our children and ourselves to these risks, without furthet research into the po­ tential o f these carcinogenic changes? W hile most foods are not currently irradiated in the United States, there is a growing effort to include this as a standard form o f preparation prior to transport o f food goods. Many groups favor this "n e w ” form o f sterilization, and in fact are presently opposing an Oregon House Bill (H .B . 2539) that simply requires a warning label on any fixxls that have been irradiated This bill introduced by Rep Dave McTeague would require the following label on all irradiated fix 'd : “ W A R N IN G : This product (fix 'd ) has been radiated with radio- acive isotopes for purposes o f preser­ vation; the health effects are un­ k n o w n ." While this seems to be a lair compromise to allow Oregonians the choice o f whether they want to huy and consume irradiated foods, there is a strong industrial opposition to this bill. Opponents o f this legisla­ tion include the Oregon Department o f Agriculture, the Assixiation o f Oregon Fix'd Industries, and the Oregon Retail Council. Jame Black o f the Food and Dairy Division o f the Agriculture Department testified at a recent House Committee hearing on this bill, that "W e don’t think this process has to result in labeling any more than the canning o f food does," adding that " I t (the warning) would only feed on public fears about radia­ tio n ." This reminds me very much o f the stance o f Johns Mannville (as­ bestos) that infected individuals should not he informed o f their con­ dition or the dangers o f exposure to asbestos as it is irreversible and it would only lead to unecessary worry (see the Politics o f Cancer for an in-depth report on industries and the American Cancer Society's lack o f ag­ gressiveness toward controlling known cancer causing work and life related exposures). I feel at this point that the entire American public is once again being ignored by indus­ try’s attempt to find a convenient and profitable new tool. If you feel strongly about the future o f fix'd irradiation in Oregon, con­ tact Rep. MtTeague’s office and/or your own representative to support H.B. 2539, introduced by Four law s on Board Toll-free number to the slate offices is I -800-892-1211. Two representatives that appear as swing votes to get this bill out o f committee arc Rep. Robin Lindquist and Rep John School). Additional inform ation on fix 'd irradiation may be ob­ tained by contacting M r. Jeffrey H Reinhardt o f INFO RM A X , 44 M o n t­ gomery St., 5th Floor, San Francisco, Calif. 94104 I I >■ rx ♦ ♦ I I I ♦ t Tamales Hot dogs Bar-B-Que Ribs Hamburger Cheeseburger Homemade Soup French fries Grilled Cheese Sandwich Eggs, Bacon Sausage Fried potatoes Grits D inners Cook's Choice 1329 N.E. Fremont • Tue« Sat 6 a m. -1 2 a .m ., Sunday 1 p .m . • 1 2 a.m . Closed M onday ^Support our advertisers .s»N PORTLAND OBSER VER .4 0 '» "' -tin* C o m p la ta E n ta rta ln m e n t S ervice» BfTTtR ENTERTAINMENT RTTRACtlONS NETWORK • Promotion* •M anaging •Booking •Public ity •Protect Layout« •Program Coordination •Band* •Dancara •Actor* • P A Equipment • lighting • Disco Unit b D J Contact Joe (Bean) Keller • Hom e 232 9871 • Office 288 0094 FredMeyer^ Open 9AM to 10PM 7 Days A Weak Prices Good Wed.. May 29 thru June 4, 1985 Find 100’s o f values in every departm ent. How to get book contracts Got a book idea you’d like to see published? Dazzling a publisher with a proposal is the key to receiving a contract, and at the June 4 meeting o f Willamette Writers, Brian King will explain how to write one o f those winning proposals in a show and tell presentation complete with hand­ outs. King is a writer-entrepreneur whose first proposal to a Portland publisher got him going as a "high-tech” w rit­ er. His second proposal netted him a contract fo r six books, and since then he’s written a total o f 15 books in the computer field. After eight years as a police o ffi­ cer, King turned his talents to busi­ ness and marketing, becoming a self- taught microcomputer expert. When he’s not adding to his impressive stack o f computer-oriented books, he’ll be writing a murder mystery — King's proposal for a book in that genre dazzled the editors a, Delacorte and Dell, and snagged him a contract. The June 4 meeting o f Willamette Writers w ill be held at 7:15 p.m. at the Imperial Hotel, 400 S.W. Broad­ way, and is open to the public. There is a $2 50 fee for non members. D in­ ner will he served preceding the meet­ ing, beginning at 6:30. The cost is $9.20 and this includes gratuity. Res­ ervations are necessary and can be made by calling Lois Webb at 244-7664 or Tot Jones at 244-5872. 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