a $ è • • I — » * - » •• Pape 6, Portland Observer, May 29, 1986 9 by Roy L e t Jenugan Sports Editor • SPORT TALK • SPORT TALK Celtics take Lakers Memorial Day will take on a d if­ ferent meaning for the Los Angeles l-akers from now on Memorial I>ay 1985 will signify the death o f the leakers at the hands o f the Boston Celtics. Boston murdered them The 146-114 thrashing prompted Dick Stockton, CBS commentator, to sug­ gest. “ The Lakers should exorcise themselves to prepare for the next game.” This final boils down to one factor: physical east coast basketball against west coast finesse. The Lakers want to slide through the lane for layups with­ out contact but the Celtics don’t play that way. L .A . wants to kick out the outlet pass for the fast break but Boston loves to jam the rebounder when he returns to the floor. T o put it simply, Boston didn't allow L .A . to penetrate the lane, and they took away the L .A . break. When Danny Aingc scores 15 first quarter points, Scott Wedman hits I I - f o r - ll from the field, and Quinn Buckner hits a 20-foot jumper that touches nothing but net, you must as­ sume that it’s going to be a tough day. K. C . Jones put the game in per spective for his players when he staled. "This game is not a matter o f life or death, it’s more im portant." The Celts took coach’s words to heart and kept the Lakers from getting o ff on their first period blitz. When the clock slopped at the 4:26 mark o f the first quarter, Boston owned a 26-12 lead Danny Ainge hit a 3-poinler at the buzzer to give the Celts a 38-24 edge to close the period. Robert Parish ran Kareem's 38- year-old legs o ff repeatedly to boost the Boston lead to 47-23 , 2 minutes into the 2nd period. At 8:35, Kareem picked up his 3rd personal foul a rd Riley gave his big man a much needed rest. "T h e C h ie f ’ took his first breather o f the game when Kareem moved to the pine. K C . Jones made some strange substitutions but each move turned out to be the right move on this after­ noon. Wedman entered (he game be­ fore Maxwell, and Quinn Buckner entered before Ray Williams. No matter who came o ff (he bench for Boston ot how, they produced. There are no excuses this time, la k e r fans. Boston and Bird didn't get all the calls The 2nd period was the killer for the lakers in this game Boston had a 79-49 lead at the half and they deserved it by their play. The Lakers could only knock I point o ff the Boston edge after the 3rd period ended 108-79. Trading baskets when you’re down 30 won’t get it. Boston played a flawless game throughout the 2nd half by utilizing their defense to set up their offense. They forced the lakers to play de­ fense in the same manner that Denver did in Game No. 2 o f their series against L .A . The results were the same: Denver bombed L .A . by forc­ ing the Lakers to play both ends o f the floor. A few individual notes: Dennis Johnson has permuted Danny Ainge to expand his game and it has given the Cells more fire-power in the back­ court; Kurt Rambis cannot defend Kevin McHale; Bob M cAdoo must play more minutes with Kareem to give L .A . more size in the front-court to counter the size advantage that Boston has with Bird, M cHale, and "T he C h ie f’ ; K. C . Jones has to be the most underrated coach in the U .S.; and Jack Nicholson needs bet­ ter timing on his towel throwing. He should have made his throw after the 3rd period. I wonder if Red sent flowers to the la k e r offices in L .A . W O RLD C H A M P IO N S H IP G A M E NO. 1 BOX SCORE K Fifth grade M att Dishman team members are: back row ll-r) Coach Verdetl Adams. Tim Tinnion. Damon Stoudemire. Greg Washington. Paul Clark. Daniel Frazier, Coach Vadi Simington; front row (l-r) Stevia Lawrence, Isaac King, Woodrow Green, Torrey Carter. Jason Tims. Not pictured is Coach Jamas Tims. CASCADE N A TU R O P A TH IC CLIN IC ' 'Our G oal Is Health v Families ' ’ Safe, Effective Natural Therapies • Individualized Health Appraisals • Family Medicine • Herbal and Homeopathic Medicines • Athletic and On-The-Job Injuries • Women's Health ( ’are Complete lab orato ry and Diagnostic Testing Phone 289-9914 Dr Adem Ladd Dr. Steven Bailey Licensed Naturopathic Physicians 819 N. KILLING SW O RTH community Team zr A its . Worthy.......................................... 57 8 -1 0 4-6 11 5 20 rta m tts ............................................... 22 4-6 0 -0 2 0 » t d u l- J a b i i r , .............................. 22 6-11 0—0 4 1 12 c. 54 8-1 4 3-4 1 12 10 u c o t t j ............................................ % 5-14 0 -0 u 'û r.n o o n . Joop e r ....................................... ihi M 2 ¿4 hCAJoo........................................... 10 2 ¿1 6-1 5 0 -0 3 12 tC„ 16 4- 4-5 2 14 . p r i i i '3 ......................................... 15 4- 0 -2 5 k u p c tik ......................................... It, 3-3 1 -2 4 0 -t()0 14-21 ' i l i . ............. 240 43 28 23 114 BOSTON CELTICS 148 A; I- te i a lv . . . . i»? 4 A t 6-*4 1? 1 ¿b Itfl. i r J ............... M.14 2 -2 b V 1 1 > i a r l a r .......... 6 -1 t 6 -7 10 1 1 I h b -14 1-1 4 1 1 5 1 19 9 -1 5 0 -0 t-u c X n c r .. , . 3-5 0 -0 4 • 111 U ’ . . . . 3 -', 0 -0 0 •edm an.......... 0 -2 u 1 - 2 4 K i t e ............... 3T‘- 1-Á 4 ,’a r r ............... 1 -5 0 -0 2 C l a r k ............. 1 -2 0 -0 Tbtal» 240 61 -to t 17-25 li 6 1-1 ia x w a l1 . . . . 61 4 b C O M M U N IT Y T E A M CHALLENGE II Saturday, June 29, 1986 • 12 noon - 6:00 P .M . Delta Park b 6 4 26 a 0 ♦ 3 1 7 1 3 0 2 17 D O N 'T M ISS O UTI BE A PART OF THE M O ST EXCITING EVENT OF THE SUM M ER! Form a team of 12 people and compete for exciting prizes in events, such as: 3-legged races • team relays • egg toss • long jum p obstacle courses • volley ball • tug of w ar • dunk tank and morel I To register your team , call 286-2066 Deadline: Friday, June 7,1985 14« Basketball at M a tt Dishman M an Members of Magnum Force Dishman Center team are Beck row (l-r| Dorian Barnhart. Ronald Washington, Ray Nelson. Eric Velender. Don Wolfe. Anthony Simington. Shown Johnson, and front row (I r) Jason Wax. Paul Kelly. Quantril Bright. Carlos Laguardia. Erin Cowan. rose cm/ ccmmcn L A. LAKERS 114 Dishman Community Cen­ ter is a multi-purpose facility for the Elioi and Irvington neighborhoods in Nonheasl Portland. Il is under the d i­ rection o f the C ily Park Bureau. Known first as the Knoll Si Gymn, M all Dishman has provided pro­ grams and adivines such as weight lifting, swimming and boxing, in addition to community outreach programs for all ages since ihe 1950s. In particular, M all Dishman's youth programs combine education and personal development to young men and women involved, while exposing ihem io people o f different cultural and economic backgrounds. One center activity is a very success­ ful basketball program. Teams from the fifth through the eighth grades compete in local, slate and regional leagues and tournaments. Tw o learns this year have repeated their records o f finishing first in the cily, slate and Northwest regional finals of the Na National A A U Junior Olympics. Last year the eleven-and-under team trav­ eled to Frankfurt, Kenlucky, to com­ pete at the National A A U finals where they finished eighth. Players, coaches and their families worked many long hours on fundraising proj­ ects lo earn the money lo travel to the various tournaments to represent Portland and the Slate o f Oregon. W ith a commitment to repeating that effort, the eleven-and-under and the thirteen-and-under teams are ask ing support o f their efforts by solicit­ ing tax-deductible donations to as­ sist them to compete at the National A A U Junior Olympic finals in Iowa City, Iowa, and Orlando, Florida, this summer. Their goal is to raise $7,000 per team which will provide airfare, lodging, meals and registra­ tion for the 12 team members and their two coaches in July and August. $500 will cover the cost o f sending one player to the nationals and each fam­ ily is working hard to meet that goal. Sevedious Semington, Center D i­ rector and coach for Ihe eleven-and- under team, oversees the efforts of the Parent Fundraising Committee and the fundraising activities o f the play­ ers. Currently, players are selling but- tons, candy, T-shirts and collecting newspapers, bottles and cans. A sec­ ond newspaper drive is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, Junr 13 - 16. A drop-box will be available for de­ positing dry newspapers in the park­ ing lot of M att Dishman Community Center, 77 N .E . Knott. The Basketball Program's motto is "Striving for Excellence.” W ith the efforts o f the players and their fam­ ilies and the support o f friends and businesses in the community, these teams will have an opportunity to realize that motto representing our city and state at the national finals this summer The lirst w om an to be adm itted to practice before the U S Suprem e Court w e t Belva Ann Bennett Lockwood in 1879 Her adm ittance w as enabled by a Congressional action titled "an act to relieve certain legal disabilities of w om en * This is the fece of starvation in Africa. r * *^1- « Millions are suffering famine. Thousands are dying daily. It has been called “the greatest tragedy to befall mankind.” Will you help? Become a partner with Northwest Medical Teams. \Kc can t do it alone and time is running out. We need your help today! t v _ _____ a •. < a Ics . I ss ani io h clp th è s u k am i starvin g p e u p le in .Africa I u nd erstan d nts s u p p u ri can d o tilt tullussuig N orthw est Medical Teams' W orld Vision i l I (HI stili leed a c h ili! lo r uni- n iu n ili »SS (HI stili let ti ont- lam tls u f lis e (o r o lle m u n iti to h c lp p u rth a s t fonti. m e d ic ai suppltes and tra n s p u rta tio n I p ii dgt * m o n d ili lo r N O R IH A X F s | All l ) | ( Al TF AA1S Name S tr iti ( ils stale A Zip -»T* Come onll Accept the Chellengel! roonths in s u p p u ri n f th è Alati tu M I R I HAA, S | A | , | ) | ( .Al. I l AAIS p ò Bus n r s sali ni O re g o n ’ f u i s