Portland Observer, May 29, 1906. Page 5 RAINBOW COALITION BENEFIT ¿ A tA A Op Proceed» w»R go to Bieck Exchange/ P e a c e M t t t N m to Nicer ego« by R k herd Brown photographer plus fondng tor Memtmvw Coaktion anti Apartheid effort» /IT IT. O n D R E W H Q U • 0 6 n .c . a iB iR T * JÜN e -2 UtTUNMl BTOÍEK 5 - 1 0 P.M. fflU JIC « V H V IT A A N TAB A 7-10 f H O V I f l * (o rto o n i to* the 6 -7 Children l£Toi|Q A d u l 't • • • «, •*« > C h ild re n U n d e r T w e lv e NORTHWEST AFRIKAN AMERICAN BALLET Geneva's Lounge ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK Jot 4228 N .E . W illia m s 282-6363 Home of Portland's finest B B Q Ribs Heun" Keller. Entertainment Editor "Rick Mitchell — Thanks" On behelf of Better Entertainment Attraction« Network IB E.A.N ) end the community musicians. we would like to thank Rick Mitchell of The Oregonian for the coverage In this peat Sunday s edition on Young Bieck Musician* on the Portiend scene Many people have bean wondering the purpose of the article and its intentions The Intent was to bring swereness to the public of the problem that many Bieck entertainers in the RF»B market are having in being accepted into the Portiend scene Realising the problem is not only with the RfrB market We ere only making a point that our strug gie is a little herder We ere not looking for a handout; we wilt end are working for our success, but we just went to let you know that we are here end qualified If you have any comments or suggestions you would like to share, please write Io Joe (Bean) Keller at 1463 N E Killingsworth. Portiend, Enter Geneva's Lip Sync Contest Sunday. June 2nd at 9 p.m . •25 ♦15 2nd Prize 1st Pnze ♦10 3rd Prize All contestants must call 282 6363 to register and be at Geneva's by 8:30 p.m. Sunday, June 2nd. Oregon 97211 Dance, show slated On Saturday. June 22nd. Better Entertainment Attractions Network (B E A N. I will be presenting "Summer Funk ’86". an all age dance end show featuring a showcase of Portiend s finest RftB funk bends, sing­ ing groups, dancers end rappers This event will be the kickoff of B E A N a summer events. More details next week in the Portland Observer CITIZENS' GROUPS FOR THE MONTH OF M AY PRESENT FRANK REDDING AND CO AT THE ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB 1708 N.E. Alberta Ballet annual concert Jefferson H iih School Auditorium 5210 N. Kerby $6.00 Adult $3.00 Children underlß Frank Redding and Co. 8:00p .m . Every Friday ft Saturday night SATURDAY, JUNE Stevens md Son Llovd Center 284 2101 1 ,1 9 8 5 Advanced tickets at these locations: Meier 4 F rank T»"«M Orum BooM' 0" 1636 N t . Alberta Downtown 282 9465 226-1605 Male Strippers ft Female Impersonators Every Wednesday, beginning June 5. 9 p.m featuring Sheila and Company The Northwest African American Ballet will be presenting their an­ nual spring concert. Saturday. June 1st. at the Jefferson High School Auditorium The concert will begin at 8 00 p m The public is Invited to attend at the ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB 1708 N .E . A lb e rta Portland. Oregon HAS JAMES BOND FINALLY M ET HIS MATCH? ATTENTION!! CHECK CASHING N e w Store Located in N.E Portland W ith n u i lo w lo w »ares you r an cash you« ’ *• < b A0 ** t a « * w ith us h a v e en o u g h m o n ey ova» *« h g a t S ava t»ma an d m o n e y an to g a * ha» AI IB k t k Hkt M I I 4 I iTrsml« ROGER MOORE at IAN 111 M IX . \ JAMES BONI) 007'' A V IE W A K ill v IA N V A M H II V is I . « * I I « S u v M I w ill IIV Is liillll f t* » l H \ ] Muía h, f V IS IIAVm Check Cashing O pen Days 12 p m 10 P M slut le vt I *rxt0.1 MK HAI I h W II MPs I hrrtlrd by p BIN f d I \ « rrrnpUt f * '«Aki i HAIUN M •ml Mil HAI I