ADVERTISEMENT TO BID INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS C IT Y OF H IL L S B O R O TH E O P E N GATE CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received until 1 00 P M on the dates indicated In the Purchasing Department. Multnomah County School District a lJ . 501 N Dixon. Portland. Oregon ■~nlirt bid» « * ba received by tha Owner, Tualetm VaAey M ental Haarth Center, no later then June 7th. »986 at 10 00 A M et the olhca ot Gary Dom brofl. 14800 N W Cornel Road. Portland. Omgon lor »he items listed herein The protect coneete o l interior conetruction o l new w e l pertibone, tue pended ceiling», cabaret work. w e l end floor flrvehee m i n existing angle pory prefabricated m eta building Augmentation o l euetmg mechanical, electncel. plumbing, end rape* end addition o l »ome »»tenor walk» • date June " . »965 June » » ’ R«5 June 1 L tdR5 aim pert ol the work The contract w * be «warded to the loweet reaponeible bidder provided that the bid he» been aubmitted m eccordencd with the requirement» ol the contract document» and ooee not eiceed the fund* available end description Cleaning Oil Tanks at Various Schools All-Weather Tracks at Various Schools Contract tor Reconditioning and Servicing of Typewriters for School Years 1985-86 and 1986-87 Formal an. ement detailed specifications and bidding documents n « y be obtained at the above address For additional inlormalion, please contact Michael J Hutchens, Director ol Purchasing 249-3305 completion time »tipuieied in the propoael The Owner w ehae to occupy the bukdmg by September 9th. ,9 8 6 No bed wR be corwdered unleae fully complete m the manner provided n the Inetruction» to Bidden upon the bid form provided, accompanied by • bid bond Bidden »hall be prequeklied ai accordance with chapter 779 o l Oregon Raveed Statue» Prequefchcation lorm» the» be completed end relumed to the Owner ,0 day» prior to the date o l the tad opening N o n d le crtm ln a tlo o B idden on th e work wtfl be required to comply with the proin«iona o l Federal Executive Order »»248 The requirement» lor bald en end convector» are eiplaaied in the Speciflcation» The proyecl ■» funded in pert with Community Development Block Grant lund» »nd »Ubtect to ak federal compkance requirement» The Architect ■» John Fmklee Architect. 708 S A Stark Street. Suite JOT. Portland. Oregon 97204 B idden may obtain one aat of bidding document» et the Architect'» olflce upon depoait o l 4226 00 Addrtmnal •at» and partiel »et» may be purcheeed from the Architect lor the coat ol reproduction Are You Out of Work? No job skills? Out of spending money? If you’re between the ages of 16-21» JOB CORPS is the answer. Call 225-1941 to find out how to get FREE job skills training, room and board, spending money, GED. JOB CORPS is the answer. For appointment: 225-1941 Page8. JOBS, M a y » . 1905 *. ♦ t i* f - »B . . •a *** * * ' ? “•* Z a J * .*«4* ► * ' ' t P. b * ’i / p r • •** * •’ •* * j