Jobs Classifieds REPROGRAPHICS The in-house Reprographics Depart­ ment of a major health insurance com ­ pany is accepting applications through May 31 from candidates with at least 6 months experience operating a Copy- graphic M CS Powerview 10 Other front- ends will be acceptable Accurate typing at 60 W P M required Pasteup and press experience desirable Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O regon Personnel Department. 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer RESEARCH ASSOCIATE T h ree year P ostdoctoral Position in mycorrhizal ecology avail able July 1, 1985. Ph D. in Botany re­ quired, with emphasis on fungus taxon omy and classification of ectomycor- rhizae Experience in collection, identifi­ cation, isolation and pure culture mamp ulation of ectomycorrhizal fungi essen tial Good writing skills needed Applica tion closing date June 17, 1985 Send resume, transcripts, and three letters of reference to Dr. Logan Norris Department of Forest Science Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 A n Equal O pportunity/ A ffirm ative Action Employer Complies Sec. 504 Rehab. 1973. otv1 CITY OF PORTLAND HELP W ANTED S enior Financial Analyst $2,536/mo. to start. Activist Apply by June 10, 1986 Nonviolent Revolutionary Grassroots organizing on peace environment and »K iel justice Pnrnery task canvassing, benefits includ collective organizational structure, meeting performance stan dard Produces wage of $146+ a wfe W a te r E ngineer Supervisor $3,203/m o. to start Newclear News 228 4683 Senior P lu m b in g Inspecto r $2,501 /m o . to start Must be eligible for certification by State of Oregon as a Plumbing Inspector Apply by June 28, 1985 AH positions include City-paid benefits RESUMES W ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Apply to Portland Civil Service 1220 S W Fifth Avenue, First Floor Portland. Oregon 97204 or Urban League 10 N. Russell Portland, Oregon 97227 CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER M u s t H a v e A C S W . R C S W Eligible General out patient caseload in com munrty mental health center. Supervi- s»n of 2nd year social work students within multidisciplinary training pro gram New A C S W preferred Variety of treatment approaches used Minimum salary $22,000 Good benefits package Resumes, including references, please, postmarked by July 15, 1985 D ealun ay M e n ta l H ealth C an te r 5215 N Lombard St. Portland, OR 97203 Equal Opportunity Employer AD M INISTRATIVE A saistant 2 The Oregon Department of Energy in Salem is now recruiting for a AAII posi bon. This position requires four years progressively responsible experience in coordination and/or technical evalua tion Experience with computenzed data base management and research pnnci pies is desired College course work may be u9ed for up to two years of ex penence. Salary $1,301 ■ $1,648 If in­ terested please call Shem Hampton. 378-4912 or write U ICXM. lw»,0»l« PROGRAM COORD I HAT OR 3 EEO. MM » la b o r Coas>t lance O f c r . ) $ 7 .0 8 5 - $ 7 .6 5 0 m onthly This p o s itio n 1s Jepartment of w ith the Oregon T ran sp o rtatio n , Ighway D iv is io n , located In Salem. Duties Include managing he compliance review program and m onitoring highway construction contract requirements regarding 1v11 rig h ts . To be considered, applicants must have four years ) f experience in vo lvin g s te a d ily ncreaslng management responsi­ b i l i t y p e rtin e n t to the p o s itio n ; UNO a B achelor's degree 1n Business Id m in ., Engineering, Public Admin >r re la te d f i e l d , or three more years of responsible p e rtin e n t txpertence. Contact ODOT Personnel (503) 373-7663 fo r announcement nd a p p lic a tio n . LET ME TYPE YOUR R esum es • T erm s Papers • Letters Fast A c cu ra ta ODOE 1021 & l Bldg Salem, OR 97310 by June 10. 1985 ODOE is an Equal Opportunity Employer Reasonable Phone 1503)886-7423. ask for Cathy JOBS. May 22, 1965, Page 7