Jobs Classifieds Jobs SIGNAL TECHNICIAN II M ULTNOM AH COUNTY Program D e ve lo p m en t Specialist S tate M e n ta l H ealth Liaison $22,216 $27,166 annually, performs ad ministrative work involving planning, system design and management of serv ices between Multnomah County and state mental hospital facilities; requires cxie year of adult mental and emotional (Usabilities program planning experience; apply by May 31, 1985 C o m m u n ity O u tre a c h /E d u c a to r Prim ary Prevention P rogram $21,068 $24,304 annually; plans and administers community primary proven to n health education programs, requires health education degree and one year experience; apply by June 7, 1986 Prim ary P revention C o o rd in ato r $22,216 $27,165 annually; performs administrative work in organizing, plan ning and evaluating the Community Pnmary Prevention Program; apply by June 7, 1985 C orrections O ffic er $8 45 per hour; performs work in the custody, care and humane treatment of adult male or female inmates in a tail or other detention environment; controls, monitors and supervises tho movement and activities of inmates; applicants must be age 21. U S . citizens, author ized to dnve and have two years of col lege, two years of corrections, law en­ forcement or social service related work or a combination of education and ex penence, applications received by June 21, 1985, will be scheduled for the next examination R om anian In te rp rete r $6 51 $7 90 per hour; participates as a member of a health team in the provision of health services to refugees, requires two years of experience or education in community health or social work and the ability to speak Romanian and Eng lish, apply by June 7, 1986 WHERE TO APPLY: M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C o u rth ou se 1021 S W Fourth Ave., Room 134 Portland, Oregon 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer Page 2, JOBS, May 29. 1985 C ity of Salem $8 792 $10 281 /h r. Considerable experience, journey level work in installation, repair, maintenance of traffic signal controllers and related equipment or equivalent combination of experience and training Possess or be able to obtain Oregon Limited Mainte nance Electrician’s License; Oregon driver's license and good dnving record Ability to work at heights or under- grrxxid Ctosng date: June 7, 1985. Apply C ity o f Salem Pars D ept. 555 Liberty S.E., Room 225 Salem, Oregon 97301 Equal Opportunity Employer DRIVERS W ANTED V o lu n teer Drivers State of Oregon Travel and lunch expenses reimbursed. Call 229 5660 FREE READING BY PHONE Let B uddy tell you all — you need not say anything Call (904) 629-9123 2620 N W Pine Ave. Ocala. FL 32675 HELP WANTED Pro d uctio n Person M CS system 8400 and 7200 typesetters Newspaper /commecial plant Send resume: P roduction D irecto r P. 0 Box 407 Gig Harbor, W A 98335 HELP W ANTED S h ee tfe d Press Person Stripping, operate, maintain 1850 mulit, 18x24 Kord. Send resume: Pro d uctio n D irecto r P 0 Box 407 Gig Harbor, W A 98335 Classifieds RECREATIONAL VEHICLES RV's fo r Lessl Komforts, King of the Road and Sun raders LOWEST prices around. O cean W ay RV McMinnville, Oregon Call (5031 434 6505 LOANS/FINANCING Contracts ft M o rtg ag es Real Estate Need Money? W e loan on all types of real estate, easy qualifying. Rapid Fund ngl W e buy contracts, Call now. Toll free 1 8 0 05 37 5498 Oregon Land Mortgage investments Stop paying federal and state taxes on interst from savings and CD's by investing in Oregon tax exempt municipal bonds. FREE bond list T o m M o o re 1 800 452 0955 MISCELLANEOUS Design C hange Flashing arrow sign. Only pennies daily to operatel Almost free advertising. $297 cmoplete, was $499 Warranty See locally, call H ale Signs 1 8 0 0 4 2 3 0163 SCHOOLS & TRAINING Nanny A c a d e m y N o rth w e s t State Licensed Outstanding Job Op portunities. Trained Nannies in demand Apply now. June/Septem ber classes Day/Eve. 5188 S W Baird Portland, Oregon 97219 (503) 244 0470 HELP WANTED HELP W ANTED C am era Person News()a(x>r commercial knowledge of enlarger. halftones, process camera, stats, screen negs. stnppxiq Send resume P roduction D irecto r P O Box 407 Gig Harbor, W A 98335 C o s m e to lo g is t/H a ir Designer Mam Street location, excellent clientele available Call (503) 384 2092 for Su­ zanne, or send resume to P O Box 372 Condon, OR 97823