•» * Page 6, Section II, Portland O bserver, May 29, 1905 Writing your resume: Planning to marry soon. Howard University 1986 graduates Duane A. Dilworth and Jacquelyn M Brewer, center, receive congratulation* from fellow The resume is a necessary tool for every jo b hunter and is particularly c ritic a l to the new g rad u te. There are two primary reasons for this: 1. The new graduate usually has little background and experience to sell a prospective employer. 2. The level o f competition for en­ try-level jobs means that a prospec­ tive em ployer has a wide choice o f applicants, and first impressions are im portant; the resume is frequently the first impression. T h e most d if f ic u lt p art o f preparing a resume is deciding how to make it stand out when so many people with similar backgrounds are also in com petition w ith you. P u t­ ting several hundred words on one (or at the most two) pages in a m an­ ner th at w ill co n vin c e someone whom you have never met that you should be interviewed is a challenge re q u irin g yo u r best crea tiv e and composition skills. Before you begin preparing your resum e, review w h a t you know about the em ploym ent process. The problem the hiring organization has is th at n o n a c c e p 'a b le cand idates must be sorted out so that there will be m ore lim e to c o n ce n tra te on plausible applicants. Also, most of the su b je ctive ju d g m e n ts in the selection process are m ade in the early stages. So do not give a poten­ tial employer any reason not to in ­ terview you by su b m ittin g a poor resume. Y o ur resume, then, must presell you Personality is not yet a factor, as th ere is no in te rp ers o n a l chem istry at this stage o f the selec­ tio n process. T h e p o te n tia l e m ­ ployer reading your resume has no w ay o f kn o w in g w hether you are b rig h t or d u ll, elo q u en t o r in a r ­ ticulate, personable or introverted, because at this tim e you are just a c o lle c tio n o f facts on a piece o f paper. It is, th erefore, critical that the proper inform ation be conveyed on the resume so th at a p o sitive decision w ill be made to interview you. student* after earning BS/DDS and B S /M D de grows. respectively, in only six year*. Brewer is the top-ranking graduate in the medical class Top med student to be June bride reer in medicine when she was in the by Henry Duvall As the spring rite o f graduation blossoms on college campuses nation­ wide. Howard University 1985 grad uate Jacquelyn M . Brewer has reason to be excited — doubly excited. The 24-year-old Richmond, V A , native is the top-ranking graduate in How ard’s medical class and plans to become a June bride, marrying a "study buddy” who proposed to her during their freshman year But Brewer and her fiance, Duane A. Dilworth, graduating from H ow ­ ard’s dental school, are unlike most medical and dental graduates, who spend eight years en route to M D and DD S degrees. They earned their bachelor's and professional degrees in only six years. They were among some 2,000 graduates at How ard’s 117th, M ay 11th commencement. Brewer and Dilworth managed to cut two years from the traditional eight years through an accelerated program for highly motivated, aca­ demically outstanding students. While in high school, Brewer says she learned o f How ard’s accelerated B S /M D program from a visiting recruiter. The idea of earning a medi­ cal degree in just six years "seemed too good to be true," she stresses, noting that she had decided on a ca- 10th grade. Dilworth, a 23-year-old St. Louis native, had planned to matriculate at the University o f Missouri at Kansas City, where he was told he could earn baccalaureate and dental degrees in seven years. Bui a friend of the family convinced him that he should go to Howard in Washington, D .C . Winning academic awards and active in extracurricular activities in high school, both were high-caliber students whom any university would have welcomed. Attending a pre­ dominantly Black university, how­ ever, had a special appeal. Students entering How ard’s six- year preprofessional programs must rank in the top 5 percent o f their high school graduating class and have a combined Scholastic Aptitude Test score o f at least 1200. Along with high academic creden­ tials, maturity is a chief personal characteristic required of candidates for the B S /M D and B S /D D S pro­ grams, which are based in the t enter for Preprofessional Education in How ard’s C ollege of Liberal Arts. In addition to the B S /M D and BS DDS programs, Howard offers a similarly accelerated, ombined de­ gree program leading to the doctor of podiatric medicine degree in conjunc­ tion with the Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine. Students enrolled in the two-year undergraduate phase o f the three pro­ grams are offered no guarantees for admission to the university’s health profession schools or to the Pennsyl­ vania college. Brewer is the first student in H o w ­ ard's six-year B S /M D and B S /D D S programs, which began in 1972, to graduate at the top of a class, accord­ ing to Dr. Clarence M Lee, associate dean o f the College of Liberal Aris. Both become the first physician and dentist, respectively, in their fam ­ ilies. They plan to marry on June 15 in her native Richmond, V A . Brewer is making her own wedding dress — "100-pcrcent silk imported from C hina," she beams After a honeym