Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 29, 1985, Page 15, Image 15

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    Portland Observer. May 29, 1985, Section II, Page 5
Could you be a career CPA?
The professional accountng field
has grown immensely in the last 3$
years and is s till expanding. In the
United States, there are more than
10,000 accountants. Despite the
strong attraction to the Public A c­
co un ting profession in the 3 or 4
decades, college-bound high school
graduates know less about public
accounting than they do about other
professions. Here are some answers
to some o f the questions often asked
about the accounting profession.
I f you become a tax accountant,
you wil assist or advise in the filing
o f various tax returns (state and
federal) and you w ill be involved in
resolving any problems or questions
resulting from any revenue agent's
exam ination o f your c lie n t's re­
in fo rm a tio n consulting (Business
systems) area, you w ill work exten­
sively with computers, management
information reporting and control.
la being a CPA rewarding?
Who era CPA'«?
Minority dealers sought
AKRON, Ohio — Gcxxlyear is
looking for qualified minorities inter­
ested in operating their own tire and
auto service centers.
Using the slogan, "G o into busi­
ness for yourself — but not by your­
self." the company is seeking minor­
ities who have had experience in the
retail tire and/or automotive service
business, or a strong background in
retail sales,” said Matthew Brown,
Goodyear's manager of dealer de­
velopment. This includes those al­
ready in the retail tire business who
want to expand.
Minorities who enter the company's
franchised dealership program arc
supported by Goodyear training,
advertising and marketing assistance
every step ot the way.
A strong minority tire dealer net­
work produces jobs and keeps profits
within the community. Brown said.
"We are demonstrating that private
enterprise can work successfully for
minorities around the country.
"The total automotive retail after-
market is a multimillion-dollar-a-
year business, which makes the GcxxJ-
year program a business opportunity
minorities should learn more bout."
Persons interested in the Goodyear
minority dealer program should write
to Matthew L. Brown, Manager,
Dealer Development; The Goodyear
Tire A Rubber Company, 1144 T
Market St., Akron, Ohio 44T|6-(MM»I
C P A 's are specially trained
professionals who usually have
either undergraduate or graduate
degrees in business and accounting
They have to pass an exam ad­
ministered by the state in order to
practice CPA's perform accounting
services, fo r a fee, fo r the public,
large and sm all businesses, non­
p ro fit organizations, partnerships
and individuals A CPA may prac­
tice alone (a sole practitioner), in a
small local or regional partnership
or in one o f the very large national
and worldwide accounting firms. As
experts in accounting, their business
is selling o pinio ns on accounting
matters to clients. Since these
o pinio ns a ffe c t o th e r’ s m ajor in ­
vestments and business decisions, a
C P A 's reputation and practice to
clients is on the line in every
business encounter
W hat do C P A ’s do?
They are involved in three basic
areas o f accounting practice:
auditing, (axes and management in ­
fo rm a tio n consu ltin g (Business
systems) Most C PA's develop sub
stantial skill in and lim it their prac­
tice to ju s t one o f these areas.
However, a small number of C P A ’s
operate as general practitioners and
perform services in all three
If you become an a u d ito r, you
w ill devote much o f your tim e to
examining financial statements to be
put into your client's annual report
to shareholders.
In many ways it is a challenging
profession where you can develop
your own skills at your own pace,
even a very rapid pace. One can
q u ic k ly assume sizeable respon­
sibilities and a leadership role. Il is a
fie ld where the o nly thing that
determ ines your progress is you.
The profession is financially rewar­
ding. CPA compensation is equal or
better than that o f the lop level ac­
counting personnel in industry.
Earnings progress to more than
$50,000 a year at the p artne rship
level, and well beyond that fo r ac­
counting firm executives.
What akilla do«» a CPA need?
You must have superior technical
ability Also, you must be “ people-
oriented” in this profession. In o r­
der to be an expert accountant, one
must have high quantitative abilities
and a genuine interest in numbers.
The necessary "p e o p le s k ills ” in ­
clude excellent w ritten and verbal
com m unication a b ility , the a b ility
to w ork w ith and deal e ffe c tiv e ly
w ith others, even under stress, and
the capacity to present one's views
effectively and persuasively.
Where cen CPA informetion
be obteined?
You can start with the accounting
departm ent at yo ur college or
university, or any career counselor
in yo u r area. A ls o , you can
write the American Institute o f Cer­
tified Public Accountants (A IC P A )
at 1211 Avenue o f the A m ericas,
New Y o rk, N .Y . 10036. Financial
aids is sometimes available for those
seeking accounting or business
careers. The A IC P A provides a
number o f partial scholarships each
year to undergraduate m in o rity
students who are enrolled in accoun­
ting programs.
Get a degree of experience
Many jobs today require a degree
for eligibility or for promotion. Too
often the c rite ria fo r h irin g are
credentials rather than knowledge.
This is a frequently used technique
to lim it employing elderly workers,
women and minorities.
The G .l. B ill, federal and slate
student loan programs have made it
easy for a student eligible for college
to attend, in the past. However, a
college education is becoming
lim ited to the a ffluent now as was
the case years ago.
An interesting alternative to the
standard 4-year college attendance
is being o ffe re d by Thom as A
Edison College Founded in 1972, in
Edison, New Jersey, it has awarded
associate or bachelor degrees to
more than a thousand students for
academic study at another college,
for knowledge acquired on the job,
or for independent study.
Edison College has no faculty, no
library, and no campus. It is one o f
New Jersey's nine state colleges. It is
housed in a small b u ild in g rented
from nearby Princeton University.
The college was accredited by the
M id dle States A ssociation o f
Schools and Colleges in July. This is
the same organization that accredits
Princeton University.
The college is named a fte r
Thomas Edison, the inventor o f the
electric light and the phonograph,
w ho never went to college. The
college catalogue states that, today,
E d iso n ’ s academic credentials
"w o u ld probably not be considered
for a responsible job at any research
firm in the country.”
Edison is the o nly accredited
college that o ffe rs no academic
courses, provides credit fo r life ex­
perience and exists solely fo r
recognizing knowledge.
The college docs little adver­
tisement fo r fear that it w ill look
like a college degree mail order mill
How long a degree applicant went
to school is not material. They w ill
search the college archives. Practical
and general knowledge in various
fields can be combined fo r degree
evaluation by faculty consultants.
A fte r establishing previous
college credits arrangements can be
made w ith Edison academic coun­
selors to take a d d itio n a l courses
thav may be required for a degree.
The courses can be taken near your
Edison basically d iffe rs fro m
other external degree program s
because it relies more on individual
w ritte n
exam inations. A lm o st V) o f its
students are over 30 years o f age.
The college recognizes that the value
o f its credentials w ill be determined
by rep uta tio ns established by its
A fter receiving a degree, Edison
graduates have been accepted as
graduate students at various univer­
This is a marvelous o p p o rtu n ity
to use the to ta lity o f the Black ex­
perience for academic credentials.
Some African group* prized milk as
a precious food and reserved it for
adult men
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