Page 10, Portland Observer, May 29, 1986 Elected Black officials up The numoer o f Black elected offi- cials rose by 6.2 percent nationwide last year, reports the Joint Center for Political Studies, which has conduct­ ed an annual census o f Black officials since 1970. Between January 1984 and January 1985, the total number in­ creased from J,700 io 6,056. Last year's increase was 1.7 percent. Some 85 percent o f the increase took place in the South, which con­ tains 53 percent o f the country’s Black population and 63 percent of all Black elected officials. Alabama had a net gain of 61; South Carolina. 47; Georgia, 39; and Louisiaian, 37. Lou­ isiana, where 27 percent o f the voting- age population is Black, remains the state with the largest number of Black officials — 475 — followed by Mis sisippi, with a 31 percent Black voting-age population and 444 Black OWN A HOME FOR LESS THAN s25.000! ★ THAT'S RIGHT!!! - HUD is offering several homes listed below for officials. The increases were spread across all levels o f office except federal, where Katie H a ll’s (D -IN ) defeat in the May 1984 primary reduced the number of Black members o f Congress to 20. The number o f Black mayors in­ creased by 31. to 286 — the largest increase o f any year since the center began counting. Black elected o ffi­ cials remain disproportionately con­ centrated in municipal offices — mostly city councils; some 48 percent o f Black officials are municipal o ffi­ cials, while only 27 percent of all elected officials fall in that category. Some significant firsts in 1984: — New York State gained its first Black mayor: Ronald A. Blackwood, in Mount Vernon. — Pennsylvania got its first Black woman slate senator: Roxanne Jones, from Philadelphia. Yvonne Miller of Norfolk, Virginia, is the first Black woman since Reconstruction to win election to the state House o f Dele gates. Oregon got its first Black woman in the slate legislature: M a r­ garet Carter from Portland. — Alabama elected its first Black woman judge, Jo Celeste Pettway. Despite these firsts and the 6.2 percent overall increase, however, Blacks still hold only 1.2 percent of the 490,800 elective officers in the country. Black elected official* con­ tinue to be concentrated in Black majority districts and generally de­ pend on the Black electorate for victory. The number of Black women in office continues to grow at a faster rate than the number of Black men. In January 1985, there were 1,358 Black women in office, an increase of 99, or 8 percent, over the previous year — as compared to a 5.7 percent increase for Black male officehold­ ers Black women now make up 22 4 percent of all Blacks in elective o f­ less than ‘25,000!!! .INTERESTED? - Call any real estate agent and say, “I’m ★ interested In owning a HUD home.” They’ll provide you with the information, show you homes, complete the paperwork, and best of all, HUD PAYS the agent’s commission, if there’s a sale. ★ TOO EXPENSIVE? - If our low, low asking price is more than your budget will allow, make us an offer!! We might accept it!! ★ WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? • Call or see a real estate agent TODAY!!! 's', BID OPENING HOMES BID ACCEPTED UNTIL 11:00 AM JUNE 10 BID OPENING 1:00 PM JUNE 10 ’ ,1 1 5 Mary i Way. Central Pomi 3 Bd 2 Ba •47.000 t ,8 8 S q Ft * M 7 (roadw ay SI N, (a lte a d a 2 Bd 1 Ba 740 Sq F, '» .0 0 0 * 1715 Concord I I . Euoono 2 B d 1 B a 6 2 4 S q Ft ‘ > ,5 0 0 1 rrhard t F imene 1r f t w t O u rtn e ru t ei. ew ww ’ m 1 B d, 1 B a 9 7 6 S q F, '15.000 433 (a rX Iey W. Gladatono 3 B d. t Ba 1079 S q Fl ,10 0 Tamara Cl», G rin ta Paaa 3 B d . 2 B a , 100 S q Ft ‘M 0 M 4 M Main ( Pilot RocX 2 B d. 1 B a 1046 S q F, '10 000 * (0 0 Lincoln t l . Sllaarton 3 Bd 1 Ra 1142 Sq Fl *33.000 3 (0 0 0 5011 25th A»« NE Portland 3 B d 1 B a 1321 S q F, '11.000 513 1Tth St N S prlngfltld 3 B d. 1 Ba. 1210 S q Fl '1 1 5 0 0 '5000 1 7 M Praecet, t l N. Portland 2 Bd, 1 Ba 6 0 8 Sq F, •17 000 11720 M T H St NE, Vancovaar 4 B d 1 B a 1 27 9 S q Ft '32.000 717 Lineal« t t . Klamath Falla 2 B d t B a 1156 S q F, BID OPENING HOMES BID ACCEPTED UNTIL 11:00 AM JUNE 3 BID OPENING 1:00 PM JUNE 3 H M L o e X h a a a n Aaa S p rln jl 3 B d , B a 1 01 2 S q Ft • 1252 1SSth A ra SW Saaaarton 3 Bd 2 Ba 1306 Sq FI '33.000 207 Croche» Ln Façon» 3 Bd 1 Ba 1012 S q Fi '11 .( M •2 0 5 ChoaaN. Portland 2 B d 1 B a. 8 8 3 S q Fl •27.000 * 117 M Cimatura Ad IW Saaaarton 4 B d 3 B a 1 8 2 0 S q Ft •71.000 350 Kuby A ra Eufono 5 Bd V i Ba 2031 Sq Fl •47.500 4124 Grand Aa« NE Portland 2 Bd 1 Ba 8 60 Sq F, •17,000 * 374 11IM St 1. ItH o M n a 3 Bd , Ba 1118 S q F, M Franwood Way SW. Sooaorton 4 B d t B a. ,1 4 0 S q F, •43.000 375 Elmwood C I Oregon City 3 B d r , B a ,2 7 8 S q F i •42.(00 ' I M ’ Eugana C l NE Salom 3 B d. 2 Ba 1233 S q F, ‘ M.OOO * 4 I M 0 Anconla O r Trail 2 Bd 2 Ba 1440 S q F, O S Klnaa Court, Conbai Pomi 3 B d . V .v B a 1 1 9 6 S q F , •17.500 •17.000 ' ( ( 4 5 0 (1 (prlnghald 3 B d 1 B a 1 ,7 8 S q F , '» .S M * 24 Martin Or. Umatilla 3 Bd 1 Ba 1056 Sq F, ■«too •24 I M • 1 (O M (Ih C rN E .V a n e o v a a r 3 Bd 2 Ba 1354 S q F, •44 7 50 >141 IM h PI W. (a fo n o 4 B d 2 B a 1341 S q F, '» .5 0 0 * (0 4 Sth | , IW PandMton 3 Bd 1 Ba 768 S q Ft 4 (1 1 l l l h Aao N f . Portland 3 Bd 1 Ba 1124 S q F, (p rln ffla td 1 Ba 9 00 Sq F, 3 (2 1 G I I •1S.1M 3 Bd fices. EXTENDED LISTING HOMES S cho ol Lunch M enu • 1 M 7 0S Jaapar St t Cornanti» 4 B d 2 B a 1 8 5 8 S q F t D u p le . • t 104 7th I t t. 3 Bd. t Ba Monday. June 3 Zesty Tostada w/Lettuce, Tomato Whole Kernel Corn Pineapple Chunks Chocolate Pudding M ilk Tuesday. June 4 Golden fish Wedge Skinny french fries Tossed Salad Hot Soft Prct/el Orange Wedges Milk Wednesday. June 6 Beef Sausage Puva Celery Chunks w/Peanut Butler Dip Peach Slices Sugar Cookie M ilk Thursday. June 6 Hot Dog Tater Triangle Carrot Coins w/Ranch Dip Apple H alf M ilk Friday, J u n e 7 Golden Baked Chicken Tater Rounds Mixed Vegetables Peanut Butter Brownie Ice Juicee M ilk r V * ■ LftAftHSBSl Carta®« G roat 1 3 7 3 S q Ft 1 M S Van ®wran C oriapa G roat 2 B d 1 B a 7 9 6 S q Ft •10.( M •M .IM 1121 OLaon I I (E MHwoaXla 2 Bd 1 Ba 9 8 0 S q Ft 'M O M •11.» > 11 H o w la n d I t . M y rtle C roat 2 Bd • 104 3rd I t Gatto« 3 B d . 1 - iB a , 136 0 S q Ft •42.5M ‘>.500 NOTICE TO ALL REAL ESTATE BROKERS 5 7 6 S q Ft 701 Tuomaa I t . Myrtle C roat 3 B d 1 'v B a 1 9 0 0 S q F t 1S111 (1 4 Praacotl Cl. Klamath Fatta V ac a n t Lot 1 Ba b , o n t D 2B d 1 Ba 864 Sq '>4.000 Ft (0 ,5 - 1 7 Albma Aa» N Portland 4 B d 2 B a 1 6 9 5 S q F t D u p le « •1 (1 5 « ‘» M O ■” * * “ . F, 4 7 » Ratio« Dr K Salam 2 B d 1 B a 8 0 7 S q Ft T i l l Inaloy I E . P o rtlan d 4057 PacX 0» Klamath Falla 2 B d 1 B a 7 8 6 S q Ft 55 000 *17,1 S O V O 'I S O M | 7 M 12 Albina A ta N Portland 2 B d 2 B a . 1 1 5 0 S q F t D u p le « 1 1 0 0 M i l l I t NE. V ancouftr 0124 Calhoun I t N. Portland 2B d 1 Ba 720 S q Ft '>0.000 M S 14th I t NW. Vancovaar 4 B d 2 B a 1752 M 1 4 MKhtçan Aro N. Portland 5 B d 1 'V B a 1 6 8 0 S q F I *15.MO 141 lid i« Aaa NÉ Satani 3 B d 1 B a 9 4 5 S q Ft '» .0 0 0 3 Bd 1W 1 Ba 1248 S q Ft S O L D ,0 7 WHaon Aaa W Tacott 3 Bd , Ba 9 ,2 S , F, C h a n g e OF EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT PROCEDURES The R m I Estate broker m u ll collect | 1 000 Earnest Money and deposit m their client» trust account withm 24 hours attar receipt The Real Estate Broker m utt hold the earnest money w their cNent a truat account until closing Ail aaiea offer a submitted to HUD must include completed HUD forma Offer to Purchase Brokers Tender 9551 Appendix B Net Offer to HUD Earnest Money Forfeiture Statement 9542 and Earnest Money Certificate by the Real Eatata Brokers These forma may be obtained from the local HUD office TERMS AND CONDITIONS ★ Only homes with * are eligible for FHA mortgage Inaurance. Buyer must choose ★ The only contingency tor financing Is FHA mortgage insurance. These properties are identified with an *. Homes listed above as “Extended Listing Homes" and Homes ilsted as “Bid Opening Homes" that are not sold as a result of the competitive bid offering will remain available for sale until such time as they are subsequently relisted under different terms. Each working day at 3:30 pm offers received for these homes during the day will ba evaluated. In the event that circumstances prevent HUD from opening offers on a given day, the properties will remain available up to the point of actual acceptance by HUD of the best net offer. Offers submitted under this procedure shall be submitted In appropriately marked sealed en­ velopes containing HUD-9551 with addendum, sales contract, earnest money deposit, and forfeiture statement. ALL HOMES SOLD AS IS, NO WARRANTY. Our Next Advertisement June 71 U.S. DEPT. OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT • i . • • . % « » i- r - T V * ? . • ú • • , . • • * . 'M .0 0 0