Portland Observer, May 22, 1906, Page 9 CB radio a big part of summertime travel preparation It's sum mertim e again For many o f us, that means it ’s tim e for the fam ily vacation. T h e time to pile A lte r days o f driving and a few Fights between the kids, you reach your destination. Y o u ’re ready for the the kids in the car and take o ff on the road in search o f adventure. U n fo rtu n a te ly , the fam ily vacation fun to begin W hether it ’s camping or slaying in a hotel, y o u ’ll probably en too often turns out more like this: It's 95 degrees. are in the Bobby and Sally back seat com plaining about the heat Y o u 're driving along a state road on the way to the G rand Canyon. Then you see it. T he smoke rolls out fro m under the hood, and joy some sort o f outdoor activity while on vacation. U n fo rtu n a te ly , m inor accidents during outdoor vaca­ tions are almost as com m on as having car trouble somewhere along the way. T here’ s not a lot you can do to pre­ vent an accident when, for example, stark realization hits: the car is over­ hiking or canoeing, except be careful and rax lake any unnecessary chances. heating. O r — you're driving through the This includes not going .in w h e re alone. The “ buddy system" seems basic, but most tt’s a M U S T . remote part of the Sm oky Whenever you’re going to be away your signal can be heard. L oo k fix the new C B models, many o f which the car o ff the road and out o f the line o f tra ffic . Slay close to the ear. Espe­ with items such a a compact first aid kid, are designed w ith special convenience features, such as compact size, carry­ main calm if there’s an accident while you’re hiking or fishing, because compass i» map o f the area (usually available in most state parks), a can­ teen o f water and a pocket flashlight with spare batteries. cially since it's summer, find a shady place nearby to void heat exhaus­ ing cases and cases that can clip to tion. T ry to conserve fuel by not run­ your belt or pocket. Prices for the portable models range fro m $80 to $150 you’re not as easily spotted. Slay where you are. I f you're carrying a portable C B ra d io , use it to call for ning the car for air conditioning pur­ from your car for any length o f tim e, you should cany a small backpack filled Now you’re aware o f how to pre­ pare your car and yourself for the fam ily vacation. But what do you do A good rule o f thum b is to also car­ ry a portable C B radio (a "w a lk ie - ta lk ie " ) to call f ix help in case o f an in the event o f a real emergency? The most im portant thing to re­ emergency. W hen shopping for a w alkie-talkie, make sure it has ample power and sufficient channel access so member is to stay calm You need to keep a clear head and think rationally. I f the emergency is car trouble, pull poses. I f you have a rescue-oriented C B radio, tune to Channel 9, the help. M em orize the landm arks and check your compass or m ap m i you channel most m onitored by police and highway patrol units. M a n y models can give good directions to the rescue unit A gain, by using a ( ' H , assistance will be on the w ay w ithin a short time on the market today have a switch that instantly accesses Channel 9. Fam ily vacations provide some o f the happiest memories that last a life ­ Once you’re receiving Channel 9, make your call for help W ith a C B , time. T ake the extra tim e and money rescue is just moments away. It's even more im portant to re­ necessary to prepare for your fa m ily ’s well-being. By planning ahead, you’ ll have a safe and exciting trip! M ountains with the car air condition­ er going full blast and (he car in low gear chugging up the winding roads. A ll o f a sudden , the car dies. These Feature Grocery item s Are Just An Example Of W hat You w ill Find in Your "Safeway Shopping Guide” T he warning lights on the dash light up. T he car rolls to the side o f the road, but w o n ’t turn over or make any sound when you try to start it. T heelctrical system has failed O r maybe you’ re one o f the fo r­ tunate ones who arrive at their vaca­ tion paradise without any car tro u ­ ble. You and the fam ily are enjoying a nice, quiet hike through Y e llo w ­ stone N ational Park when suddenly your foot slides on a rock, causing you to fall and twist your ankle. Scenes like these have become all too fam iliar to many vacationers. But there are safety precautions you can take to avoid turning the fam ily vaca­ tion into a circus. The key to a trouble-free vacation begins with preparing your car for long-distance travel. I t ’s wise to take your car to a diagnostic center and follow through with their suggested repairs. Although spending this money may seem unnecessary, it could save you a bundle later by spar­ ing you serious car trouble. You yourself can check the car's air Filter, oil level, coolant fo r the air conditioner, and windshield washer fluid. You should also check your tires for wear, and make sure they have the correct air pressure before leaving town. It ’s also a good idea to have sev­ eral safety items handy in the glove com partm ent or tru nk. You may want to have a flashlight and extra batteries, a jug o f water and some high-protein food on hand. Even in the summer, sleeping bag or warm blanket could come in handy, as eve­ ning temperatures drop in m o u ntain ­ ous areas. A small First aid kit is also a good item to have, just in case. The most im portant item Grade A Whole Fryers M A M you’ll need is some way to call for help in case o f an emergency, such as a citi­ zens band radio. Some C B radios today are designed specifically for use in emergency situations. Once you have the car ready for travel, loaded dow n with Manor House, supplies (and kids), y o u ’ re ready to go. As you travel, be sure to m ake regular slops at filling stations to fill the gas tank and have the oil and water checked. Also check the air pressure in your A Memorial Day BBQ Dinner Treat! tires during these slops. A n d d o n ’ t forget to make regular rest stops, to keep from getting overtired. Atiyeh appoints George Rankins | ft. LO. Look in Your "THIS WEEK" Newspaper Today For Even M ore Selection Mnd value For Your D ollar A t Safeway Save Up To 3 1 4 Lb., No Limit! G ov. Vic Atiyeh has reappointed George Rankins o f Portland to the state Com m ission on Black A ffa irs. Rankins' new term will begin July I , 1985 ar.d end June 30, 1988 He served on the commission since D e­ cember, 1983. The Comm ission on Black A ffa irs was created by executive order in September 1980 to m onitor existing programs and laws designed to meet the needs o f the Black population in areas such as education, employm ent and economic development. The commission also researches problem areas, recommends action and legis­ lation to the governor and maintains a liaison between the Black com m u n ­ ity and governm ental entities. JfiCRSOil'S ODI RADIO. IV E RECORD CO. Red Ripe Strawberries Sweet Ruby-Red Berries, Dry Pint Basket Van Camp’s Pork & Reans Case Of 48 . . . $15.49 16-0unce Can 48c 398( Mustard Green . 49« Save Up To 6 1 4 On 3 Huggies Diapers Disposable: 33-Ct. Large, 48-Ct. Medium, 66-Ct. Newborn Case 01 4. S35.56 Save Up To $1.00, No Limit! N o rth w e s t*t l o r g e i ' G o t pel Record A T ope Selection» A u th o riz e d Gob ( I Ze nith c^aln anJ