Page 8, Portland Observer, May 22, 1986 L n o ,n©ES’ Send notice of your church activities and events to: Religion Editor, Portland Observer P O B o s ì!ì7 Portland OP 97209 RELIGION UPDA TE Julianne Johnson will be presented in concert on Sunday, M ay 26, 1985, at 5:00 p.m. in the M l. Olivet Baptist Church, N .E . 1st & Schuyler Street. Revival at Greeter M t. Calvary C.O.G.I.C., 1234 N .E . Killingsworth, M ay 19 - 26, Evangelist S. E. Mitchell o f Dellas. Texas, presiding Host pastor Bishop H B. Daniels, 7:30 p.m. nightly. All are welcome. ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9 30am Sundav Worship 11 00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00pm (second and fourth Sundays) Elonza J Edward« (Pastorl Listen fo r Blabop D aniela' radio broadcast Sunday mornings, 7:45 - 8:00, on K A A R 1480AM, as he presents to you the Bread of Life, G od’s W ord. Child Evangelism Fellow ship — West Coast Regional Conference. May 21 - 24, in Bend, Oregon. by Dee Armstrong This event is being sponsored by the Inspirational Choir o f the Church. No admission will be charged, but a free-will offering will be taken A Public Service of the Portland Observer Musical — Saturday, M ay 25, at St. Luke C .O .G .I.C ., 2700 N E Summer, The W o m e n 's D e p a rtm e n t o f Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church celebrated its Jlst Annual Women's Observance Day by hosting three days of Worship, M ay 17- 19 at the church, located at 3138 North Vancouver Avenue. Mtssionay Viola H . Brazil, guest speaker used as her theme, "Knowing God and Making God K now n." Missionary Brazil spoke with the assurance of a true pioneer expressing how one must know God. " M y search for God began very, very young at the age o f eight years. I knew then that I would live for Him . I also wanted two things: one, to be a missionary and two, to marry a preacher I got both ," said Brazil. "W e have been married for 55 yeas and I'm not tired yet." "Knowing God means knowing His voice and a strange voice they will not hear Knowing God means having faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please G od ,” she said. Sunday's program was complete with call to Worship by Sister Theresa M . lan g; Devotion Sisters: Lue Ella Jackman, Lillie M Rai bon, Lola Blake, and Onedia Warren. Greets were expressed by Christine Hill and response by Sister Rebecca G riffith o f Williams Temple Church o f G .O .I.C . Sister Charlotte Brandon also of Williams Temple set the service in motion with a solo which was truly inspiring The Grant High School Gospel Singers were on hand with two selections, " I'm Gonna' Be a Witness" and “ Some day.” The introduc­ tion o f the guest speaker was made by Sister O . B Williams and the last re­ marks were appropriately made by Pastor Dr. O. B Williams. This week's 7:30 p .m ., sponsored by the stae V .P .W .W . Dept Host pastor Rev. L. Adams invites the public. Rev. T. L. Lewis, Pastor Morning Star Baptist Church 108 N.E Ivy Portland. OR 97212 A lbina M inisterial A lliance Dear Pastor Lewis: THE M OUNT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH 204 6023 On behalf of the citizens of Portland, allow ma to congratulate you and your members for your cburch'a 38 year* of services to the resi­ dents of our city. Such a lengthy history of accomplishment it truly worthy of note. Further, it bodes well for aucceeaful future decade« of leadership and service to the community. Again, congratulations to you and the member« of your church. Sincerely. J. E BUD CLARK Mayor A g ap e C o m m in lty Service Life C enter (& A C L C ) program at Greater M t. Calvary C.O.G.I.C., 1234 N E Killingsworth, provides services such as aid to parents with dependent children, daycare, teenage pregnancy, senior citi­ zens, drug and alcohol counseling, food and clothing If you are in need o f any o f these services, call 284 3721. Bishop H . Daniels, Director. 284-2334 Nathan Barnett, Pastor M Dvinityl • YOU ARE WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT 84 N.E. killingsworth • 281 0499 "A warm spirit of fellowship always'' The C hurch < •UwaUV rls t 00 Tuasday 7 K pm Hilda Band Thursday Chow Rahaarsai 7 00 p m Sunday Sunday School 9 :1 6 s m Morning 11 fBs.m Worship 6 Xpm YP W W Evangelistic Worship 8 00 P m Tuasday Friday the. Bitte d» _________________________________________A U Vr R T IS tM fS T After I0 years o f inner-city and interracial community activities and communiiy service, the Rev. Marge Green will conclude her ministry in North and Northeast Portland E f­ fective June 30, Rev. Green has re­ signed her position as Communiiy Minister of the Ecumenical parish of North and Northeast Portland The resignation marks the com­ pletion of one of the most innovative and creative ministries in the city of Portland. As a "community minis­ ter," her responsibility was not to any one church Her parishioners includ­ ed hundreds o f persons claiming no membership in any established church, persons not affiliated with any church knew "M arg e” as their pastor. Much o f her "congregation” came not on Sunday but during the week when in need o f counselling or help with a utility bill. The Rev. Ms. Green first joined the staff o f M allory Ave. ( Tirtstian Church tn I975, as Director o f Christian Edu­ cation. In I977, she became the founding pastor and Community Minister o f the Ecumenical Parish. The Ecumenical Parish consists of W ixidlawn and Patton Central Unit­ ed Methodist Churches, ihe Mallory congregation and Ihe Presbytery of the Cascades. As an ecumenical min­ ister, she routinely served three denominations a, one time. Under the leadership o f Marge Green, the Ecumenical Parish estab­ lished “ People Are Beautiful" after­ school and summer programs for inner-city children. In I985, "People Are Beautiful” enters its tenth sum­ mer, affecting the lives of 60 children each year. The program will continue after Rev. Green’s departure. Often the only female minister in the Albina Ministerial Alliance, Rev. Green received a special recognition at the annual A M .A . banquet on May 4. Throughout her ministry. Marge Green built bridges across racial and economic lines. She will he the featured preacher at an interracial worship service held at Maranatha Church on Sunday, M ay 26 at 4 p.m. Upon concluding her ministry in Portland, Rev. Green will become Associate Regional Minister o f the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in West Virginia. A farewell reception will be beid on June 9, 2:(X) p.m. at M allory Ave. Christian Church, 126 NE Alberta. Ihe public is invited. Scientologists™ Are Helping to Solve the Problems of Education Am erica is today laced w ith the harsh tact that tens ot m illions of its citizens sim ply cannot read or w rite A ccording to U S D epartm ent of Edu­ cation statistics more than 23 m illion adults approxim ately one out of seven are functional illiterates they cannot read w rite or fu n c tio n a de q u a te ly enough to do such simple things as b a l­ ance a checkbook or understand a bus schedule Each year according to Departm ent of Education estimates another 2 3 m illion enter the ranks o, the nation s illiterates When one looks tor an explanation of these alarm ing figures the use of p ow er­ ful psychiatric drugs in the schools loom s as a m a p r factor As tar back as 1970 the C hurch of S cientology pointed out how child re n as young as six were being dosed w ith large am ounts of R italin Dexedrine and other destructive psychiatric drugs A report published that year in FREE­ DOM the C hurch s independent news lournal disclosed that some 300.000 Am erican sch oo lch ild ren between six and twelve years of age were being given heavy doses ot am phetam ines to "m od­ ify ” then overactive classroom behav­ ior Up to 30 per cent of the school child re n in some areas were m aintained on the m in d -crip p lin g drugs In case after case over the years, the C hurch ot S cientology has shown that psychiatric drugs have dam aging and d eb ilita ting ettects They have no place in the schools S ch oolchildren whose lives have been w recked by drugs can however be s a l­ vaged Tens of thousands of people have com e ott drugs through the work ot the C hurch of S cientology and have gone on to lead happy successful and productive lives Psychiatrists and psychologists have taught that a p e rso n s IQ does not change S cientology has shown that this is no, true, a person's IQ and ability can be increased S cientology does this rou tine ly The C hurch has seen tha, child re n classified by psychiatrists or p s y c h o lo ­ gists as "h ype ractive " are in tac, expe- riencing study d iffic u ltie s w hich can be resolved in a relatively short period o, tim e "H yp e ra ctivity" and "le arnin g d is ­ a b ilitie s ' in c h ild re n are ro u tin e ly handled in S cientology w ithout drugs U s in g the te c h n o lo g y o , s tu d y researched and developed by S cie n to l­ ogy Founder L Ron Hubbard, children can advance three grade levels in their reading and m athem atical skills in 20 to 40 hours Many success stories ' from children, their parents, and their teachers attest to this Thousands o, teachers the w orld over more than 5 000 in Africa alone have been trained in the use o, this valuable technology In c re a s in g ly , e d u c a tio n a l g ro u p s schools, and businesses are using this technology, having seen that the door to success in lile opens when one can e ffe c­ tively study From the prestigious Delphian School in Sheridan. Oregon, to the black to w n ­ ships o, Soweto in Johannesburg South Africa, and from the executives of major co rp oratio ns to the individual seeking to better him sel, hundreds ot thousands o, people are using this technology and doing better in life as a result Psychiatric tron, groups ob|ect to our work and to our stand against drugs And o, course the vested interests they represent howl in protest when the d e ­ structive results o, psychiatric dru gg ing are exposed by the C hurch As more and more people are treed by S cientology Irom the harm ful effects o, drugs, the psychiatrists find fewer and fewer custom ers for their m ind-num bing wares As children find the world o, le a rn ­ ing open to them through the study te c h ­ nology of S cientology the idea o, taking drugs becomes unacceptable and even abhorrent Psychiatrists cannot tolerate this, as their livelihoods depend upon a drugged population Despite psychiatry s attempts to p ro ­ tect its drug m onopoly however, the dem and fo r S cientology s study te c h n o l­ ogy continues to grow The education of our children is our n a tio n s fu tu re S cientology has the answer to successful education For further information, call Toll-Free 1-800-367-8788 ’ Church of Scientology* Ottice o, Special Affairs 1413 N Berendo S, . Los Angeles. CA 90027 + 1985 Church of Soantotogy Sc*ntoiogg S cfn to to ^ 'h l and tha St