Portland Observer, May 22, 1985, Page 7 EMMA'S KITCHEN SOUL FOOD The new " life lin e " card being used by Blue Cross, Blue Shield o f M ary­ land may be a greai advance in today's health market, and then again it may be one more step in the velective na­ ture o f American medicine. The card, slightly larger than a standard credit card will carry up to 96 pages o f in fo r­ mation on its carrier This inform a­ tion w ill include such things as drug sensitivities, medicine being prescribed to the carrier, and blixid type. A ll o f this w ill assist in quickly developing emergency services at time ol admis­ sion to a hospital. There is much to be gained in emer­ gency situations if type and drug sensitivities can be known at time o f admission. I f this were the only in­ formation carried on the card and if it were available to all Americans I would jum p on the band wagon hail­ ing this as a great breakthrough But there are a few concerns that I have for this kind o f approach to hospital care. As one o f the two western nations without a national health system (South A frica being the second) a great number o f our citizens do not have insurance providers, and thus seek minimal health services or none at all. Recent estimates are that close to one-fourth o l our citizens do not seen medical assistance solely due to monetary reasons. If hospitals enjoin a policy that requires a " life lin e " card to establish financial responsibil­ ity, a great many o f the citizens that now are forced to go through exten­ sive paper work before admission will still luce the same obstacles. This card has the potential o f becoming an immediate screening mechanism to refer the jxxir to other state ofierated facilities. Another aspect o f this card which may be o f concern to its holders is the great number o f “ authorized" per- sonnel who w ill have access io things as history o f sexually transmitted diseases, abortions, past histories and a multitude o f inlorm ation that we entrust to our private doctors. It is essential that persons such as ambu­ lance drivers, hospital staff, etc., be able to utilize the inform ation in this card, with the holder having to trust human nature for the privacy we've established with our private physicians. The idea o f a card that can avoid the loss o f time and/or life associated with drug reactions and transfusions in ihe emergency room is wonderful. The thought o f a card ihai may further ihe financial discrimination that exists for ihe pixir seeking hospitalizaron is frightening, le t us hope that Blue Cross/Blue Shield looks into these issues and acts in a manner that leads to a benericial program that both saves time and lives as well as avoid­ ing the problems mentioned above. k I ' r Sf x< Tamales Hot dogs Bar-B Que Ribs Hamburger Cheeseburger Homemade Soup French fries Grilled Cheese Sandwich Eggs, Bacon Sausage Fried potatoes Grits Dinners Cook's Choice 1329 N .E . F re m o n t • Tue» > Sat 6 a m. - 1 2 a m .. Sunday 1 p.m. -12 a m. Cloaad Monday Support our .d v r ti» « PORTLAND OBSER VER r- i-— ~ l hcct mix • w 'L j J DISCOUNT COUPON USERS SAVE - H undreds of dollars per year on your food and drugstore purchases. Receive the wanted discount coupons of your choice FOR FREE INFO Sen I a stamped and self addressed envelope to “The C ou pon C lu b ” 7 9 0 8 W. M ill Road M ilw au k ee, W I 5 3 2 1 8 Macaroni-vegetable combination Cooking in one form or another is a must for most consumers. Whether it is adding your special seasonings to a convenience food, combining fast food with salad or starting from scratch for that old family recipe your culinary creativity can pay o ff. M ary Davis, o f Philadelphia, is one homemaker who has cashed in on cooking. As the winner o f a Creative Soup Cook O ff, f tastes have paid o ff with a $4on 00» no C rn r» < » *r • * ” ■ t»<*w M U 4e» Ww. » ♦ 10 K t M (KX •ge'" and eOx " I M taco M handing * Kcordonce our .yflwmpi«» poxy ( opws «vKeW» 35T' / »■•.% Hf A O' fc . Seni MN *• V out authorized < WK*xg ■ « * , I " iío o o z ' “ ( U K KEN S.IKX H IN I ( 'A S S U M E 6 chicken thighs 3 tahlespix ns butter or margarine 2 cups sliced zucchini '/i cup sliced carrots '/> cup sliced celery '/j cup sliced onion ' i cup sliced Iresfi mushrtxims 1 large tomato, chopped 2 laMespixiiis comslarch Vi tcasptxxi salt '/j to I teaspoon black pepper !4 teaspoon garlic powder 1 can (10 ’/« ounces) condensed chicken and nee s»xip 2 tahlespixins butter or margarine I package (10 ounces) frozen broccoli spears, thawed, sliced I cup sliced celery I cup chopped uncooked chicken or turkey I cup chopped carrots '/« cup chopped onions 1 can (10’/« ounces) condensed cream o f chicken soup I '4 cups water 2 cups macaroni, partially cooked and drained 1 can (8 ounces) green peas, drained Grated Parmesan cheese NO EXPIRATION DATE ! Save 40^ R un perh Z r,^ ' M G«4 o«T « U » » » 80 I o "4 1 100 Ô Ginciil M illi