Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 22, 1985, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 6. Portland Observer. May 22.1906
The champ retains his title
Fighting for the Heavyweight
Championship o f the W orld is not an
easy task for a veteran o f the ring
wars, so you can imagine what it must
he like tor a young man fighting pro­
fessionally fo r only the I7ih time, to
be in there with the Champ. For Carl
"T h e T ru th " Williams, n was no big
l^ r r y Holmes successfully defend­
ed his International Boxing Federa­
tion heavvweiuht championship with
the heart o f a lion but he took a good
whipping in the process. Holmes
faced "T h e T ru th " in more ways than
one, for 1$ tough rounds and emerged
victorious over his young challenger.
The decision was just a tad closer in
Holmes’ bout with Father Time.
The 35-year-old champion ran his
record to 48-0, which leaves him short
o f Marciano's 49-zip. Prior to the
Fight, the champ stated that the record
belonged to him already because o f the
way Marciano’ s totals were compiled.
Holmes brought out the fact that Mar­
ciano had four bouts with his brother
and a few exhibition bouts that
should not have been counted in the
former champion's totals. I t ’s inter­
esting to note that none o f the fitht
analysts made any comments about
Holmes' accusations. We know what
that means, don't we?
When the bell rang to start the
fight, "T h e T ru th ” planted himself in
front o f the champ and remained
there for the duration. The kid has a
jab that in time w ill rival A ll's . The
first six rounds saw Holmes on the
receiving end o f that dreaded jab so
often that by the 13th round, the
champ lixiked like the Elephant Man
The middle rounds went to Holmes
primarily because the challenger
would not finish the rounds aggres­
sively. The jab was still in the champ’ s
face, and the champ was still looking
for an opening tor the right. I he lat­
ter round appeared to belong to
Holmes after the champ mounted a
torrid body attack on his challenger.
Holmes opened a cut over the left
eye o f Williams in the 3rd round but
he couldn't get enough solid blows in
to do any serious damage. Keeping
that eye from causing the 'xiut to be
stopped can be attributed to two rea­
sons. First, the defense o f Williams,
and secondly, the cut man in the cor­
ner must be a miKinlighting surgeon
Were I the judge, "T h e T ru th "
would be wearing the crown today I
was not, and he is not. The judges’
scoring went like this: Judge Roth
scored it 143-142; Judges Rothen­
berg and Gibbs saw it 146-139. Unan­
imous decision to Holmes,
l-arry Holmes has defended his title
20 times, and none more courageous
ly than this one but this youngster
busted the champs chops. Williams is
a brash young man that w ill not be
denied the crown He speaks and
fights with such confidence it’ s tough
to imagine that he has only 17 fights
under his belt. The experience that he
gained in this fight can only propel
this young man into the upper
echelon o f the heavyweight division.
Throughout the fight, Holmes used
every trick in the book to take an ad­
vantage but the kid would not fold.
Holmes used his thumb and his laces
and Williams remained composed
(hiring the post fight interview. Wil-
lilams had nothing but praise for the
champion, and himself.
When you try to dethrone the
champion, it is common knowledge
that it must be done convincingly if
the fight goes the distance. If the
reaction o f the crowd in attendance
was any indication, many fans were
convinced that "T h e T ru th ” did
exactly that.
Philadelphia awaits
the Governor's call
Boston 3-1
Denver Nuggets lose
their English nugget
Lakers 3-1
It appears that the key to the 76ers
battle against the te llie s is dependant
upon getting out front, and slaying
there when Boston mounts their in­
evitable charge Philadelphia turned
the Celtic run aside in Game No. 4,
and held on to post a II5-IO 4 victory
at home. Philadelphia is down 3-1 as
the teams head back to the Boston
Pay no attention to the talk about
no team ever coming back from a 3-0
deficit to win in a best-of-seven series,
if it can be done, this Philadelphia
team has the talent to do it. Boston
knows that, and so docs Billy C un­
It's all over but the shouting in this
series! the Nuggets lost their show-
} piece and game breaker when forward
Alex English broke his thumb in the
3rd period o f Game No. 4 Alex is out
for the season, and his team-mates
should be joining him after game
1 No J
The Nuggets put on a great rally
to prevent the dirt from being thrown
over their heads. The final minute of
the game was even at 116 until the
Lakers got 5 chances at a layup and
James Worthy (lushed a tip-in with
:2M remaining. Hie I akers went from
from there to post a 120-116 win to
take a 3-1 series lead as the two teams
I (wad back to the lorutv. for game 5.
Kareem logged 42 minutes in the
contest and he made each minute
count The big man took control in
this one as he scored 29 points,
I grabbed 12 rebounds, and dished o il
8 assists. Those are some awesome
stats lor the senior citizens of hoop.
Byron Scott chipped in with 26 points
on a hot 10-12 field goal percentage
Na im Haaan, the 1984 Taekwon Do Pan American champion, ha»
brought discipline beck to thia competitive art form
Hia discipline scored him the victory in June 84 to become the Na
tionel Taekwon Do champion and the Pan American champion
Hasan is preparing for the 9th annual World Games in London. Eng
land. He has a record of a proven champion
Community team challenge
Hopefully, the 76ers have realized
that they must go to Moses more
when the Celtics make their runs
that proved to be the key to Boston's
defeat Sunday When Moses is w ork­
ing down low it prevents the Celtics
from getting those long rebounds that
result from outside jumpers, the in­
side game elimínales many o f Boston's
easy layup baskets o ff the fast-break.
Injuries arc now a factor also. Lar­
ry Bird has a sprained finger on his
shooting hand that produced 4 -12
shooting, and contributed to 8 turn­
overs. Robert Parish has a sore ankle
that Moses w ill not give him time to
Hull out the old scrapbooks anal
gesic balm, mothballed uniforms,
elastic bandages and other irromentos
o f past days o f glory and gel ready for
Community Team Challenge II
On Saturday, June 29, 1985, at
Delta Park, Rose C ity Connection re­
turns with the outdiMir event o f the
year. Community Team Challenge II,
modeled after television's Battle o f
the Network Stars, offers friendly
competition in such events as sack
races, egg loss, obstacle course, team
relay, softball throw, dunk lank and
many mote. CTC II w ill test your
running, throwing, and all around
ability as well as your ability to have
fun while engaging in spirited compe­
Teams will consist o f 12 members,
6 male and 6 female The entry lee per
team is $120 or $10 per team member
Points will be awarded to the top
three (.3) finishers in each event. The
three teams accumulating the most
poults at the end o f the competition
will receive prizes.
l ast year's first place finishes, the
P.O. Raiders, were thrilled with then
running shoes, and are anxious to
match those shoes with a nice warm­
up suit. Rumor has it that Captain
IXmnie McPherson and the rest ol the
Raiders may he in for a bit of a sur
prise this year. Don't fret, Donnie,
each team member that participates in
CTC II will receive a T-shirt and other
prizes, regardless o l then team stand
Applications are currently being ac
cepted lo r 12-member Co-Ed teams
Team application forms are available
at The Portland Observer, The Stan
ner. Die Urban I eague or by calling
285-2065. The deadline lor entry is
May 30, 1985.
Proceeds for ( T C II as with other
Rose ( onne ion productions, go to
support m inority education and schol­
arship programs.
Neborne PIL champion
Charles Barkley has shown steady
improvement with each game, and he
can get the 76ers through the door if
he continues his strong play under the
hole Charles had 20 rebounds to go
with his 15 points Sunday. Moses
hauled in 13 boards, and scored 21.
Krvm McHale led the Celtic scoring
with 25.
Boston w ill be facing a fired up
76er team in Game No. 5, and must
be prepared for a more aggressive
team under the basket The pressure
is equal at this point because Philly
can pull out all stops as their backs
are squarely against the firing squad
wall, with the rifles cocked, and the
Gsivcdrnot is on vacation.
Tip your hat, Albina, you have bred
a new City Champion. Kevin Neborne
led the Grant ('«nerals to the PH.
District Golf Championship with a
sudden victory win over Wilson High
School. Both teams were tied at 314
alJer regulation play
Kevin took medalist honors with a
| I-under par 71 on the tough West Delta
track to capture the individual crown.
It gets better from here. Second
place individual honors went to
Byron Kelly o f Benson. Byron was
| right on Kevin's heels with a sparkling
Both o f these young lions are prod­
ucts o f the l eisure Hour G o lf Club,
and all the members are walking
around with their chests stuck out.
the next challenge w ill be the Stale
Championships at Glendoveer G.C.
next Monday and Tuesday Let’ s get
behind these young men and give
I them our support when they tee it up
I next week
Be sure to read our next edition to
find out which one o f these young
brothers takes the state title I ’ m so
enthused about this that I intend to
get out the camera again and give you
the story in pictures.
To give you an idea o f how good
Kevin is, get this. Kevin scored a
triple, and double bogey during his
round at Delta. That means that the
kid was making birdies in bushels on
the toughest course in the city.
PIL state qualifiers
Denver had their chances at win­
ning the game but they just couldn’t
get over the hump. There were 17
minutes lelt when Alex collided with
Kareem and came away with a broken
thumb on his shooting hand ( alvin
Natt carried the load from there with
8 straight Denver points Alex had 28
points in the bank when he left the
game. Calvin finished the game with
Without Alex English in the start
mg lineup for game No. 5, the Nug­
gets arc almost a cinch to be blown
out o f the Forum. His absence will
mean that Calvin must take care o f a
scoring role to prevent elimination.
That also translates into less defense
by ( alvin, and less defense is a com­
modity that Denver cannot afford at
any cost.
If the I akers come through as ex­
pected, and without any serious in ­
jury, the final series for the crown will
be something to see I ’ m sure the
players are looking forward to a re­
match with Boston to average last
year's embarrassing loss in the finals.
Kevin Ncwborne 71 (Medalist), Don
Houghton 78, Ian Hoge 82, Eric Ja­
son 83, Tim Hoover 83.
Paul Nasberg 87, Steve Stevens 76,
James Wells 79, Kirk Jensen 77, Chris
Conway 82.
Support the
(TT) March of Dimes
Byron Kelly, Benson, 74; David
Schatz, Franklin, 77
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