Portland Observer, May 22, 1905, Page 5 RAINBOW COALITION BENEFIT / f t À IA 4 Key largc F " E N T E R T A IN M E N T NETW O RK J1 NOe'MWtSt IMMl AVI NIX • POOtLANO O W uO N • MTVrttS COUCH ANO »UBNSIOt N HIS'OBlC O ID tOWN Joe "Bean"Keller, Entertainment Editor Proceed« mk N go to Black Exchanger Peace M isse*' Io N.< s i sgus by Richard Brow n l*H ib »g rS (*w r plus •H ons AT tr. onnncuu hqu 8O S 0 .1 . A IB IR T « JÜNE-2 m m r --• 5 —10 P.M. m U fIC « 7 -1 0 V U V IT 1 fTX ^V If f • M a y 23rd thru 30th tur «»ng tor Raintxiw Coaktnn anti A»*»nhexi Stevenson benefit dance On Monday. M ay 27th (M em orial Day I there will be a benefit dence In m em ory of U oyd Stevenson by e number of Portland’s finest bends Rita Patricia Bankhead, the event coordinator, has brought together the Esquires. Heart N-Soul. Frank Redding ft C o . June 17. Rock Toy. Sleexy Pieces. Billy Rancher. Calvin W alker and others to dc nets their tim e to raise m oney for the Stevenson Fund. The event will be held at the Pine Street Theatre (S.E. 9th Et Pinel. beginning at 8 00 p m There will be a donation of 84 00 accepted at the door and the public is Invit­ ed All proceeds will be turned over to the Urban League Stevenson Fund, heeded by Ray Leery Other contributors are PIP Printing. Qulk Print end Al Salazar of the Pine St. Theatre Thur...................................................................... Robert Cray R i b S a t........................................................................ Cool’R Sun............................................................El Com bo Caribe M ori . . . . . . ...........................................Etta J am e s /C .O .S . ..................................................................................................... C r a z v 8 '9 W ed b Th u r.................................... Jr. Wells b Buddy Guy Lunch — Dinner • 223-9919 Break-off championships CITIZENS' GROUPS FOR THE M O N TH OF M A Y PRESENT FRANK REDDING A N D CO AT THE ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB 1708 N.E. Alberta ANTAHA C o rh o o n » fo< th « * 5 ToM O Adu,,t * ** *•4•* C h ild re n U n d e r T w e lv e NORTHWEST AFRIKAN AMERICAN BALLET W hitaker M iddle School proudly presents the spectacular of 1986. the P.I.L. Break off Championship Classics involving the most com pel itive breakers repesenting Portland Public M iddle Schools. This event will take place on Friday. M ay 24 et 6 00 p .m ., in the W hitaker gym nasium Selected students from Portland Public Middle Schools will d e m ­ onstrate their unique styles of breaking individually and in team com petition, being judged by com m unity professionals A specie' break dance group from Seattle. W ashington, will also perform along w ith a Double Dutch demonstration The winners will receive en opportunity to perform before a live audi ence and be video taped for cable television Admission is 82 00. w ith proceeds used to provide com puter scholarships African Am erican Ballet On Saturday. June 1. the Northwest Afriken American Ballet will present their annual spring concert at the Jefferson High School A ud i­ torium The ballet has proved to be the most electrifying dance com pany to emerge from the Northwest in some time W ith its precision drumming and festive colored traditional costumes, the Northwest Afriken American Ballet has performed for standing room audiences that hove been left w ith a feeling of authentic grandeur The company w as conceived in October 19B2 by Bruce Smith, the ar tistic director, after extensive study and research in N ew York and Senegal. West Africa The focus of fheir presentation not only shows traditional African dance as a valid dance technique, but a cultural lifestyle throughout the perform ance You'll see a social dance from M ali, a South African Boot Dance, a M en s Initiation Dance, and more Jefferson Hieh School Auditorium 5210 N. Kerby $6.00 Adult $3.00 Childrr underl8 Frank Redding and Co. Every Friday b Saturday night at the ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB 1708 N.E. A lberta Starry Night concert 8 : 0 0 p.m. Portland, Oregon a. On Thursday, M ay 23. the public is invited to a tree concert to be held at the Starry Night, featuring Portland's own Cool'R. Cool R in- SATU R D A Y , JU N E 1 ,1 9 8 5 Steven» »nd Son Llovd Center 284 2101 Advenced liehet» »t the»« location»; Talkin» Drum Bookstore Meier A I rank I6 J 4 N .£. Alberta Downtown 282 9465 226 1605 vites you to be a part of their new video to be played on Cable TV and hopefully on the national video stations The video shoot­ ing will begin at 8 30 p.m .. w ith doors opening about 7 00 p m Those attending must be 21 or older HAS JAM ES BOND FINALLY MET HIS MATCH? National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 2847722 A Public Servie« of the Portland Observer AIJUJíI k B H O LLO tlPiw enb HAIR GROUrm ROGER MOORE and DANDRUFF R€U€F jvlA N I I I .MINUS JAMES BOND 0 0 7 - AVIEW"'A KILL rANWROBIRTO ORM l JONES P V k lt KM M NI I .iihl[t I lk ls li i l ’l l l k M Kl s] HO USEOFSOUND TOP 10 ALBUMS Muck ly JOHN BARRY THCRAZCST PriRludHm lh ‘Mgnrr l ’l TKR I AM< )NT A smh u lt l ’fiNÍiHtf 1< IM PI.VSN, R PrtMlmvd hv AI Hl RI R KROLLOL, 1. Alexander O'Neal 2. Luther Vandroaa............................ The Night / f-ell in Love 3. R u n -D M C ............................................................ King o f Rock 4. Rick J a n n e a ................................................................... Gl° * 5. Freddie Jackson...................................... Rock Me Tonight 6. A tlantic-S tarr........................................... A s the Band Turns 7. W hitney H o u st..................................................... H ous Tu U 8. Jesse Johnson’s Revue 9. W ilton Feider................................................................ Secrets 10. Con Funk-Shun................................................. Tienc Lady 4mlMIC HAI L G WILSON I Hrctltd hv J’ )HN < il.LN revnplav iw RK HAR, > MAIHAI M and MICHAELG WILSON •S4NN setta*»*« h M usMoa« » a.Vtnt “t. i*IA W-i Al»o Relieve» Itchy Scalp Scalp Sore» Tetter 287 1980 rt I H N « I A l »• i; iwstaiat »•!»•» »*>■*»• M< '*> a.er« tir - - Ringworms SATÍ TOR US« 3434 N. W illiam s A ve. TOS 8V WKN. IUOM 4N. CHIIDR4N AND Find out Friday May 24th O N PÍRMAN4NTS >