ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS , Salem AreaTransit PORT OF PORTLAND INVITATION TO BID ' aisled tads m i « tai received by the Putctieeng Manager of the Port ol Portland 700 N E Multnomah Street Portland Oregon (maAng address P 0 Bo> 3 6 » Portland. OR 972081 for Hama detaJed haram uni« the mdnndua«y specified date* and Im a i aakcatad and thereafter publcly CHERRWTS opened and read W /D B E PARTICIPATION GOALS Plan» and specihceticai» may ba aiam inad and/or obtained at the above arldrsta Contact the Purchasing Department at 231 6000 Eat 68B ot Portland m an amount equal to at least ,0 percent of the total amount The Salem Aiea Mass Transit District, in compliance with Federal re queement*. hereby announce* that agency goals lot the participation of Woman Disadvantaged Business Enterposes IW /O B E I in FY 86 86 District projects have tieeo established at 10% for DBF and 9% for W B f A copy of the goals and a description ot the methodology used to estab Itsh the goals is available for public inspection from 8 00 a m to 5:00 p m bid at the District office, ot copies are availatile by mail When prequakhcation is taquaed the prequatthcataai statements should be received at least 10 days prior to the time set fot tad opening Appk canons tor prequakhcation may ba submitted leas than 10 day» before tad opening. but consideration by the Port cannot tie assured For Information Call or Write S alem A re a Transit 216 High Sheet NE Salam. OR 97301 3889 I6O3I6BB 7886 Bela moat ba on the bid form provided Io prospective bidder» and. when B«l Surety is required. roust tie accompanied by a certified or caehier a check drawn on a United State« bank, or a bid bond payable to the Port Attention is caked to the provision» of the Oregon Revised Statutes 779 3NJ [a n v a k n g that weaker* tie paid laeveSaig wage rates DESCRIPTION BID OPENING DATE Rivergate Industrial District Module Site Modular Office M ay 29 1986 130pm Written comments on the goals are invited and may be sent to the above address or directly to the Urban Mass Transportation Administration Region X. 3142 Federal Building, 915 Second Avenue. Seartle. W A 9B174 Comments must be received by 5 00 p m (PD TI. Friday, June 2B 1985 IM B EI Incentive WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM CORPORATE PROCUREMENT Sc ope Design and construct a one story factory built modular office structure < tanplete with a pressure treated all weethei wood foundation on a sue to tie rteugnatod a' the Port of Portland The work aleo include* a 1 inch water supply, an underground conduit to alec try meter base a lied mounted transformer, a 6 meh sanitary sewer, a < inch perforated perimeter storm water line connected to downspouts, concrete pads, and INVITATION FOR BIO NO 738» NOTICE TO BIDDERS antry/e>tt stairs and ramp Rivergate Industrial District CDC Warehouse Modification Notice is hereby given that Washington Public Powet Supply Sysiem hereuiahei called Buyer invites sealed bids for Sulphuric. Acid as set M ay 30, 1986 2 30pm forth tn the Invitation For Bid (IFBI entitled Invitation For Bid NO 719» IM B EI Incentive Program S up ply S y s te m s Annual Requirement For S ulphuric A cid Scope Construction of a concrete at < eas ramp, installation of aetlirmel metal overhead doors, sutrgrerle preparation ami grading chain link invitations for Bid may ba .ned at the officelsl of Buyer W N P 2, fence m k a .a ta a i a n d as»ihalt paving Whse I, Richland Washington 98362 Sets of Bidding Documents can be obtained from P J Enyeart Senior Buyer, W N P 2. Whae 1. Richland. Rivergeta Industrial Oistnct M ay 30 1986 WaahmgtiMi 98362 3 00 p m Module Site Development Each bid shall tie accompanied by a Bid Bond or by Certified or Cashier s Check as a bid depoert m an amount not lea* than five percent 15%) of IM B EI Incentive Scope Encavation and 6« placement culverts, ties« course fencing and w an- and viwrn construction to [astiare a sire for o« feed module tab lha total amount AM tads m u lt ba seeled and N ad with lha Buyer si W N P 2. Whse 1. Richland. Washington 99362. at or before 10 00 a m Pacific Local Tima, ncation June 19, 1986 Terminal 2 Rehafaktaiaa, W harf and Dredging Mandatory 6 percent MBE June 19 1986 2 00 p m »190 00 Depoert The bids will ba publicly opened and raad at the above time end piec e The Governing Body of the Washington Pubkt Power Supply Systran reserves the right to rater t any sod all tad* and to waive aregutanhe* or Scope Demolition of structure*, preparation of disposal arte, dredge a« cavation and uistwisat dreilge 1Amq construction of the slope protection rone, and construction of approaanalafy 1.300 feet by 100 feet of pile suiHvirted concrete wharf including crane and ra« trackage nfornrwirtim the»e»n W A S H IN G T O N PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYS TE M Richland. Weahwigton 99362 J A 0 Drama« Supervisor Purr.haaaig uliktias anil ship fendervig Page 16. JOBS, May 22. 1985 ’i ' v i . • ‘ • •/" ’ ► a* ' : ' ■ V * / \ « * s m < . I ‘ • Y i -. , '. " .I - • 4 . a. • - r A