Jobs Classifieds MENTAL HEALTH M ULTNOM AH COUNTY O A T * P R O C E S S »«) Senior Programmer/toalysts Programmer/Analysts Programmers RafMOiy growing tO P D epartm ent it accepting ap p lication » for Sanior Prog ram m er Analyst Programm er/Anafyei and Programmer Senior Prog ram m er Analyst app licants must na«e successful project leadership eapww nce on 2 to 3 person projects of 6 months duration or longer individuals m u ti nave a minimum ol 4 e» penence in a business application systems »nvi ronm ert technical com petence .n COBOu CiCS EAS y TA i EVE TSO O S j CL M VS or V S t Shop taper.ence »required Senior Programmer -Analysts will • Perform from end analysis • Write use» and 0 P specification» • Perform technical design • Perform project estimating and scheduling • Coordinate with multiple users across func tionai areas • W nte project and operational documentation Senior Programmer 'Analysts will he ted m direct t to 2 people or perform me most techm catty difficult development P ro g ra m m e r/ A nalyst app» cants rtu s, have a minimum of 2 years eaper.ence m t>ua»neea ap plications systems development and prior a> penence n COBOL and O S j C i -eq u-ed Knawi edge Of ClCS VSAM ADABAS ano .»rge BM line mainframes preferred Programmer Analysts will • Perform program design and de«eiopment • Gather and analyze information tor systems development or modif'cation • Construct test and implement systems and prepare systems o p e ra to r and use« docu mentation • Program m er applicants must have training and a ■penence m w riting program s using COBOL Must he competent enough m most phases of programming to work alone re­ quiring only general direction Programmers wti perform systems analysis design pro gram development and implementation ac bvities involving the development of data processing applications Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an e ic e iie n t em ployee Benefits package he« time work hours and com petitive sa'ary »lease apply or send resume to Oua Ooa* & Assistant C o u n ty Counsel 3 $30,485 annually; this is ort litigation position with emphasis on defense of civil rights and personal in|ury claims; requires two years of litigation expen ence and Oregon Bar membership; apply by May 31, 1985 Property Appraiser $9 73 per hour; requires a Certified Ap praiser certificate issued by the State of Oregon Personnel Division and a driver s license; apply by May 31, 1985 M arriag e ft Fam ily Counselor $24,784 annually; requires Master's de gree or Bachelor's degree and expen ence; apply by May 31. 1985 Fam ily Nurse P ractitioner $11 46 $14 89 per hour; requires Family Nurse Practitioner certification and a dnvers license; apply by June 7, 1985 Billing Clerk Invoice third party payors for client serv ices, preparing account ledgers, monthly reports 3 yrs exp billing/accounting and secretarial Salary range $11,234 to $11,700 Call request application N o rth /N o rth e e s t C o m m M e n ta l H ealth C anter 239 8871 Closing date May 31, 1985 Minorities eneourayed. Equal Opportunity Empluver a*«OuA* ’ • •**•»0*** PROGRAM COORDIKAIOR 3 |(EEO, RBI * labor Coapllance O fc r .) $7,085 - $7,650 Monthly This positron Is with the Oregon ipartment of T ran sp o rtatio n . Ihighway D iv is io n , located in Salem. Duties include managing C ertified Nurse M id w ife the compliance review program $11 46 $14 89 per hour; requires Nurse jnd monitoring highway construction Midwife certification, driver's license and Icontract requirements regarding availability of personal automobile; apply iv il rig h ts . To be considered, by June 7, 1985 ip p lic an ts must have four years i f experience involvin g s te a d ily Financial T echnician. Increasing management responsi- Aging Services Division u l i t y p e rtin e n t to the p o s itio n , $8 81 $10 18 per hour; performs tech iND a Bachelor's degree in Business meal accounting work including verifying Id m in ., Engineering. Public Admin reimbursement request accuracy, initiat re la te d f i e l d , or three more ing payments, monitoring contract ex responsible p ertin en t lyears of penditures and related duties, requires one year training or experience; apply by u p e r ien ce. Contact ODOT Personnel fo r announcement (503) 373-7663 May 31, 1985 (nd a p p lic a tio n . A d m in is trativ e Services M an ag er Aging Services Division $12 04 $15 66 per hour; duties include planning, organizing, coordinating and directing the administrative support serv ices for the Aging Services Division; requires BS and two years of experience, apply by May 31, 1985, at M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C o u rth ou se 1021 S W Fourth Avenue, Room 134 Portland, Oregon 97204 Iqual Opportunity Employer n» LET ME TYPE YOUR Resum es • Term s Papers • Letters Fas’ Reasonable A c cu ra te Ptmne 15031666 7423 ask for Cathy JOBS i» ( » i IX is I u k ' yyweaiy by llw P orllM 'l (H n rrvtr IU S P S 9S9 680I and Erne Pubtoahm-j Co Inc 1«J i Kilkngsworth P x lla n d . Oregon 97211. Poa; oth ce Bo* 3137 Portland Oregon 97208 Second t l a » poataga paid at Portland Oregon JOBS, May 22, 1985, Page 15