Jobs ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS KINDERGARTEN TEACHER Continued from Page 12 Salam Public Schools During program yaar 84 85 N C D funds from poor years were expended as follow» las of 5 /1 /8 6 ) »4.122.030 1,546,016 1.000,670 728 931 478 803 Housing Ne*ghtxjrhood Imp Econome Dev Community Serv Adm in/Planning »7 875.460 A a described m the 84 85 sialernent the city's primary oLyer.tive in the HCD program is to continue the develoiwtienl of viarwi neighborhoods by providing decant housing a suitable Irving environment, and expanded economic opportunities principally for persons of low to motletete incomes In order to achieve both national and city obfectives for principally tiene fiting low end moderate income persons, the H C D program was made available only to residents or protects in designated areas with the ex cepton of a few programs offered on a city wide bears Neighborhoods are eligible to receive HCD funds based on an analysis of various condi tions. the moat important being income level All eligible neighbrKhoods must contain a mafonty of persons whose incomes are 80% or less of the In addition to area benefit activities such as •are« and part mprt wen writs the N C D program provided direct benefit through activities litre the single family rehabilitation loan program and the LID subsidy program Income knits were established for theses and other direct benefit programs. and income was verified and documented prior |tu the expendituie of HCD funds Some activities completed during 84 85 were city wide These Since the ma jority of the users of these programs were persons of low income«, we conclude that these activities also met the local and national program obfectives Over 77% of the funds expended in 84 8 5 directly benefited persons of low to moderate income* The balance of the expenditures were for programs that Uiigrede deteriorating areas or remove code notations such as the Recycled Housing Arquiartion' Rehabilitation obfectives of removing or eliminating conditions of slum or blight Comments or questions concerning past performance neighbor hoods or other aspects of the HCD program should tie direr ted to the above address, M on Fn 8:00 a m © Invites applications foe earty childhood (kindergarten) teachers for 1985 86 school year Full and part time positions available Will be responsible for the | planning, implementation, and evalua non of the educatinal program in the classroom and for the training and u t* zation of volunteers and aides Must hold valid Oregon teaching certificate, and have experience m early childhood classroom. preschool and/or first grade Preference will be given to applicants with nine 191 or more quarter hours in earty childhood education District will | ptek up employee contribution to Public Employees Retirement System Reply to Salem Public School« Personnel Services 1309 Ferry St S.E. Salem. OR 97301 Phone 16031399 3061 Equal Opportunity Employer median income for f i e Portland area tiased on current census data were largely made up of community service activities Classifieds to 5 00 p m T IM O TH Y t GALLAGHER Director Bureau of Community Development SECRETARY Responsible for Clerical Support to elm cal program staff Requires ability to organize end prioritize work Type 66 W P M and use dictating equipment Minimum qualifications: 3 years sac retanal experience end prefer beck ground in medical or clinical setting and word processing Starting salary range $12,336 $13,461 with excellent fringe benefits Send resume to John Rlst. Bu*lne»a Manager M t Hood Community Mental Health Center 620 N.E Second Gresham, OR 97030 by June 3. 1986, 5:00 p.m. Equal Opportunity Employer Port of Portland An Equal Opportunity Employer For Information on current job openings, call our Employment Information Desk, 231-5000, Extension 700. JOBS. May 22, 1906. Page 13