Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 22, 1985, Page 21, Image 21

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N e ig h b o rh o o d Im p ro v e m e n ts
»2.807.588 1100% of funds to benefit
L o w /M o d l
• Renovation and improvement of M l
IM S S i Housing and Community Development IHCDI Program
Center, and the M i Scott Tnangle IS f
Ona June 1. 1986 the City ot Portland mF apply lor »9 158 000 m Com
munrty Development Block Grant IC D BG I funds from the U 5 Oapt of
• InstaHatam of 2 traffic signals in the Mt
Housing and Urban 0« veiopment IM U D l Tha fu4owmg is a proposed
statement of objectives and uas of funds for tha 86 86 CDBG IH C D I
Scon Park and Community
72nd b Woodstock I
Scott Aneta ne^jhborhixxl
General street improvements at the HCD areas Special District an
provements at Lents and M t Scott/A rieta drainage sumps in Lents.
Local Improvement District ILID l subsidy progiam for qualified home
owners at HCD areas auditor s LID assessments street program
program Citizens era invited to comment on tha proposed statamant and
on ttw city's past performance n carrying out tha HCO program Direct
oommants to Timothy Gattagher Dtrectw Bureau of Community Da
vaiopment 1120 S W 5th Rm 1 1 » . Portland. Oregon 97204 Comments
received wik ba considered pnor to sobmraaron of tha request for funds
C o m m u n ity Services »992 9 70 1100% ot funds will benefit L o w 'M o d )
Statement of Objectives
Use of Funds
• Home Repair T ra n n g Program - training for high school youth who
provide free home repairs to low income homeowners at HCD areas
Tha primary objective of tha Housing and Community Development
IH C D I Program • tha daveiopmant of viable urban communities, by pro
ndmt decend housing and suitable Irving environment and ««pending
economic opportunities. prmcipaFy for parsons of low and moderate m
coma Consistent with th a primary objective tha assistance provided
through this program a for tha support of community development actrv
itiaa which are deer tad toward tha folltrwing specific objectives
11 Tha elimination of alums and blight. and tha prevention of blighting m
ftoenc.es and tha deterioration of property and neighborhood and
community fscA taa of importance to tha welfare of tha community
prmcpaPy parsons of low and moderate income
planning and management
• Low atcome and Emergency Housing Programs — maintenance of
SRO Hotels in downtown a re a f verett St emergency shelter, other
shelter assistance. Northwest Pilot Protect housing voucher program
and housing counseling
• Non profit IRL program
low interest kiens Io non profit organi
rations to improve their service facilities
• Moving assistance to individuals or busirieses displaced as a result of
HCD or other city action
• Self Help Program
Ten grants awarded to HCD neighborhood
groups for selected protects
2) tha damnation of conditions which are detrimental to health, safety
and public welfare through coda enforcement. rehabilitation as
«stance and related actrvitiaa.
31 tha a ipantm n and improvement of tha quantity and quality of com
munrty services, principally for parsons of low and moderate income,
• Other Community Serva.es
Shared Housing Program. Senior Home
Repair and Maintenance Program. Block by Block Weatherization
e Summer Employment for Teens ISETI - summer fobs for 14 19 year
olds Program to be administered through Portland Private Industry
41 tha dN .iatton of economic distress through tha stimulation of private
nveatm ent and job creation actrvitiaa m designated commercial and
industrial areas
Tha City proposes to meat these objectives by carrying out tha follow
n g activities
Housing »6.862 758 lebout 80% of funds w it directty benefit L o w /M o d l
• Single family rehabilitation loan program - no m erest deferred pay
mam loans for qualified homeowners. avertable city wide, low interest
amortized loans fix qualified homeowners who reside n designaieri
HCO areas housing program admmatration
• Multi family investor iehabilitat«in loan IIRLI program - low m erest
loans to rehabilitate rental properties of more than 4 dwelling units,
«mart property IRL loans for rental properties ot 1-4 units Properties
• Loan Programs - Commercial IRL program for rehabilitation to bust
nesa in Union Ave and Interstate Ave target areas. N E area Eco
nomrc Development loan fund. NE area minority business working
capital loan fund. Economic Development Revolving loan fund for
industry development and e« pension in target areas, loan progiam
• Technical Assist ai k e - Local Business Assist ance for firms intending
to erpend relocate, or remain in the city; NE program technical and
(HotessHinal assistance, industrial commercial dntncls planning,
new business development, economic development technical assist
ance staff and operating
A d m in is tra tio n a nd P la n n in g »1.272.668 General HCD administration,
housing pokey development citizen pamcipetion. fan housing counsel
mg contract management indirect costs, conteingency funds
must be located in H C D areas, program admasatration
Locan Homaataading Demonstration Program
grant to acquire taa foreclosed properties
Total 8 6 8 6 HCD Budget
CDBG Entitlement
Program Income
Obligated Carryover
Unobligated Carryover/Savings
» 9,158.000
»13.908 000
match to federal
Residential Hotel Preservation
Acquisition of downtown low income
resrdentisl hotels frw i ansterence to non profit ownership
R esources
• Dangerous Building Program - inspection of vacant and abandoned
structures located at H CD areas
Demonstration Housing Inspection Program - Prtot program to n
spevt for cods compliance al rental units n target arec
Description and Assessment of '84-86 Program Veer
C o n tin u e d o n P a g e 13
Page 12, JOBS, May 22, 1966
r * •i-i'uMf.