✓ Jobs Jobs Classifieds SECRETARIAL SECRETARY. LEVEL 3 Classifieds NURSE - RN Legal Secretary (6FTE up tol.OFTE) Medical Review Coordinator The Legal Department of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for a secretary Work in a professional setting Assist with research and development tasks Primary duties include producing drafts and final reports with tables and statisti cal data, using W A N G word processing Requires 60 W P M typing, 2 years previ ous secretarial experience, excellent speaking, writing and punctuation skills Salary range $12,200 $12,500 Excellent fringe benefits Starting date 6-10-85 If you like working in a professional en vironment and assuming responsibility for completing tasks independently, apply to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon, a ma)or health insurance company, has an opening for a professional to conduct medical claim audits in order to deter mine validity of charges, medical ne­ cessity, and appropriateness of service Qualified applicants must have a mini­ mum of 2 years secretarial experience, typing 60 W P M , excellent grammar, spelling, and editing skills Word processing and/or PC expeience or experience on a Xerox Memory Writer preferred Candidates must also have the ability and desire to handle a heavy work load Personnel Office Blue Cross ant' Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex time work hours, and competitive salary Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f O regon Personnel Department, 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland. OR 97201 Northwest Regional Education Lab. 300 S W 6th Ave Portland, OR 97204 Letters of application and resume must be received in the personnel office by 5:00 p m May 30, 1985 In letter of ap plication please indicate that you are applying for the assessment and evalu ation secretary position Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity Employer Individual will also assist in establish ing and modifying medical review guide lines and in the training of personnel to ensure appropriate and consistent claims review, will also assist in the design and implementation of special projects. Position requires direct communication with providers Successful candidate must be an RN, currently licensed in the state of Oregon, and have 3 5 years recent hospital ex penence Administrative experience ex­ tremely helpful Good communication skills and a com ­ prehensive understanding of medical terminology, coding, and surgical pricing is desirable DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM • \ li,.«. O»» * • . S * • IM. UWD USE SPECIALIST $1.743 - $?,?30 Monthly The Oregon Department of Transpor­ ta tio n , Highway D ivision, Is currently recruitin g for a Land Use Specialist (Environmental Specialist 2) located in Salem. Minimum q u alificatio n s include a Bachelor's degree with major coursework tn environmental or physical science, one of the natural sciences, engineering or other closely related fie ld and two years in env1ronmental land use planning, resource i.ianaqement or comparable program. For information, contact ODCT Personnel, 419 Transportation Bldg., Salem, hr 97310, (S03) 373-7663. Apply before 6 3 8 6 ar î’ww»' I Portland Public Schools Portland. Oregon < | • r Reporting to the Superintendent, the individual will direct the instructional program in the Northwest's largest, most progressive school district. Sue cessful candidate will have a Master's (Doctorate desirable) in curriculum or si<»ir\r*xi and experience (urban sctxxjfc preferred) in directing curriculum de velopment Salary to tie determined based on expe nence. preparation Send applications or inquiries to Aletha Chavis. Director of Personnel Portland Public Schools P 0 Box 3107 Portland, OR 97206 (503)249 2000. Ext 567 Apphcatton daadkne b 5 p m May 31, 1986 PI’S m an Equal Opportunity Employer JOBS Magazine 1463 N E Killingsworth Portland. OR 97211 (503)2884X03 Page 4, JOBS. May 22, 1965 • Ï 4' Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex time work hours, and competitive salary Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Personnel Department, 5th Floor 100 S .W Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer