Jobs Classifieds Jobs Classifieds CITY OF PORTLAND DIRECTOR A rt« C om m ission Program C o o rdinator $9 07/hr. to start P L A N N IN G f t SER VIC E C O O R D IN A T IO N LEVEL 18 N o rth w est Regional Educational Laboratory M e d ia tio n Specialist ♦1,631/m o. to start Apply by June 3, 1986. All positons include City paid benefits RESUMES W ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Apply to: Portland Civil Service 1220 S .W Fifth Avenue, First Floor Portland, Oregon 97204 or Urban League 10 N. Russell Portland. Oregon 3T321 CONTRACTORS WANTED The Housing Authority of Washington County is operating for Washington County through their Office of Commun­ ity Development, various home repair programs and the Housing and Com munrty Development Program, Rental Rehabilitation All of these programs reuire that the property owner hire a loeneed and bonded oontractoi to perform the appropriate repair construction. If you are not already on our contrac­ tor's list, please call the Housing Author­ ity of Washington County for an appli cation form. The Housing Authority is an equal opportunity employer (640-9780) Under Title 8 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, it is illegal to discriminate against any person because of race, color, relig ion, sex or national origin PROGRAMMER ANALYST The successful candidate will have a minimum of 3 years experience with an IBM Systems 38, RPG III CL, and dem onstrated analyst skill This position will provide assistance and back up to the M IS director Supervisory expen ence is preferred Good communication skills are essential Submit resumes no later than May 31, 1986 to: A m erican Red Cross, Personnel P. 0 Box 70 Portland, OR 97207 Equal Opportunity Employer Page 2, JOBS, May 22, 1985 DUTIES: The Director will be reepon able for • Coordinating all institutional planning • Coordinating ttie preparation of long range strategic planning • Coordinating the collaborative plan­ ning end implementation of activities and service among all NW REL pro­ grams • Coordinating the activities of the Lab­ oratory, earned out in collaboration with other R & D performers incl labor atones and centers in the national network • Coordinating activities in relation to major new laboratory thrusts • Coordinating essential institutional functions, incl regional need sensing, diagnosis of client problems/needs and institutional self evaluations. • Supervising work units specifically assigned, monitoring and reviewing for cost, quality and progress per formance, as well as planning for improvements as needed. • Managing and implementing program activités as required. • Planning and developing proposals for current work areas and new pro­ grams /projects. • Insunng that laboratory policies and procedures are followed as assigned work is carried out. • Establishing and maintaining contact between the laboratory and practi tioner groups and associations and maintaining laboratory visibility with these groups and agencies. • Serving as liaison for the Board of Director's Program Committee. QUALIFICATIONS: • Doctorate degree; however, excep­ tional training and experiences may be considered in lieu of a doctorate • 3 yrs experience and demonstrated expertise in the areas of institutional planning and program coordination. • 3 years experience as an administra- tor/manager in an education or edu­ cation related agency • Broad experience in conducting a variety of needs sensing activities. • Experience in working with chief state school officers and local education agency superintendent and principals. • Proven abilities to relate effectively with personnel in educational related associations. • Excellent skills and 3 yrs experience in fiscal management and contract and grant administration to include cost analysis and projection of assigned efforts. • Knowledge of research and develop­ ment network? • Proven ability to provide effective leadership • Broad experience and proposal de velopment. • Exc oral and written communication skills • Demonstrated awareness and com­ mitment to educational equity. • Excellent interpersonal skills. SALARY RANGE: $38,419 $50,000 per annum. TERM OF EMPLOYMENT: Position available on or about July 1, 1986. APPLICATION: Resumes must be re­ ceived in Personnel Office by 5 o'clock p.m ., June 15, 1986. In your letter of ap­ plication, indicate the position for which you are applying After screening, select ed candidates will be interviewed. Apply: Personnel O ffic e. N o rth w est Regional E ducational Laboratory 300 S W 8th Ave Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportumly Employer