Krs Frances Schaen-Netnpaper Koon U n iv e rs ity of Oregon Lib rary l u rene, Oregon 97403 Native American Art PSU apartheid protest Page 3 Page 10 kS^OFFS PORTLAND OBSERNIER Volume XV, Number 30 May 22, 1985 25C Copy Two Sections Lee Brown speaks out by lam ia Duke GRASSROOT NEWS, N W Sounding more like a historian than a criminal justice expert, Houston's Police Chief l ee Brown challenged the Portland Urban league to utilize the strategy of "the b»x»k, the buck and the ballot," along with coalition politics at the 1 eague's annual dinner and 40th anniversary on May 16. With iheir new chief executive officer — Herb Cawthorne — ap­ proved by the National Urban I eague Board, ihc Portland league umbrellas a variety of programs to assist Port­ land's Alro-American arxl low-income communities. Keynote speaker th ie f Brown established the Criminal Justice pro­ gram at Portland State University in 1968, served as sheriff and director of public safety tor Multnomah t oun- ty, and from 1978 82 Brown was Public Safely Commissioner in At­ lanta. Georgia Brown proved to be a student ol history as he compared the current Lae Brown. Houston» Police Chief, addresses by Robert Lothian Ethiopia was once a potential breadbasket for East Africa and the Middle East, "but now is not adiread basket, but a basket case," according to a former Ethiopian Supreme Court Justice. Hapte Selassie was the keynote speaker at a conference on food and African development at PSU May 17. The one day conference, sponsored by the PSU Association of African Students and the Black Studies De­ partment, brought together students, faculty and the public with govern­ ment representatives from Ghana, Gabon and Nigeria. Several papers on African devel­ opment were presented, and panels discussed South Africa and African women in development. According to Selassie, who is now a professor at Georgetown University and Howard University in Washing ton, D.C., most African countries were self-sufficient and net exporters of fixid until about 1944) That changed with the rise of mili­ tary-bureaucratic states whose ruling elites are unable to deal with funda­ mental s