Pag« 8. Portland Observer, May 15. 1985 ALLEN TE M P LE C M E C H U R C H L , n @ n ® » r *4 1. Corner of 8th and Skidmore Sunday School 9 30am Sundav Worship 11 00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00pm tsecond and fourth Sundays) r E lonza J E d w a rd * (P astor) Send notice o fy o u r church activities and events to. Religion Editor. Portland Observer P O Box i t 37 Portland O R 97208 Friars offer sanctuary by Robert Lothian RELIGION UPDA TE Fr. Loren K irkoff, O .F .M ., pastor of St. Clare Roman Ciholic Church in Southwest Portland, led his West Coast province o f MX) Franciscan friars to offer sanctuary to Central American refugees. K irkoff said some friars feel strong ly enough about the issue that they are willing to break the law. The Reagan administration has defined the refugees as illegal aliens. Transporting or harboring illegal aliens is a violation o f immigration laws, and several sanctuary activists have been tried by the government. “ Certainly, some friars are willing to go to jail on this,” said K irkoff, but so far local support has been limned to fundraising for the Port­ land Sanctuary Coalition and for a Spokane church that is helping a refugee family. The Franciscans will offer their houses as places of sanctuary, if nec­ essary, and they will stand behind sanctuary activists with legal help, he said. K irkoff said he first formed a sanc­ tuary education committee and or- ganizd a workshop. Alter hearing the story o f a Guatemalan woman at the workshop, the friars voted unani­ mously to support sanctuary, he said. by Dee Armstrong N o rth P o rtlan d Bibla C ollage was founded in 1982 when several concerned Christians “ shared their vision for a community-based Bible college in North Portland. We have seen God at work implementing the vision,” reported Northern Lights PoZ. 2 publication, of June, 1984 And in 1985 North Port­ land Bible College is still growing strong. I am currently attending North Portland Bible College and I would like to add my personal testimony on a job well done. When I invited Jesus into my life, I knew to be an effective member in the body o f Christ I would be required to understand and know his word. After much prayer and consulting, my pastor and I began to search for a gixxl Bible college. However, I did not realize the enormous financial requirements placed upon a Christian education I had looked into every Christian Bible college “•In the metropolitan area, overlooking NPB C simply because it was so small; it was in N E Portland; surely N PB C had nothing to offer me. I knew that the Lord wanted me to attend the best How can the best be small and unaccredit­ ed? Remember: Jesus liked to take something little and make it Great so the Father may be glorified in Heaven. Knowing this Jesus made a way by the love and kindness o f Sister Beth Nance, a staff member. Today I am blessed to be a student at NPBC. The rewards are endless. This week's U P D A TE with fo o d f o r thought I waited patiently f o r the and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out o f a horrible pit, out o f the miry day. and set my feet upon a rock, and estab­ L o rd ; lished my goings. — Paalm 40:1.2. Singles M in is try at M a ra n a th a . I222 N .E . Skidmore St., May I9th. Senior Saints will be blessed with a Sunday dinner and program at 2:00 p.m. after church services. Please invite seniors from your church and bring them with you. Those planning to attend the Singles Conference this year, mark your cal­ endars for July 18 - 21 in sunny San Bernardino, California. For more infor­ Interracial w orkshop set mation, call 288-724,. Evangelist S. E. M itc h e ll o f Dallas, Texas, will be in “ revival” May 19 - 26 with Greater M l . ( alvary C .O .G .I.C ., 1234 N .E. Killingsworth, Bishop H B. Daniels, pastor. The public is welcome. The In s titu te in Basic Y o u th C o n flicts will again this year be filling audi­ toriums from coast to coast. The Pacific Northwest is well represented May 13- 18: Vancouver. B C ., (604)271-3105 June 24 29: Oakland, C A , (415)948 4287 July 15 - 20: Anchorage, A K , (907)276-7177 July 22 - 27: Portland. O R (503)2564)148 Oct . 7 - 12: Seattle, W A . (206)838-4270 Nov. I I - 16: Calgary, Alberta (403)252-0442 "Possessing th e land w ith W orship and Prayer is the rally at Pioneer Square in downtown Portland, 7 p.m ., on M ay 24th. Continuing to build momentum, Psalms 150 Evangelism Outreach will march through town to the waterfront claiming lor the Lord, the land which will be the site ol Rose Festival activities, (503)231-5155. Union G ospel M issio n will hold their star studded international conven­ tion in Seattle, M ay 25 - 29 Featured speakers will include Rosie fin e r, Norma Zim mer, Jerry Dunn, Florence Littaucr, Dr. Joe Aldrich and Bruce I arson, ,206)622 5177. ------------------------------------------------------------ i ! SOUL FOOD Tamales | Hot dogs Bar-B-Que Ribs Hamburger Cheeseburger Homemade Soup French fries Grilled Cheese Sandwich Eggs, Bacon Sausage Fried potatoes Grits | Dinners . ’ I | * ' I | | i 1329 N.E. Fremont • 281-2560 | T u b s . - Sat 6 a m . - 1 2 a m .. Sunday 1 p.m . - 1 2 a .m . i C losed M o n d a y ’ The paging people who have always brought you selection and service now bring you one of the widest coverage areas in Portland Plus one big advantage Our competitors charge you for "extended coverage RAM includes it as standard bill of fare Premium coverage without a premium price Because at RAM. we believe your pager Is only as good as the area it reaches 2 2 6 -1 5 0 7 Peoftlef “ RAM Broadcasting o, Oregon Inc . 713 S W 12th Avenue “ Bui what about ihc children?” is the queslion constantly asked of par- enis o f interracial children. In order to address that question, the Council on Interracial Books for Children (C IB C ) and the Ecumenical Parish of North and Northeast Portland are sponsoring a one-day workshop on "Children o f Interracial Families." The workshop will be held on Saiur- day, June I, I985, ai the Mallory Avenue Christian Church, 126 N.E. Alberta, Portland The workshop will focus on ihe de­ velopment o f positive velf-identily in interracial children. Small group workshops will be given on identity and the young child, the interracial adolescent, single parents with inter­ racial children, grandparents and family networks, and remarriage and the interracial child. There will be keynote speakers and a panel of inter­ racial adults discussing positive ap­ proaches to raising interracial chil­ dren. Registration for the workshop is free; lunch will be provided for $3.50 per person. Childcare will be provided for $2/child; $3.50 with lunch. For pre-registration information, call Rev. Marge Green at (503)288-5173. I Cook's Choice Announcing wide area paging coverage without the wide area price. A Public Service of the Portland Observer Hale to read recent w o rk Native American novelist and poet Janet Campbell Hale will read from her recent work at Portland Stale University, Monday, M ay 20, at 7:30 p.m ., in 298 Smith Center, 1825 S.W . Broadway. Hale's reading is free and open to the public Janet Campbell Hale, a member of the Coeur D'Alene Tribe, currently lives in Bellingham, Washington. She will be W riter in Residence next year at the University of Washington. Her poetry has appeared in four anthologies, “ The Remembered Earth,” "Voices o f the Rainbow," "The Third W om an,” and "Song From This Earth on Turtle's Back." Her new novel, published in March of this year, is "T h e Jailing of Ce­ celia Capture." It has drawn favor­ able response from reviewers around the country who cite her use of her own Native American heritage in developing the novel. The New York Review o f Btxiks commented that Hale's work contained. "Rich detail, authentic dialogue and unfurbished prose." Hale also has published a children’s novel, "T h e Owl Song." Janci Campbell Hale’s visit to the PSU campus is sponsored by the United Indian Students in Higher Ed­ ucation, the PSU English Majors Association, and the Women’s Studies Program, with support from the Academically Controlled Auxil­ iary Activities Committee. “ The more groups like this that step in and take a stand, the more hesitant the administration will be to take on groups that oppose its poli­ cies," said Kirkoff. At the heart o f it, this is a difference over Central America policies. Our government policy is illegal,” he said. “ If there is a poor or oppressed person, we should help them, it's the Gospel. These are our brothers and sisters. We need to work wuh them and help them attain their human dignity.” Kirkoff said he has a problem with the administration "labelling as com­ munist those who are really working with the poor. Even the Bible has become a subversive document" in parts o f Central America, he said When the Reagan administration and Central American dictators jus nfy atrocities in the name of God, he said, the church has an obligation to speak out. Speaking out is nothing new for the Franciscans: many have been ac­ tive in the peace movement, according to Kirkoff. The 800-year-old order ol Roman Catholic men. known for their brown robes, has traditionally followed the example of their patron, St Francis, in siding with the poor and oppressed, he said Albina Ministerial Alliance 284 6023 b THE M O U N T O LIVET B A P T IS T C H U R C H N.E. First Schuyler • 284 1964 Joh n H Jackson M inister M Ed 9 30 A M , t 00 A M 5 00 P M 10 0 0 A M M D C h urch S chool C o ngreg sn o n sl W orship Vesper Service Baptism Fou rth Sunday 11 00 C o m m u n io n Each F .rti Sunday The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of Oregon: Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention: National. Oregon, Portland Ecum enical M inistries. A m erican Bible S o ciety . M .& M Board. Tuesday YOU ARE W ELCOME TO W O R SH IP AT 7 30p m Bible B and 84 N .E. K illin g s w o rth • 281 0499 Thu rsday 7 00p m Choir Rahaaisai "A warm spirit of fellowship always'" S u nday 9 16s m J * •** f r * * f r * “ M o rn in g I he Ark of Safety Church of God in Christ rpreeon n , * * n , * w c * r Bahop UY M s n a a 0 0 r** H 11 1 5 s m 6 30p m W o ra h ip YP W W Evangelistic 8 OÛp m W o rs h ip N o on Day | Tuesday Friday Prayer tkt- 4U ÿ4- Friday " T h e Pastor S p e a k s " 7 30 p m û ll m e n . f. b o lin e s * U ’ ilH û U l m an U ’ ilt c ll s h a ll s e c b o v ò C '(im m u n ity 0 0 Morning Prayer 9:00am In c Ssewtey rtvsrtmg KKJD A M SWt* K AAR *4B j AM 0« «MMM « D irectory a n d p ro files A ds O n This P a g e A r c O l L o c a l B u s in e s s e s T h a t A r c H e lp in g B u ild A B e t t e r C o m m u n it y AUTO BROADWAY TOYOTA BROADWAY TOYOTA 307 N .E B ro a d w a y P o rtla n d . O R 97232 (503)284 1106 B ro ad w ay Exxon Com piei« Ca> C««« Cerne« Atte« Prod «Mia T owing Service Servito eli fo»e*gn I» tfomeettca Ov» mechanic Chtsck Knoe« wtM Pe e< duty * 0 open » UM I 8 J 11 Sunday M o t 'll tte n o n Menage« l*M » M ISCELLANEOUS -r^ fM c v rc - » Br PC NT ALS 234-7466 tMOwaooM m u . ax D A IL Y B 30 AM 9 00 AM lOCLUOIMG suaoart 8>«d 519 N E B io a d w a y 284 5050 BEAUTY Rent to o w n • Sales • Service BEAUTY b BARBER S U P P L IE S RMV a w»„«•'««• ro. ’ ««'• • On« or the w oM a moet 'elected tethn<>er>g F R ID A Y S B E A U T Y S U P P L IE S W h o ta ta te and Retail W e carry p ro d u c t! that ar« *e e n in Jat and Ebony M iy d /it'c O pen 9 a m 8pm 3 0 7 N E BROADW AY PO RTLA ND CX i i i i i i i n i i i I I Ï I H r CLEANERS JEW ELRY ELK CLEANERS ft LAU ND RY PATON JEWELERS E s ta b lis h e d in 1912 a n d stil' p ro vid in g q u a lity dry cle a n in g at reasonable rates 1014 N Killingsworth 500 N W 23rd Avenue n 5001 N E U nion (C orner of A lb e rta ) 288 5303 284-1105 BARBS S to p -A -M In lt M a rt 2 N. K llllngaw orth HUI Scarves ft 707 NE F R E M O N T 2B1 «AA Stereo Fran W h ite Appliances ft T V. • Leasing Parts A L W A Y S A G O O O S E L E C T IO N OF ja’fall’s T V VC R video gam es b movies Mo. IW ’W, ■ fn d i)’ < » » e Settaria y 1 0 0 a m U t t i a D ia m o n d * $\ a li h r* SatMtay » 4D e • D u ftin n d \<-ttiny W a lih Ih lh S I A llO O p « Phone: 284-3979 |«*M«*lts R e p a ir Sand* ll< C ,. IJ W ie .’ H I HIM I E V IC T IO N S S TO PPED W HY BE BALD? B r o a d w a y H e ir w e e v e r s b D e sig n ers B e a u ty S a lo n h a t the solution 1634 N.E 7th a t B ro a d w a y 281 9495 U N IT Y OF LOVE BEAUTY SALON Came Bi an» meet l»vMe a Mnaoe MRS c ' PHARMACY yyiOS R e n ta l H*'» -- < ».tesso"«’ T O t N E '« ^ 0 ^ ZB1 P R M C C L IN IC PHARMACY- •veecxv«-"’« • Cewme« «Mppi— AzngW len^xg ’ex-»«■■ «.««eft*« 1ft N M o r n s St P o rtla n d O re g o n 97227 2B1 9931 J»'' Il II Professional Services 6720 N.E. U N IO N 2834123 'G E N E R A T IO N S ' PHIL REYNOLDS M EDICAL CLINIC (’A le n n a Service F R ID A Y S B E A U T Y S U P P L Y praöu. t« ee «ear *» Je« end ffcx', 4 6 M NE U n io n 287 B 2 M ten a n ts ’ D o you feei you are berng unfairly treated? iß lS YVditer C R eynolds M D Kalpana H Raidev M D P h y n c ia n t b S u rgeons 15 N M orria St 287 4532 K U N E IS th 7«»O3A3 A N N B. W IT T E A ttorney at Law 6316 N. Vancouver Ave n O B IT I R A T IO N S Cotenna Service ( ,M P b rW xl (>agi».97?17 4624 N.E. 9th (BDB1249ÆB6 2811836 ,1. < IIS K 819 KMmgvwxxth St 18031 28» 981« EXECUTIVE CUSTOM NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO? HAVE A PROBLEM? CALL: W IN G S OF LOVE 281 9642 Rev Mayos TH E O T H E R S ID E R ES TA U R A N T Tailoring Intern ation al M en W o m e n Children IS NO W O PEN S e m e l HtcStwy Saiofepd Ba> B» Qet •*» So«Ih«rp C em ae H oert Moe T 8 «ridey 11 00 ¡a « 10 00 p « Fn a Set 11 00 e m Up « Seedey ’ » p • » t t p t a ( erry fie« M ' '* * • 838 N. K llllngaw orth U T J i ,i«nwd ) Ekxided a e 1— — x 24O 5324 573 N K illin gsw o rth P o rtla n d O R 97211 F " y, I |