Page 6, Portland Observer, May 15,1906 Q by Roy Lee Jermgan Sports Editor • SPORTTALK• SPORTTALK• This may seem improper io some, but ih a l’ s not my problem. Thank you, Ron Herndon. Thai was for me and mine, surely you owe him yours. N ew York receives No. 1 draft pick The Pal Ewing lottery has been won by the N Y. Knickerbockers. Pat Ewing, the obvious No. I pick in the upcoming N BA draft w ill take his game to the Big Apple next year, unless New York runs out o f money again. The first 7 picks are as follows: 1. N .Y. Knicks 2. Indiana 3. I.. A . Clippers 4. Seattle 5. Atlanta 6. Sacramento 7. Golden State The order o f the first 7 picks was determined by lottery but once again, the rich got richer. Seemingly, the purpose o f the lottery would eliminate the end o f the season race for the league’s worst record. Golden Slate, the team with the worst record in the league, gets the No. 7 pick. T h a i’s buzzard’s luck. John Thompson remains at G eorgetow n There had been rumors flying around speculating as to whether John Thompson would enter the pro­ fessional coaching ranks. Three NBA learns made offers and Thompson responded at Pal Ewing's press con­ ference. Coach said, " I 'm evaluating and making an assessment. But at this point in time I ’ m not ready to leave Georgetown." Offering Big John some big bucks to leave the collegiate arena is in keep­ ing with attempts to diminish the number o f positive role models for minorities. Gel him out o f college ball with a weak pro team and after a few years o f building, fire him. For some reason, when a Black coach is fired in the N BA he can't find work as readily as his white counterparts. Paul Silas got one shot. Elgin Baylor only had one chance. K.C. had to work as an assistant coach on the Boston bench for years before he received his second chance. K.C. was fired alter playing in the Cham­ pionship final by the Bullets. The commitments that Coach Thompson has made to his under­ classmen arc too sacred to be vio­ lated for money. When the rest are continually going for the gold, it’ s re­ freshing to see a man with principle stand alone. JOHN THOMPSON Boston leads 2-0 The homecourt advantage has pre­ vailed all year in the meetings between these tw o teams. Boston and Philly won three games apiece on their own floor during the regular season, and thus far nothing has changed. The Celts have taken the first two playoff games at their place and are now heading to Philly for the second set o f two. Dennis Johnson is turning on to give the Celtics what they wanted when Red traded lo r him. . . . to kill the 76ers. Danny Aingc has upgraded his offensive potential enough to counteract Philadelphia’s advantage in the backcourt. Robert Parish has gotten serious about his board play and defense If "T he C h ie f' continues to play inside things could gel difficu lt for the 76ers. Philadelphia has not played that poorly; it's just that Boston has played so well. Great coaching from both benches, and the excellent bench play from both teams arc the ingredients that make this matchup loo unpre­ dictable to assume that Boston will leave Philadelphia with anything but a 2-2 tie. the clock read 136-114, Moe laughed An excellent passing offense that forced L A . to play defense was the difference. Dan Issel played like the wily old pro that he is and forced Kareem outside the lane. Alex English went inside with his smoothness and canned 4I points. Alex's 2I fourth- quarter points put the icing on the cake for Denver. Doug Moe’ s strategy to pass more and to be more patient in shot selec­ tion forced the Lakers to work so hard on the defensive end that they couldn’ t get the famed Laker break out o f first gear Kareem lost it in the fourth period and was ejected for wrestling Denver was up by 16 points »nth 6:18 re­ maining when the big man left the arena Not only have the lakers lost one game, they have lost the home- court advantage at this point, and must now head to Denver to regain that coveted advantage, the other Blazers are alive and well in Denver. A No. 1 draft choice for Jack Ramsey Prior to reading Dr. Jack Ram­ sey's column last Sunday in the Ore­ gonian. I enjoyed and thought that Jack should retire from coaching and become a writer. Now I think he should just retire. This past season is another perfect example o f Ram­ sey’ s inability to adjust to his players. That alone should be enough to deal with, but to be insulted with his per­ sonal statistics is loo cold. The NBA season is H2 games long, and to break the season up before and alter the All-Star break to find something positive is truly creative writing Jack penned. “ From the A ll Star Game, when the Blazers were a dismal 20-28, the team won 22 and lost 12. That jsace was third best in the league during that time span A fu ll o f that level o f play Lakers and Nuggets split at the Forum JACK RAMSEY would result in more than 50 wins. That is indicative o f good basket­ ball." That is indicative of a poor attempt at brainwashing fans Jack has been hailed as being one o f the finer teachers in the league, but he can't teach Bowie that his strengths are inside the paint, not at the top o f the circle shooting jumpers to draw the opposing big man out­ side. When is Jack going to teach Kiki and Mychal to play some de­ fense? I f you don't have it at this level, you seldom get the time to get it. At the start o f the season, Ramsey had a won-lost record o f 703-609. That's .536 percentage No mailer how you look at it, that’s a .500 coach. The expanded playoff format permits more teams to participate, although many, as in the case o f the Trail Blazers, Cleveland, Milwaukee and New Jersey, have no real chance o f winning it all. As long as Jack remains here in Portland, we w ill hear excuse alter excuse as to why the team is faltering and that they deserve our full support without criticism. Give us a break. Jack, and move on. We’ ve tried the dralt and the trade route with no success. Let's trade the Coach. HOUSE OFSOUND TOP 10 ALBUMS 1. Alexander O'Neal 2. Luther Vandross............................The Night I Fell in Love 3. R u n -D M C ........................................................... King o f Rock 4. Rick Jannes....................................................................Glow 5. Freddie Jackson...................................... Rock Me Tonight 6. Atlantic S tarr...........................................As the Band Turns 7. W hitney H oust..................................................... Hous Tu U 8. Jesse Johnson's Revue 9. W ilton Feider........................................................... ..Secrets 10. Con Funk-Shun................................................. Eieric Lady 3434 N. Williams Ave. 287 1960 HAIR GROWTH and Fair exchange ain't no robbery! Tlic l akers ran up HO points at half­ time against Denver in Game No. I and blew the Nuggets o ff the Forum floor. Game No. 2 found the l akers being run out o f the Forum by 22 points. Fair exchange. Prior Io the start o f game No. 2, Doug Moe predicted that his team would win by 2$, and Rick Barry laughed When the horn blew and DANDRUFF RCUCF THCRAZCST CASCADE NATUROPATHIC CLINIC ’ 'Our Goa! 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