Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 15, 1985, Page 26, Image 26

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O p ening D a te M a y 10. IM S
C losing D a ta J u n e ] , 1 9 M I4 0 0 p m
The s p a m Area M eat T reran O e tn d a requesting propoaala lor provision
of jarvtonal services el the passenger terminal area, drivers lunchroom,
lo ck « room and smoking lounge supervisors office Chemol Station
transf« point, 9 bus shah« locations, and 1 wood frame house Bids
wdl be accepted on cleaning of the nme 191 shaft« locations only Copies
ol the proposal, scope ol work and bid package are available from the
Business M anag«, Spam Area Maas Transit Dwtnct 216 High Strep ME.
SPam. OR 9 7 X 1 3669. or by cphng I5£O i 58B 2B86
The District « * receive proposals at the address given above until, but
not e f t « . 4 00 p m . Pacific Daylight Tvne (POT), Monday, June 3. 1986
p which time said propoaala for janitorial services will ba publicly opened
and reed
Questions concerning th e proposal or the scope of work required should
ba directed to L av« Gouldmy Business M a nag«, at the above address
and telephone n u m b «
7A< District o an Equal Opportunity Employer Woman/Disadvan
lagad Businass Enterprises tW /D B E ) a rt encouraged Io submit proposals
Assistance in preparing M documents u available to qualified W /D B E
Seeled bids will be received by the Oregon Stale Board ol Higher Edu
cation m Administrative Services Building BKJO Oregon Stale Unt
yersity. Corvallis, Oregon until 3 00 PM POT, June 11, 1906 for the
Kidder Hall He roofing Project The project is located on the campus of
Oregon State University. Corvallis Oregon Bids will be opened and
publicly read aloud in the Administrative Services Building " A " , Room
A 1 10 by the Undersigned or hrs designated representative
The protects consist of re roofing approximately 10.064 sq ft of roof
area on Krddar Hall, including but not limted to tear off of existing asphalt
shingles application of new asphelt shmgle roofing system end gutter
repairs all m strict accordance with the plans and specifications
Bids will be received on a lump sum basis for all of the work shown on
the Drawings and Details and described m the Specifications One set of
plans, specifications and forms of contract documents may be obtained
from the Physical Plant. Oregon State University, 606 S W 15th Street,
Corvallis Oregon 97331 (phone number 754 49211 by pnme bidders only
upon deposit of $25 00 Additional sets may be obtained for the cost
of reproduction Sub contractors and others may purchase a set of plans
and specifications tor $5 00
Deposits made upon procurement of drawings, specifications and forms
of contract documents will tie refunded for documents returned in good
condition ' by a c tu a l bidders wtthm two weeks after opening of bids
For those ptantiolders who do not bid on the project, drawings, and
specifications must be returned in "good condition" by the bid opening
Drawings, specifications and forms of contract documents may be exam
med at the Oregon State University Physical Plant, as well as al the
following locetms Builders Enchenge Cooperwve, Portland. Oregon;
Eugene Builders Exchange Corporation, Eugene, Oregon, Northwest Plan
C en t«. Portland. Oregon Salem Contractors Exchange Salem, Oregon.
Construction Data Plan Center. Portland. Oregon. Impact Business Con
sullants Portland. Oregon National Business League Oregon Chapter,
e/o CSS Ef Associates, Portland, Oregon and Central Oregon Builders
Exchange. Bend, Oregon
Rywvon Operating Basa Expanaion
Seattle. Waahington
Bid Data: May 2 1 .1MB at 3:00 P.M.
1790 N.W. Bandera
Portland. Oregon 97208
Bidders are required to be prequalified in accordance with the Oregon
State Board of Higher Education 1 administrative rule Applications for
proqualification lor notice of intent to bid if the contractor has a current
prequalificatmn application on file with the Undersigned) must be re
r.eived el least ten 1101 days prior to the bid opening
All bids must contain a statement assuring compliance with ORS
279 360 relating Io prevailing rales of wage
Wa a rt an equal opportunity employer and raquaM sub bub fro m small
business and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and woman
No bid will be considered unless fully completed m the mannw provided m
and minority business enterprises
the "Instructions to Bidders
upon the Bid Form provided and accompa
med by Bid Security
A mandatory examination of the site and conditions will be made at
1 X PM PDT. June 4 1985 Biddeis shall meet with the Owner at
t ä f Port of Portland
Physical Plant Office prior to the required examination
The Oregon Stale Board of H ig h « Education reserves the right to reject
all ( « I s a n d in w a iv e all
An Equal Opportunity Employer
For Information on current job openings,
call our Employment Information Desk,
231-5000, Extension 700.
Page 16, JOBS. May 15, 1905
No tedder may withdraw a tad aher the hour sel for the opening thereof
until after the elapse of thirty ( X I days from the bid opening
By A E Mancl
Directoi ot Campus and Building Planning