REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D INVITATION FOR P R O P O S A L S PROPOSALS DUE 2 ® P M O N V A R IO U S DATES Sealed Proposals win tie received at the Bureau of Purchases end Stores R oom 412, C ity H all. P ortla n d . OR 97204 for th e (C o m m o d ities ) 1 Equipment 1 IProiectsi detailed tieow until 2 0 0 P M on the dates mdi lated Plans and Specrhcetione may tie obtained at the above editress For ad (tuonai information, telephone Buyers at number bated Unlees otherwise stated m the mdrviduel proposals listed herein no proposal o< be) Will tie considered unless accompanied by a tad surety toi OT amount not less then ten percent 1 10% 1 of the aggregate amount ot the proposal The City encourages bidding by MBE a and FBE s end will assist such firms to understand and participate m formal (adding processes N O N D IS C R IM IN A T IO N No proposal or bid w * be considered un leas the bidder is certified as en EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescnbd by Chapter 3 100 of the Code ot the City of Portland B ID NO 100 104 106 D E S C R IP T IO N O P E N IN G D A T E Furnish Trunked Radio System Dale Baker 248 44B6 6 /4 86 Furnish Annual Supply 100 W att High Pressure Sodium Vapor Street Lighting Luminaires Dale Baker 248 4486 6 11 86 EXECUTIVE VICE CHANCELLOR The University of California Riverside nviles applications and nominations lor the position of Executive Vice Chancellor The successful candidate must exhibit a commilmeni io academic ««cellence and will be dedicated to the land gram philosopny ot providing a comprehensive program of leaching research and public service to the people ot California The selected individual will also con tmue the institution s commitment to national and interna tional excellence in research and development This position reports to the Chancellor and will be respon sible tor all activities ot the general campus which includes • Acting lor the Chancellor m his absence • Assisting the Chancellor m developing and coordinating policy and planning for all campus operations • Supervising c ootdinalmg and planning ot all academic affairs in consultation with the Chancellor the Assoc Executive Vice Chancellor the Deans, faculty and students • Conducting resource planning tor all campus units and effecting allocations ot tiscal and personnel resources at statt and faculty levels • Serving when needed as principal liaison tor the Chancellor with the Office of the President and other campuses on administrative planning and budgetary matters • To chai' ng the Executive Council The qualified candidate will possess a Doctorate degree with demonstrated competence m teaching research and scholarly activities and a distinguished administrative record in the public or private sectors Labor. Material Et Equipment to Con struct S W 34 b Bedha Blvd Storm water Storage Michele Ackerman. 248 4191 Prequakfication m Class 8 Sewer Construction Required 6 -4 85 Salary will be commensurate with your qualifications and experience The appointment will be etteclive September 1 1985 C 9566 C 9554 Improve SE Pardee St from SE 80 to SE 61 Ave b Construct Sumps Dele Baker. 248 4486 Prequakfication m Class 2 Street Improvements Required 6 -6 85 Construct NE 115 Ave b NE Wygent St Sanitary Sewer System Michele Acker man 248 4191 Preqoalificetiiin m Class 8 Sewer Construction Required 6 /4 85 Nominations and appl cations should be sent by June 3rd to Chair, Search Com m ittee lo r Executive Vice Chancellor. O ftice of the Chancellor. University of California Riverside Riverside CA 92521 Applications should include resume and references I 106 107 1 Labor. Material b Equipment for N Overtook District Sewer Reconstruc tton Michele Ackerman 248 4191 Prequakfication m Class 8 Sewer Con «ruction Required 6 4 85 Labor Material b Equipment for Sewer Relocation - SE Grand Ave from SE Harney to SE Clatsop St Michele Ack ermen 248 4191 Prequakfication m Class 8 Sewer ConMruchon Required toe 6 6 85 6'' Labor Material b Equipment tor 4" b Water Mam m SE Yukon St b Various Other Locations Michele Ackerman 248 4 ,91 PrequalifKjtKm m Class 11 Water Lines Required Page 12. JOBS. May 15.1906 5 30 85 Ï/ Affirm ative action/equal opportunity employer