Portland Observer, May 8, 1986, Page 9 South African lack unions lead apartheid fight Resistance to apart h a d is gaining m om entum inside South A fric a , just l eaders o f the w orld's free labor unions stressed during the IC F I U as it is internationally. At the leading edge o f the struggle meeting that the international cam ­ paign to eliminate apartheid is geared is the independent Black trade union to the needs o f the Black workers and movement which is “ growing both in its strength and in its anger at what is happening in the tow nships," as Phiroshaw C am a y , general secretary o f the Council o f Unions o f South th a r unions, w ho they see as the great A fric a (C U S A ), put it at a press con­ ference follow ing the meeting o f the executive board o f the International Confederation o f Free T rade Unions in W ashington. hope o f South A fric a . " I want to stress that what we do is in response to the needs as expressed by our South A fric a n trade union friend s," IC F T U Gen.-Sec. John Vanderveken told reporters. “ It is not a program that we dream up for than It is worked out w ith th e m ." Norm Crosby to meet teens South A fric a n Black unions took part in the IC F T U meeting It included Cam ay and President Chris Dlam ini o f the Federation o f South A fric a n Trade Unions (F O S A T U ). C U S A and F O S A T U are the tw o largest group­ ings in the independent Black union m ovem ent. As apartheid continues to grip their nation, the Black trade unions are rapidly expanding and have be­ come more articulate in their de­ mands. Black membership has grown HUO percent since 1980. "T h e y are claiming the applica:ion o f fair laoor standards generally, and have made signiticant gains," Director General Francis Blandard o f the Inter natuxial I a tx » Office pointed out in an address to the IC F T U board. The large-scale work stoppages in the Transvaal area last Novem ba and other demonstrations since then reflect the growing impatience o f Blacks with the government’s refusal to ahaixkxi its apartheid policies. The IC F T U boad noted in a repixt on South African labor developments that in spite o f these aduevemenis uruon membership still only represents 15 percent o f the workforce o f the country, estimated at 10.3 million Union membership in 1983 was esti­ w ill visit T he Salvation A rm y ’s Greenhouse Center M a y 14 to meet some o f P o rtla n d ’s toughest teenagers. Crosby w ill visit the Greenhouse, a drop-in center for hardened street teens, between 3:00 - 3:30 p.m . Crosby w ill be in tow n to make another appearance on behalf o f the Prices Good 5/8 Thru 5/14/85 At All Safeways In The Vicinity 01 Originating Publications. Rotay C lub o f P o rtland. Rotary co­ sponsors the Greenhouse w ith The Salvation A rm y . The Greenhouse Center opened nearly 18 months ago to provide hun­ dreds o f P o rtla n d ’ s street teens with a sanctuary fro m their own violent life styles. A t Greenhouse, kids re­ ceive hot meals, counseling, clothing and a num ber o f olher services, in­ cluding emergency transportal ion home all across ihe country. " M a n y o f these kids are runaways with no other place to tu r n ," said L i. C ol. David P. Riley, T he Salvation A rm y's mander. Cascade Division “ Greenhouse offers com ­ them hope for a tangible fu tu re .” Last m onth the Greenhouse staff completed a census o f mated at 1.5 nullum, with Blacks num lias done more to generate international henng 671,194, ix 43 4 percent o f the total. At the same time that the independent Black trade union m o v a n a il is growing awareness o f the true nature o f apart had than any ix b a single group in the country Die IC F T U leaders see tfie continued so rapidly, it has become a major targa for repression by the authorities last progress o f the independent Black labor seat more than 250 persons wete lulled by secuntv police and thousands in­ sekpment in South Africa “ A s the u iu o n s are daily becoming more professional, dynamic, with a re­ markable matuknty and confidence in jured, the report noted iikisem ait as the only truly positive d r Virtually the entire leadership o f the South African W orkers Unions is in ja il lacing trea­ son charges, together with the whole leadership o f the United Democratic Front. Yet, despite setbacks, the inde­ pendent Black trade union movemeni handling negotiations and disputers, tluough thar successes they are looked upixi by the Black people o f South Africa as the only hope for peaceful change,” Varxlervekai said. tReprutfei) fm m AFL-CIO News) SAFEWAY WAREHOUSE Popular com edian N o rm Crosby, known to millions as the “ master o f m alaprop” A delegation o f top leaders o f the P o rtla n d ’s street youth and found that the typ i­ cal street teen is a 16-year-old boy 48-0unce Criso Oil Citrus Hill Orange Juice Or 3-Pound Can Shortening, Reg. Or Butter Flavor 100% Pure Juice, 12-0unce Can, Select, Frozen $969 ■B who has lived in doorways and flop- houses for ihe past three years. Although the census did not spe­ cifically delve in io how sireet teens support themselves, Riley said lhat “ i t ’s fairly safe to assume" that the Sales Limited To Retail Quantities. No Sales To Dealers. INVENTORY CLEARANCE 99c Save Up To $1.26. Save Up To $1.00, Super Moist Cake Mix Lucerne Homestyle Ice Cream kids engage in p ro siilu tio n, pim ping and drug dealing lo survive. For more in fo rm atio n about The Salvation A rm y -R o ta ry Greenhouse, contact Salvation A rm y Cascade D i­ visional Headquarters at 2.34-0825. Infant care class free Prepared C h ild b irth Association o f Portland is sponsoring a free infant Betty Crocker, 18 To 18.25-Ounce, 14 Asst’d Varieties care class for expectant parents with the help o f Babyland Diaper Service. This one night seminar w ill include practical info rm ation on selecting 79c equipment and choosing a docior, as well as the latest tips on diapering, dressing, and bathing a newborn infant. T h e first o f these sessions will be held on Tuesday, M a y 14, 1985, at 7:30 p .m . in G oo d Sam aritan Hospital's Nursing Education B uild­ ing, 2255 N .W . N o rth ru p St., Room Save Up To 30*. Deluxe, Old Fashioned Freezer Style, Half Gallon Size $199 Save Up To $1.00, T-Bone Steaks ?298 Tender, Aged, Well-Trimmed Quality Beef Lb R ib H a lf P o rk Loin Fully Processed *1 28 Lb. 108. For m ore in fo rm atio n , or lo pre-register, call Vicky ai 245-3196. Call Mom free at Jantzen Mall Fresh Crisp Head Lettuce M o m ’s Ihe word at Jant/rn Beach Center. M all shoppers will be invited to call thar mom and speak to h a free for 3 minutes, anywhere in the U .S .A . The promotion, s p o n s o r e d by Jantzen Beach Center and A lin a ( ommuraca- tion Services Inc., will begin Thurvlay, May 9th and continue through M o th a ’s Day, Sunday, M ay California Iceberg Variety 12th. Calls will he made from 3:30 - 9 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, 10 a m. - 6 p.m . on Saturday, and 12 mxm to 5 p.m . on Sunday. Large Red Ripe Tomatoes Size Lb. 48* Fresh Crisp Cucumbers Lb 29* Save Fresh Green Cabbage 16*Lb. Lb. 23* ♦ 1. « V • • JE-S2 * - t / ' T r ■/•• •. . 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