Portland Observer. May 8, 1985. Page 5 Apollo Theatre's 50th anniversary ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK An all «tar array of performer», representative of a half-century of entertainment presented at New York’» famed Apollo Theatre, will appear in a three-hour music and comedy special celebrating the theatre's 80th anniversary. Produced by Motown Productions, the program will be broadcast on Sunday. May 19, 8 - 11 p.m. ET. on the NBC Television Network. Stevie Wonder. Debbie Allen. Cab Calloway. Smokey Robinson. Sarah Vaughan. Whoopi Goldberg. James Brown, Gregory Hines. Her ry Belafonte. Petti LaBelle. Utile Richard. DeBarge. the Four Tops and the Commodore« — many of them former Apollo headliners — are among the stars joining host Bill Cosby, an alumnus of the theatre him self, in the tribute to the fabled showplace The names of additional performers will be announced shortly. The special, produced by Motown Productions in conjunction with Inner City Broadcasting, owner operator of the Apollo, will salute the theatre's rich heritage and its contributions to American culture. Five decades of the Apollo's special brand of historic entertainment will be recalled through musical and comedy sketches and by portrayals of past artists by the show's guest stars. The program will mark the official reopening of the Apollo, which was designated a landmark building in 1983 Percy E. Sutton, chair­ man of Inner City Broadcasting, is directing Its development as n theatre and video production center Joe "Bean " Keller. Entertainment Editor Grand M a i.. . .OK Monday night at tha Kay Largo: W at it rock? W n it roll? Or was it soul? That was tha question at tha and of tha night. If you weren't there you missed a very exciting and entertaining eve­ ning. The evening began with the way-out sounds of Butter, Koske and Wood. Kan Butler, a guitar builder who makes guitars out of al­ most anything you can imagine or wouldn't imagine, entertained the audience with his guitar made from an ax. Another feature of the evening were the "Untouchable Rappers along with Scratch-master and D.J. Larry Bell. It was different to hear Rapper in the Key Largo, but It was vary well received by the audience The female of the evening was Grand Mai with lead vocalist Calvin Walker. The band was vary tight and high powered. They played a va riety of funk tunes dating back to tha 60s and through to the present with an assortment of J a n funk. Walker appeared on stage wearing a long, loose shirt, tights and rolled down socks, his hair was combed out in a f r iii and sprayed with glitter This showed another side of the normally conservative Calvin Walker Rick Mitchell, the founder of Grand Mai. put together a very enjoyable and wild evening. Look forward to hearing more from the band and Rick. Sanders Bro. Band Free performance at Immaculate Heart S X » ^ U fi (/> » Residents of Northeast Portland's neighborhoods are invited to at­ tend the free performances by the students of Immaculate Heart Community School of the musical "It's Cool in the Furnace on May 9. 10and 11 in the church at N.E. Stanton St. and Williams Ave The musical showcase will be held at 7:30 p.m. May 9 and 10. and at 2:30 p.m. May 11 Choreography for the musical was directed by well known dancer and instructor Benny Bell. Local Portland musician and conductor Jeff Otto is musical director. S* GEORGE BENSON Rogers Cablesystems Black Tele­ vision (BC TV) live coverage o f the Lloyd D. Stevenson Inquest being held at Multnom ah County C o u rt­ house on May 9th and l()th, from 8:30 a.m. to completion both days. The programs w ill be repeated on Saturday May 11 and Sunday May 12 during the same hours. Rogers Chan- nel 23 and Liberty Channel 11 will be carrying the progrms. Oregon law provides that the Dis­ trict Attorney, Michael Schrunk, call for an inquest to obtain a jury finding on the cause and manner o f the Stev­ enson death. (This is the first inquest in Multnomah County in 10 years). A jury o f six w ill listen to the evidence, and jurors may also ask questions o f the witnesses after they have been ex­ amined by the District Attorney The jury w ill return a public finding to the District Attorney. Complete Entertainment Service« B I TIER I N I ( B I * I N M ( N T ATTRACTIONS N tlW O B « Ï "I don't mind surprising people I like that element in everything I do You've got to keep it fresh; new If you don't reach out you re never going to grab what you're after ' That's how George Benson explains the dynamic, distinctly innovative sound that makes 20/20 one of the most exciting new releases in this consummate artist s long career "Quality is my first concern People have come to expect a certain standard from me and I try to meet that expectation That's what being an artist is all about " It's a classic bit of understatement from a mu sician whose singing and guitar playing define to millions, both what music is and what it can mean to the quality of life. George Benson will be appearing, along with special guest Kenny G IG Force) on Friday. May 24. at the Arlene Schnluer Hall for two shows. 7 00 and 10:30 p.m. TV-radio to cover inquest K B (X ) (90.7 FM) w ill provide live coverage o f M ulionom ah County District Attorney Michael Shrunk’ s inquest into the death o f Lloyd Stev­ enson. Stevenson died after being subdued by a Portland Police o ff i­ cer's "sleeper h o ld " the evening ol A pril 20. The inquest is schcduld to begin at 8:30 a.in. Thursday, May 9, with jury selection. K B (X ) w ill begin live continuous coverage o f the inquest after ju ry selection is completed. Friday, May I0, the ju ry is scheduled to tour the site o f Steven's death K B (X ) w ill pick up live coverage again on Friday at 10:30 a.m. when proceedings are expected to begin again in C ourtroom 3I2 o f the M u lt­ nomah County Courthouse. K B (X )’s live coverage w ill be an­ chored by Inform ation Director Ross Reynolds and Morning Magazine host Jane Blume. Mary's Restaurant and Lounge 5700 N.E. Union Ave. Business Hours: 365 Days a Year — 7 a.m. until 2:30 a m. , . ìòu could . ., be the one to win it! • Promotion» • Managing • Booking •Pubfccity •Protect Layout» •Program Coordination •Band» •Dancer» •Actor» • P A Equipment •Lighting •Disco Unit b D J OREGON'S VERY OWN LOTTERY IS HERE. OKAY, SO WHAT EXACTLY ARE ITIE ( HAM IS OF WINNING? Pot of Gold Just .i dollar a ticket Yet you could w in from $2 to $5,000 instantly! Or. if you’re really lucky, the Jackpot Prize of at least $600.000' Actually , pretty darn good We absolutely, |vositively guaran tee that the < xlds » it w inning average out to better than I in 10 Just check out the chart to find the exact o d d s ti >r each prize HERE’S HOW YOU PLAY. -HAY HERE IN S 1 \ N I P K IZ I s I K I ( Based» i h i a p p rt » »in ta tv h V IS S I I V I l ’R I / l ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB Jackpot Wheel. And win from $1.000 to $25,000 more Or. the Giant Jackpot Prize of at least $600.000 At least, because if nobody wins it one week, it grows and grows and keeps on grow ing until s< imebt xJy wins And remember, somebody w ill win' Itm rry R e g io n al O ffic e * H e a d q u a rte r* Metri > RegK mal ( >ffk e lMkMJSR Cpper fram es Fern Rd SuWr 12t> lake ( Hcwcgu. ( )R 9 '0 M d O J lh W W I’ U mm 2’ 6 * 22nd M S F Salem ( « « T W (SOJ) A’ M JMS ( 1708 N.E. Alberta Portland, Oregon h egi h i C r S K l W f » UMMV . hi »imlli« hi ■ •v I 1 (NlHlRM I » 5 5 *’<»(>♦<) 1 UK) $ MM) • YT • V • » :• : r » » . '»Ç. ». ( HAS< l s ( M « IN N IN A . 1 lu 1 I2 S 1 IS IH X I 1 MlIMM) IW ) HAS 1 «MIMMI 1 («O IRMI OREGON W INS, EVERY IIMI YOl BI Y A IK KI T. First, buy yourself a ticket or two wherever you see our sign There are thousands of ticket outlets all across Oregon Then, using the edge of a coin, gentfy rub the spots indicated on the ticket If the same amount appears on three of these spxs, you win' If you're one of the many $2 or $5 winners, simply claim your prize at the store where you bought the ticket If, on the other hand, you're one who wins at least $ 100, take or mail your ticket to the Oregon Lottery office nearest you. You'll receive your money on the spot But, that's not all If you're one of the really lucky ones to w in exactly $ 1(X), you'll also be eligible for a chance to spin our at the ¿ . l y ♦ SV(MM) OREGON LOTTERY Every Friday 6 Saturday night « »dia N I MB» K ( »1 » I W I Rs 1 1 .(MM) Frank Redding and Co. ans n fit k e is in (lie ( »anw CITIZENS' GROUPS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY PRESENT ; FRANK REDDING AND CO AT THE ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB 1708 N.E Alberta ¿tí ' * Southern ( Hrgim Reg»» nial < MF k e ISSO N F Stephens spate »22 fcnehurg < >R 9’ 4’ <> (S«5l 44<> 54HS 2 I f Contact Joe (Been) Keller • Home 232 9871 • Office 288-0034 * < m 1 astern < >rru hi Regi» mal < Mn« r inns »dams »se la tifa m lr OR ‘PMAO (AOA) r every d< »liar y< hi s | x th I < >n in kets ai least $•» ( en ts g< x-s ti > l i i >n< »mu I level»ipment fi>r < >reg< m Hi. ii m eans m ore jobs l or ourselves Ami i mi kids S<», v< >u see. even if yi hi tl< »lit w in. vou win Bv the wav. w ith the rem aining (>6 cents, just 16 t en ts i >r less gi >es ti> ru n n in g tlie lottery, w hile a big 50 te n ts g» >es ti» prizes N» > vviuuler si» many periple will win lm lulling, w e lit »jx-. vR 9 * S )I <»<>Al V4H (MtC* LOTTERY Mid Villes Regional < Mfw e ¿ • ’ A 22nd St s » Salem i »M A<>2 I »nA i f H «5«» > •