Jobs Classifieds SCHOOLS/INSTRUCTION N o rth w e s t N annies In s titu te The FIRST state licensed vocational Nanny training school in Oregon Free placement mcredMe demand Contact NNI 710 N E. 21st Portland, OR 97232 Tel 1503)234 4671 SCHOOLS/INSTRUCTION N ann y A c a d e m y N o rth w e s t Licensed Vocational School. 26 years educational experience Train to become certified nanny professional. Immediate placement; exceptional salary. Taking applications for June. 1503)244 0470 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES R V's For Less Komforts, King of the Road and Sun- raders LOW EST prices around. O C E A N W A Y RV McMinnville Call (503)434 6605 BUILDING MATERIALS Pole Building Kits Completii building packages, 1/sliding door, 4/colored walls, 6x6 poles, 24x36x10 $1,850, 24x48x12 $2,450; 30x60x12 $3,350 Many other sizes Labor and financing available (503)263 1806 TRAVEL TRAILER/ R ecreational V eh icle Super lightweight Travel Trailers, 5th Wheel, Mini Motor Home, Cargo Trail ers, all aerodynamically designed for small vehicles Call toll free for free bro chure 1 80 0 3 4 6 4 9 6 2 HELP W ANTED $20.000 Y early Possible Prepare at home for Post Office Clerk Carrier employment examinations Free details Write: Federated IO R 4I Box 3006 Hattiesburg, M S 39403 CREDIT PROBLEMS? S tart n e w I Buy a car, house, furniture, obtain credit cards. Professional and experienced No advance fee in many cases Free initial consultation. 1503126b 6489 STOP Paying Federal and S ta te Taxes On interest from saving and CD's by investing in Oregon tax exempt mumci pal bonds FREE bond list T o m M o o re 1 800 452 0956 for sale Slight P ain t D a m a g e New flashing arrow sign Factory direct. $279 complete, free bulbs, tubes! War ranty. Four left Reg $499 Call immedi atefy. H ale Signs 1(800)423 0163, anytime SPORTING GOODS G olf G o lf G olf G olf Golf equipment, discount prices Write or call for pnces, brochure: G earhart G olf C ourse P 0 . Box C Gearhart, OR 97138 (5031738 5248 HOUSING AND RESOURCE North/Northeast Community Mental Health Center is pleased to announce an opening for Housing and Resource De veioper msition for the chronically men tally ill adult population in N /N E Port land Develops and enhances housing resources Experience with government agencies regulations, and requirements pertaining to residential resources Du ties m< lude: Develop residentiai re sources alternatives to hospitalization, grant writing, training and support to residential providers Qualificatons: 1) Masters degree in Men tai Health or allied field with one yoar ex penoncu in housing development and planning, 2) Bachelor's degree in mental health or allied field and three years ex penence in housing development and planning 3) Knowledge of chronically mentally ill population necessary Starting Salary range $17,860 $18,549 To apply Call and request an applica tion from: No> h /N o rth e a s t C o m m u n ity M e n ta l H e alth C enter 310 N E Oregon Portland, OR 97232 (5031239 8871 Closing Date May 15, ,985 Hitmen and minorities encouraged to applv. Affirmative Action, Equal ( ipportunity Employer. FARM EQUIPMENT G rain bins Three 9,400 bushel bolted steel gram bins $1.500 each Two 3,300 bushel bins $750 each Tom or Larry, M o rro w C o u n ty G rain G ro w e rs 1 800 452 7396 LOANS b FINANCING N eed M o n e y / W e loan on all types of real estate, easy qualifying! Rapid funding! W e buy con tracts, call now! Toll free 1 800 537 5498 O regon Land M o rtg a g e MAKE $ $ $ hy Testing N e w G am es Write for free details: C L M Productions 2229 E Burnside »20 Gresham, OR 97030 BUS' NESS OPPORTUNITIES High G ro w th V id e o Industry Unique franchise opportunity. New Triad marketing concept. Prime loca tions new available Join the American Family Video winning team!' 1503)635 2310 JOBS « publnfied w ee lly by H«i Portland < K t\rr\rr (U SPS 968 6801 er«! E x * PuUnbinq C o . Inc 1*63 N E Xam gswonh Portland Oregon 97? ' 1, Poet Office Bo» 3137, Portland, Oregon 97208 Seeon«I class posiage paid »I Purtlat«! Oregon JOBS, May 8, 1985, Page 7