Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 08, 1985, Page 15, Image 15

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Surgery Technicien
Full time position available immediately
Duties include surgical circulation, scrub
and assisting in Researcb/Chnical en
vironment; precise manual dex.enty with
attention to detail in sterile surgical set
tmg. Candidates with knowledge of
anatomy and physiology, pharmacology,
medical terminology, general O R. tech
ruques and procedures, and physiologic
monitoring equipment and procedures
considered first.
O regon R egional
P rim a te R esearch C an ter
606 N W 186th Ave
Beaverton. Oregon 97006
6461141 ext 251
Equal Opportunity Employer
Vo lu n teers
Summer is a great time to meet new
l>eople and have fun volunteering Day
camp counselors, assistant counselors,
nurses, park tour guides, public garden
assistants and recreation leaders are
|ust some of the interesting volunteer
fobs available. There are short and long
term volunteer jobs for all interests,
talents and ages
Vision Northwest, a program that pro­
vides support groups and information for
the newfy visually impaired, needs volun­
teers to drive group members to and
from monthly meetings Suppr rt gioups
are held throughout the tri-county area
Curing both day and evening hours
Volunteers will be matched with loca
tions and times most convenient for
them This volunteer |ob requires two to
four hours a m onth.
The Volunteer Bureau, a United W ay
agency, matches prospective y.jluiuuers
with the needs of aproximatety 200 local
agencies and programs To find the
right volunteer job, call
The V o lu n te e r Bureeu
222 1356
N e w A rrivels D ally
Available at:
N o rth ea st Business C en te r
4232 N.E. Union Ave
Portland. Oregon 97212
Train in g M a n a g e r
Portland Private Industry Council, Inc.,
is a private non profit corporation pro
viding employment and training oppor­
tunities to economically disadvantaged
residents of Portland.
Washington County
»1.414 »1,719/mo.
Qualified applicants must have a degree
m economics, business or social service
field and three years experience in man
agement, su|>erviSK>n. and/or program
operation at the professional level. Expe
nence in grants/contracts management
and employment and training programs
is desirable
This position will repori to the Director
and be responsible for the operation of
PPIC participant intake, assessment, and
training, including the supervision of ap
prnpnate stuff Responsible for planning,
developing, implementing and monitor
mg programs and services in order to
achieve PIC goals and objectives Also
responsible for direct liaison with pro
gram and service contractors to assure
compliance with service delivery agree­
ments and contract terms.
Qualified applicants should sumit a resu
me, salary history and letter of applica
tion, indicating the position for which
you are applying to:
Elaine Evans-B auder
Portland Private Industry Council, Inc.
1 1 2 0 S W Fifth, Room 400
Portland, Oregon 97204
Closing Date M ay 17, 1985
M m oritm are encouraged to apply.
Equal O pportunity/
Affirmative Action Employer
Operates a variety of moderately com
plex or heavy automotive and motorized
equipment used in road construction and
maintenance Requires previous expe
nence in road construction County ap
plication forms required, resumes NOT
accepted. Apply by M ay 17, 1985 to
Washington County Personnel
150 N. First Ave., Room B 2
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Equal Opportunity Employer
U n ified S e w e ra g e A gen cy
»11.60 »14.11/hr.
Plans, schedules and supervises the re­
pair, maintenance and installation of
electrical systems and electronic, hy
draulic, mechanical and pneumatic in­
struments in an industrial wastewater
treatment plant
Requires training in
electrical or instrumentation technology
and increasingly responsible technical
industrial experience as a journey level
electrician or instrument technician,
with expertise in both areas preferred.
Agency application forms required,
resumes NOT accepted Apply by May
17, 1986 to
W a sh in g to n C o u n ty Personnel
150 N First Ave., Room B 2
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Equal Op/Htrlunily Employer
B eau tifu l D u p lex - »60.000
and opeiating café Please sec at
9601 N. Lom bard
and tben call Grâce, 224 5366
Real E state C o n su ltants
Previous phone sale experience desir­
able Part time evening positions avail
aWe for individuals to contact potential
blood donors Besirle having good verbal
and writing communications skills, you
must be people-oriented and possess
persuasive sales techniques Starting
salary $4 46 per hour, work M on Thurs
5 9 p.m , Sunday 4 8 p m must be
available to work extra hours during
evening and day Please apply in person
between 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. at
American Rad Croaa
4200 S. W . Corbett
Portland. OR 97201
Page 6, JOBS, May 8, 198&
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