* .'I Jobs ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Classifieds ' INVITATION TO BID DRAKE REPAIR ANO UPGRADING UTILITIES AT HILLSIDE PARK A LOW INCOME HOUSING PROJECT SUB-BIDS REQUESTED wniien txts lot the first ot • tw o phaaa ute modernization program at Hklvd« Park Mawankw O s g o n inctudaig retian and upgrading anat n g utilitirM and nstaSatiun of a naw ito rm »yatem The Houamg Authority of the County of Clackamaa y«« racaiva seatnd East Channel Bridge Phase 2 SR 90 King County. Washington Bid Date May IS. 1986 at 10 00 A M Donald M. Drake Company 1740 N .W Flanders Portland, Oregon 97209 (503)226 3991 M r uzr an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids fro m small business and small disadvantaged business subs ontras tors ant! women and minority business enterprises Bid i>a< ‘ ages may be picked up at Kampe Aiaociataa f ngmeer» 15962 S W Boones Ferry I eke Oswego. Oregon 9 /0 3 « for a »26 00 rofundatrte dBfxiut Seeled written bets must tie re< eived on or before 2 30 p m May 31 I'JHfj at the above artdmss Bals wiH tie opened and putilK ty inert aloud at the A<*mmstiahon Buikkog Hillside Park IO2U3 S t 0 Street. Milwaukie. Oregon at 3 00 p m on M ay 31 1986 A« bids must be on supplied form and contain the schedule of contract prices Outside ot sealed tad should state Sealed tad for Phase One ute modernizatam of M.ltsele Park AS gu m h oni should tai deected to Mr Kanipe at 636 6291 The Housing Authority of the County of Cler kernes reserves the light to refer t any or all tarts or Io waive any informalities m the tedding No tart shall tai withrtrawn lor a peraxt ot 30 . slender 'lays subsequent to the up en ag of the tads without the consent of the Mouking Auttaarty of DRAKE the County of Clackamas The protect is fwiencert through The United Stales ot America. Depart men! 111 Housing anil Urban !>evelo|anent anil is sutifer t to regulations of the Departments of la b o r end Housing b Urtien Development SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Attention is called to twleral provisaais of I quel Fmptoyment Opp«« tunrty Affirmative Action H U D Section 3 Requirements and payment Terminal Equipment Building Whidbey Island Naval Air Station Oak Harbor. Washington Bid Date May 14. 1986 at 2:00 P M. of not less then the minimum D ave Bacon wages Battlers sha« submit with the« tart a guaranty not less than 6 percent ot the amount of the tad as provided at the Instructions Io Battlers Donald M. Drake Company All ladders she« tie prequalified with the State of Oregon m acconlance with the State Oilman« a No ORS 2 /9 039 at least 10 'lays prior to bid opening 1740 N .W . Flanders Portland, Oregon 97209 (503)226 3991 There wMI be a »4la onentetiuri meeting conducted by K em p t Associate« sterling at 10 00 a rn on May 20. 1986 Meet at the Administration H r a rr an rgual uppu'lundu rm p luvrr and r ty u ru ur/> bid\ /ru m unall huunrv. and '.mall duodram uitrd huuncw \ubuuntrm iu r\ and numrn and m inurur huunrw r n irrp ru r\ Budding 10203 SE D Street Milwaukie The contractor shell be required to furnish smpaiBln performance end payment bonds. etch for 10 percent of the contract price Want to make a million? Looking for self-motivated sales person to sell televi­ sion commercials for an inner-city news show. Must be progressive with a people of color perspective. Pay by commission only. Send resume to Lanita Duke t Grassroot News, N.W. £ 5110 N.E. 24th £ ____________ Portland. OR 97211____________________ JOBS. May 8, 1985, Page 3 1 . - - . . m