j Jobs Classifieds CLINICAL SECRETARY N o rth /N o rth e a s t Community Mental Health Center is pleased to announce an opening for Clin cal Secretary Duties include supervi son, maintain client files, prepare clinical reports, and correspondence Coordi­ nate clerical services for clinical staff. sxj nificant amount of contact with agency clients Experience with transcription from delating equipment, type 75 wpm, work well under pressure Qualifications 1) 5 years experience m medical or mental health records, 2) 1 year supervisory experience Starting salary range: *13,467 $13,933 To apply Call and request an applica to n from: North/Northeast Community Mental Health Center 310 N.E Oregon Portland, OR 97232 (503)2390071 Closing date: May 13. 1985 Hitmen and minorities encouraged to apply. Affirm ative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer DISPATCHER Jobs DATA PROCESSING INSURANCE Programmer/Analyst M an ag er. M ed ica l A ffairs Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon, a major health insurance company, is accepting applications for the position of Manager, Medical Affairs A division of Health Care Services, this department provides the following cost containment services: Rapidly growing EDP department seeks individuals interested in program design and development. Incumbent will gather and analyze information for systems development or modification, design and specify systems requirements, con­ struct, test, and implement systems and prepare systems operation and user documentation. Qualified applicants should have a minimum 2 years expen ence in business application type sys terns development, with prior experience in COBOL and O S /J C L required Knowledge of CICS, V S A M , ADABAS, and large IBM-like mainframes pre ferred Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex time work hours, and competitive salary Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Personnel Department, 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer INSURANCE Clerk Receives and transmits emergency and routine radio messages for police and fire dispatches required equipment and personnel, performs clerical work as re quirod Employment Standards Edu cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and 1 year of general office work including radio/ telephone communications work Spe cial Condition: No impairment of hearing or speech Salary $1,194*1,451 per month + excellent benefits City appli cation and supplemental questionnaire must be received b y 'Fri., May 17, 1985 City of M ilw a u k ie 10722 SE Main Milwaukie, OR 97222 Equal Opportunity Employer LET ME TYPE YOUR Resumes • Terms Papers • Letters Fast Accurata Reasonable Phone (603)888-7423. ask for Cathy Classifieds Statistical Assistant Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon, a major health insurance company, is ac­ cepting applications for an organized numbers person to assist with research analysis and report preparation in the Actuarial Division W ork is conducted by computerized data system, including IBM mainframe and W ang minicomput er Qualified candidates will have 2 years college in txisiness or math or 2 years work experience in insurance or research. Familiarity with operation, input and retrieval on available equipment is help ful TSO experience and ability to ef­ fectively operate a calculator is required. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary Please apply in |ier- son or send resume to: Blue Cross end Blue Shield of Oregon Personnel Department. 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer Pre- and post admission certification to assure medical necessity and ap pnateness of admission Hospital audit and utilization re­ view to assure appropriate benefit application Level II Medical and Dental Re­ view on claims requiring a medical determination Qualified applicants will have a proven background of management skills, ex penence in the health care/insurance industry. College degree, preferably in business or health care administration, and strong leadership and communi­ cation skills. Closing date for application acceptance: May 10. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary Please apply or send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of O regon Personnel Department, 5th Floor 100 S W Market Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer ADM ISSIO NS COUNSELOR M in o rity Er International W este r O regon S tate C ollege Individual sought to recruit and advise minority ft international students, 12 months, tenure track, starts July 1, 1985 BA Er 2 years experience required. Must be willing to travel, salary commensurate with experience Send letter, resume, velocity statement, Er 3 letters of recom mendation by May 20, 1985, 5 p.m. to: Dean of S tu dents Western Oregon State College Monmouth, OR 97361 Western is an Affirm ative Action Equal Opportunity Employer Page 2, JOBS, May 8. 1985 . • " • ’. X - • S ? ' -■ •• . : ■ ...