Page 10, Portland Observer, M ay 8,1 9 8 6 Gifted students' work displayed More than 3,500 extraordinary Portland elementary and high school students will turn the Robert W . Blanchard Education Service ( enter into a performance-exhibition hall, Wednesday. M ay IS. The center, 501 N . Dixon S i., will house the fifth annual " T A G Fest” for talented and gifted students from 4 - 8 p.m. Using the center’s main and upper floors, the public open house will highlight year-old arts and humanities projects completed by students in kindergarten through Grade 12. The student displays, presentations and performances will run the gamut of films, paintings, drawings, sculp­ ture, dance, debate, discussion and demonstrations. T A G Fest 1985 involves every Port­ land school with representatives iden­ tified as having sjuperior ability in the intellectual-academic area or in the visual-performing arts. T A G students this year participated in more than 500 "challenge” classes ranging from philosophy to com­ puter programming, from creative problem solving to creative dramatics, from animation to sculpture. OWN A HOME FOR LESS THAN s25,000! 7 / i r THAT’S RIGHT!!! - HUD is offering several homes listed below for less than ’25,000!!! .INTERESTED? - Call any real estate agent and say, “I’m * Interested in owning a HUD home.” They’ll provide you with the information, show you homes, complete the paperwork, and best of all, HUD PAYS the agent’s commission, if there’s a sale. * TOO EXPENSIVE? - If our low, low asking price is more than your budget will allow, make us an offer!! We might accept it!! * WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? - Call or see a real estate agent TODAY!!! Health care for outsiders The formation o f a new health care organization, the Oregon Pri­ mary Care Association, was recently announced by its president, Ethan Van Eck. “ Although most Oregonians have some health insurance and a family physician, a significantly large num­ ber _ between 250, (X X ) a n d M X ),(X X ) — still are outside the system looking in,” claimed M r. Van Eck. "T he Oregon Primary Care Asso­ ciation is made up o f individuals and organizations working to secure basic medical care for Oregonians not served well by our traditional health care system," he said. "M ost people find it fairly easy to go to a doctor when they are sick,” said M r. Van Eck. "Some, however, either because they can’t pay or be­ cause they don’t speak English or be­ cause the nearest doctor is 60 miles away, find it very, very difficult. " It is just such individuals the O re­ gon Primary Care Association is con­ cerned about.” He said that the Ore­ gon Primary Care Association will act as a ciearning house for primary care clinics serving these individuals as well as to act as an advocate for them. In addition, M r. Van Eck explained, plans for joint efforts such as sharing equipment or group purchasing are on the horizon. The Oregon Primary Care Associa­ tion’s new headquarters are in Port­ land at 520 S.W . Yam hill. Suite 505, telephone (503)243-3355. BID OPENING HOMES BID ACCEPTED UNTIL 11:00 AM MAY 20TH BID OPENING 1:00 PM MAY 20TH • 1701 112nd » « IW 8aa»arton 2 B d . 2 B a. 1 1 2 4 S q F t > M l Dataan» MW, land 2 B d . 1 B a, 117 1 S q F t 1 Bd 1 B a 5 8 0 S q Ft ■ 1111 » m Aa» M . Portland 4 B d 1 B a 1 2 5 5 S q Ft 21011112nd AvaNC.BaMafraund 2 B d 2 B a . 1 2 4 8 S q Ft M o b ita >20 000 * 1107 tOlrd Ata Mt. Vancowaar 3 B d . 2 B a 1 1 4 6 S q Ft >44,000 ‘25.000 001 4112th Aaa N t. Vanoatiaar 2 B d 2 B a 1 3 8 4 S q Ft >44,000 >12.000 I N 124 » Aaa I t . Vanoatiaar 3 B d . 2 B a 1 3 7 4 S q Ft >14,700 >10 000 107 Wltaon AaaW. Yacolt 3 B d 1 B a 9 1 2 S q Ft >25.000 BID ACCEPTED UNTIL 11:00 AM MAY 13th BID OPENING 1:00 PM MAY 13th 12111 » I l I . Cottaa« Qroaa 2 Bd 1 Ba 9 7 8 Sq F l H 2 10» N. Cotlafa Oroat 3 B d . 1 B a 1 7 3 5 S q Ft 557 Anapp Lana Eufana 2 B d ,1 B a 1073 S q Ft 1110 Manuali Aaa Eufana 3 B d , 1 B a 9 1 2 S q Ft • 1112 Trota« I t . ta fa n a 3 B d , 1 B a I t 18 S q F t • I t Van Feaaan Court 1 afona 3 Bd 2 B a 1124 S q Ft >10 1M 104 Ird ( I Saaton 3 B d 1Vi 6 a 1 3 6 0 S q Ft 2012 ta a tu o o d Aaa IW >10 500 >20 500 >25 000 >25 000 >20 500 3 Bd 2 Ba >42 500 > 2100 OraandraaA Or. I 3 B d 1>, B a 1 3 4 2 S q Ft >47 000 «M Main f . hitot Aocl 2 Bd 1 Ba 1046 Sq Fl O raahan 14 0 7 S q Ft 115 Jonnia Aa» W Karm itta« 2 B d 1 B a 8 9 6 S q Ft «H T A ta la n P I A lan a » Fan» 3 B d t B a 1 3 7 8 S q Ft H O I 0 »I, Ifftnahald 2 B d 1 B a 7 8 2 S q Ft *10.5M >11.500 1077 J U rta i. Oprlnfflatd 2 B d 1 B a 6 7 2 1 I S S q l F l •11, OM >17.000 I M M M W. Oprtnfhatd 2 B d 1 B a . 6 2 0 S q Ft ■14.5M >20 000 SOO Pacific Aaa, Iprtnfflatd 2 B d 1 B a . 7 8 6 S q F1 >12.7M >11,000 10200 I » »I Mt. Yancoutat 3 B d 1>v B a 1 0 4 0 S q F l >10.100 >12.000 10004 Oorrat Dr Mt. Yancautar 3 Bd 2 Ba 1368 Sq Fl *04,7 M 1112 0 » Ara « *21 000 2 Bd *21 500 1270 « I » Ptact Mt Portland 3 B d V i B a 1 1 7 6 S q F! 727 i m c a n I I A la n a » F»«« 2 B d I B a . 1 1 5 6 S q Ft t lM M a p t a lt W 2 B d 1 B a . 7 2 0 S q Ft Portland 1 B a 9 9 9 S q Fl *47.500 1M7 A la n a » Mt Aoaaburf 2 B d 1 B a 8 8 4 S q Fl >7500 2111 l p * Aaa Mt telan 2 B d 1 Ba. 7 2 9 S q F t >12.500 EXTENDED LISTING HOMES Monday. May 13 014 h n a c a rt I I . A la n a » Falla V a c a n t Lot Crispy Chicken Nuggets w/Special Sauce French Fries Whole Kernel Corn Tossed Salad Orange Wedges Milk 7117 10» Ata « Portland 3 B d 1 B a . 1 5 0 9 S q Ft >2500 *10.000 2 Bd 1 B a . 1 0 2 2 S q Ft ’ 1 IM 14lrd Ato Of. Portland 4 B d 2 B a 1 9 2 8 S q Ft M 14 M c h ifa f Afa N Portland 5 B d 1 'v B a 1 6 8 0 S q Ft - 201111 umana» H M . Portland 4 B d 2 B a 1 6 3 2 S q F i D u p la » * 20011 Na. 11 Aah Maadoara 8 WNaantMa 1 Bd. 1 B a 1302 S q Fi P U D '4 0 .IM H IM 147 7 » Ata, Iwaet Mama 3 B d 1 B a '3 0 1 S q F I 1 4 7M '52.0M M i l Carr M. WMaCNy 3 B d 1' Y B a 1 1 0 0 S q F l 1 7 .0 M ★ NEW CHANGE: Mexican Taco l ettuceA Tomatoes Spanish Rice Apple Wedges Trail M ix M ilk *10.0 M >21.000 M 1 7 1 0 » A t a « Portland Tuesday. May 14 14010 2 0 » I I « . Yancoutat 3 B d . 2 B a 1228 S q FI * 12112 7 4 » I t ME Yancoutat 3 Bd 1 B a 1058 S q FI >17 000 •44.0M • 7 2 M 121» Aaa « . Yanoautar 3 Bd. 1 B a 1058 S q Fl • 7 M 4 1 2 m Aaa « Yancautar 3 Bd 1 Ba 1058 Sq Fl • 7M 4121M Aaa N t. Yancautar 3 Bd 1 Ba. 1058 Sq Fl O’ OOO aarnaat mona» lanan b» Ih» An otda aubm illad lor tha bid opaninfa muat ba accompanied b» a cop» or or tha » broker Tha chuck ma» ba -oikined r»ia,nea in tha Ih» citant elioni a Iruai in » 0 • lo w ) aan earnaal mona» will ba aubm illad with lha bronar ■ liu t i account Tha ’ 000 contract Earnaal mona» on an E »landed L ialinf pro p e rty» '« I ’ OOO and muat ba aubm illad with tha bid and lha contract TERMS AND CONDITIONS ★ Only homes with * are eligible for FHA mortgage insurance. Buyer must choose lender ★ Wednesday, May 15 Golden Shrimp w/Cheese Slick Taler Tots Celery Chunks w/Peanut Butter D ip Cherry Shortcake M ilk > 4721 Barton 0« IE Ia ta n 2 B d 1 B a 8 0 7 S q Ft >24 000 1120-M Daachulaa W a» Madnwnd 3 B d 2 B a 151 7 S q F l u ’12.1 111 ( M a A aaN I. Ia ta n 3 B d . 1 B a . 9 4 5 S q Ft >207H ’M.S00 BID OPENING HOMES M enu Thursday. May 16 7110 Vietar M Portland 2 B d 1 B a 8 6 4 S q Ft ’11.1 1 «00« Bohannon Court Mt tatam 4 B d . 1 B a . 1 1 8 6 S q Ft >21000 1101 Dittalo« I I IE Fodtand 2 B d 2 B a . 1 5 4 0 S q Ft. D u p la » •» .< 102 UcClura Ln. Eufana S cho ol Lunch Wiener W rap Taler Triangle Carrot Discs w/Ranch Dip Peach ‘Slices M ilk «HO H ili I I M Fortland 2 Bd 1 Ba 921 Sq FI ‘M I >>> £ The only contingency for financing is FHA mortgage Insurance. These properties are identified with an *. ★ Homes listed above as “Extended Listing Homes” and Homes listed as “Bid Opening Homes” that are not sold as a result ot the competitive bid offering will remain available for sale until such time as they are subsequently relisted under different terms. Each working day at 3:30 pm offers received for these homes during the day will be evaluated. In the event that circumstances prevent HUD from opening offers on a given day, the properties will remain available up to the point of actual acceptance by HUD of the best net offer. Offers submitted under thia procedure shall be submitted in appropriately marked sealed en­ velopes containing HUD-9551 with addendum, sales contract, aarnaat money deposit, and forfeiture statement. ★ ALL HOMES SOLD AS IS, NO WARRANTY. U.S. DEPT. OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Friday. May 17 Italian Spaghetti Mixed Vegetables Maple Bar Ice Juicee M ilk .fr> -. * 'i ¿ - j •a / ' • . VS» : MT