Portland Observer, May 1, 1986, Page 5 ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK Joe "Bean " Keller, Entertainment Editor B.E.A.N. checks out Houston For the past week I'v« (B.E.A.N.) had an opportunity to apand tlm t In Houston. Taxas. My trip was for businaas. plus a minor vacation (which I deserved). B.E.A.N. has decided to make this yaar "The Year of Expansion." and that was the purpose of this trip, because I personally do believe that Portland. Oregon, has talent that Is capable of competing on the national level Now is the timo for the artistic community of Portland to broaden its creative and hidden talent, reaching out for national recognition. Ona thing I learned on my trip was the fact that a supportive audi­ ence Is as Important to the artists' success as the artists themselves This is to say. we. the audience, must show much aooreciation and give much encouragement to our artistic community, t takes team work, and if we work together wa can expand New Kian topic of KBOO show The Kian o f the Kk and related groups o f the far right “ are able to fairly adeptly take advantage o f people's «.»- nottiK and political frustrations,” ac­ cording to l.yn Wells o f the National Anti-Kian Network. As a result, the Kian has grown by 600 percent since 1971 Lyn Wells will be a guest on KBCXl’s Morning Magazine. Tuesday, May 7 at 9:30 a.m. She will discuss the various branches of the new Kian, other groups of the white supremist far nght, their re­ lationship to the “ new nght,” and the work of the National Anti-Kian Net­ work in the South. Also appearing on the program will be Dr. David Horowitz, Portland Slate University professor who has been studying the Oregon Kian o f the 20's. Dr. Horowitz spoke to an overflow crowd at the Oregon Historical Center in April on “ The Ethical Dilemmas of Tracking Down the Kian: The Oregon KuKlux Kian o f tbc 1920's.” The National Anti-Kian Network was formed in the aftermath o f the 1979 Cireensboro KuKlux Kian killings. During my stay In Houston. I had a chance to talk to a few people. Including Pam Collins, program director of KTSU Radio (90.1 FM), based on the campus of Texas Southam University; Joe Mantel, in charge of promotions for Magic 102 FM. Both of these radio stations play music ranging from funk to progressiva ja n and cater to a large segment of the Houston area as well as other cities. I also had a chance to talk with other promoters and business persons In the field of enter­ tainment. I was also able to hear some live music, attending a reggae club named the Cabanna. which housed some of the best reggae music in the nation. I also went to Astro World, where I saw and heard the Bar Kays and the D a n Band Marion McClain of Portland (former guitar player for Pleasure) is the guitar player for the D ari Band and we had a chance to meet and talk backstage, along with a good friend of mine. Ricky Coxsff — formerly of Portland and now living In Houston — who along with his new family made my stay a pleasant one. Overall the trip was worthwhile. I learned a lot and do believe that this will advance B E A N another step up the ladder to success. " J a n of the City" Is set for 7:00 p.m. Saturday. M ay 18. 1988. to be held in the panoramic setting on the 37th Floor of the U S Bancorp Tower. 111 S.W. Jefferson Also performing will be the "K M H D All-Stars" which Include Port­ land favoritee Tom Grant. Ron Steen and Ralph Black. Tickets are *8.00 In advance (tax deductible) and available through Bass ticket outlets For ticket information: (6031226-1006. Tickets will be *10.00 at the door, but seating Is limited to 600 and prior selling out of tickets Is likely. No-host beverage and food from Gresham's Main Street Grocery will be available at the concert. K M H D ’s " J a n of the City" is made possible in part by U S. Bancorp. Williamette Week and Papal Cola. K 00-9R »»tWO • U86 ZCZ ,UJOH • »•l)e X (ueeg) sop ra 9 w » » a « BuimOn» luctudtnb] y d* UOPV« HAIR GAOW TH and DANDRUFF ftCUCF Aho Ralisvat Itchy Scalp Scalp Sora* Tan az Rinçuiorrm SAM FOR US* ay MCN, UIOMCN, CHIIDRCN RND ON PCRMANCNTS ■J . ‘ SN O I13««11* 1N1NNI*1M !1N1 H1X1 IS *pu«g. uonxutpiooj uj»jnmcb< xly w ill win! Tor everv dollar you spent! on tickets, a, least 3) ten ts goes to Economic Development for Oregon. I lia, means more jobs l or ourselves And our kids So, you see, even if you don t win, you win By the way. with the rem aining 66 tents, just 16 t ents or less g( >es t< > running the lottery, w hile a big 50 cents g<>es ,<> prizes \ i > vv >n Regii >nal 1 »Itu e Perimeter IlkIg Spa« e 1 Mid Valles Regional < »liite 2 " 5 22ml Si s I Salem O R 9 '3 0 2 15« IAI 3'H 35-15 la r ttr ry Hcadquartrrv R egional (»file rs 1 »regi >n la rtlvn 2~(>' 22nd si s I Salim . ( »R 9 '5 0 9 ( 5 V’H .35*5 Meno Regional ( »line I ami « 1 s u I pper R im >nes Fern Rd suite 120 L ik ed * « eg o OR o 'o 'i I 5)|' 0 Si mthern ( »regi >n Regional Ollit e 1350 NÉ Stephens space «22 Roseburg OR 9~a'O 15031 »*> 3-tK5 I astern < »regi >n Regional ( »(Tice IHO5 Adams Ast­ ia ! .ram ie OR *>'R5!) 1503)96.3 6916 63455 N H»s 97 Rend. OR 9 '~ o i (503) 3HH00H' )M h R « »( ip «« I t «un •»' : ' -• ■■ • : ; ».• . « J' w - ; , . o < Z» .•iSjïkipSSP' V- ’-I