Jobs Classifieds HOUSING AND RESOURCE Developer . Y OF P O R T L A N D Drake Willock Division A leading manufacturer ol kidney dialy North/Northeast Community Mental equipment is seeking a Senior Ac Health Center is pleased to announce an counting Clerk with 3 5 years experience opening (or Housing and Resource De in standard cost and general accounting veloper position (or the chronically men tally ill adult population in N /N E Port­ This position reports to the Cost Ac land Develops and enhances housing I counting Manager and is responsible (or resources. Experience with government | the general internal audit nt accounts agencies, regulations, and requirements payable processing, journal entry prepa ratioo. cost accounting reporting, bmkx-t pertaining to residential resources Du and general ledger account analysis ties include: Develop residential re sources, alternatives to hospitalization, closing reports, and special project grant writing, training and support to residential providers. Qualificatons 1) Masters degree in M en­ tal Health or allied iield with one year ex penence in housing development and olanninq; 21 Bachelor’s degree in mental health or allied field and three years ex­ perience in housing development and planning; 3) Knowledge of chronically mentally ill population necessary Starting Salary range: $17,860-$18,549. To apply: Call and request an applica tion (rom: North/Northeast Community Mental Health Center 310 N.E Oregon Portland, OR 97232 1503)239 8871 Closing Date: M ay 15, 1985 Women and minorities encouraged to apply. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. FINANCIAL DATA And Systems Analyst Staff Assistant Full time position available in not-lor profit organization Experience in univer sity or medical school finance otfice uselul. Duties involve administrative and financial systems analysis and the preparation o( financial, statistical and costing reports Familiarity with com putenzed systems and (ederal research grants management uselul. Send resume to: Medical Research Foundation of Oregon 506 N .W . 185th Avenue Beaverton, Oregon 97006 646-1141 ext 251 Equal Opportunitv Employer ««■■■■■■a ACCOUNTING CLERK To apply, please lorward your resume to Drake Willock Division. CD Medical Inc Attention: Employee Relations 13520 SE Pheasant Court Portland, OR 97222 No Phone Calls, Please C onstruction I ju ip in e n t O perato r I $1,766/mo. to start. Cn l Relations R epresentative $1,198 mo. to start. ' Emi gency C o m m u n icatio n s O perator Trainee $6 45/ hr. to start Teluj hone T elem etry Technician $1,813/m o. to start A|ipl, :>y5 0 0 p m , May 10, 1985 All j i ns include City jiaid benefits R E S 'iU 9 W ILL N O I BE ACCEPTED Apply to i urtland Civil Service 122 W Filth Avenue, First Floor rtland, Oregon 97204 i I- (X Urban League 10 N Russell i oitland, Oregon 97227 An Equal Opportunitv, Affirmative Action Employer CLINICAL SECRETARY I )USE FOR R EN T N o rth /N o rth e a s t 1241 N.E. 74th Community Mental Health Center is /JOO m o .. 2 Bdrm s. pleased to announce an opening tor Clin ical Secretary Duties include supervi Call any d except Monday or Tuesday, 9 ’ 6864, alter 6 p.m. sion, maintain client tiles, prepare clinical reports, and correspondence Coordi HELP W A N T E D nate clerical services (or clinical stall, sig !0 000 Yearly Possible nificant amount ol contact with agency it home lor Post Ofrice Clerk clients Experience with transcription Prop, Coi i i > ■ employment examinations. from dictating equipment, type 75 wpm Fine fk I ills Write: work well under pressure I ed erated IOH4) Qualifications: 1) 5 years experience in Box 3006 medical or mental health records; 2) , Littiesburg. M S 39403 1 year supervisory experience Starting salary range $13,467 $13,933 To apply: Call and request an applies to n from: N o rth /N o rth e a s t C o m m u n ity M e n ta l H ealth Center 310 N E Oregon Portland, OR 97232 15031239 8871 Closing date: May 13, 1985 Women and minorities encouraged io apply. Affirmative Action, I qua! Opportunity Employer I I ' I N T A G E C L O T H IN G Dolls, A ntiques Misc Sale 1009 N E Holland S.ii 'i Sun , 8:00 a m 5:00 p m R f c l.l i A T IO N A L VE H IC LE S RV's For Lessl I . King ol the Road and Sun I I WE ST prices around. O cean W ay RV McMinnville :.ill 15031434 6505 ■ B ii£ . Komi radnr- JOBS 7OÄS rt puWrVrerl xreekly by Itie A la n j IHnerver (U SPS 96S 680I lu d E x » Publebirxj > 'n t. 1 O N f KrHmgsworth Portland Oregon 97211 P»