Page 6. Portland Observer. April 24, 1985 ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK Stereos, TVs, Appliances. VCRs First M o n th W#j Joe “ Heart"Keller, Entertainment Editor No credit references No deposit Everyone W elcom e Tai Mahal at Starry Night Order by phone W e deliver same day 935 N.E. Broadway A major highlight of last summar's World Music Festival was the sharing of music between international music embassador Taj Mahal and Ghanaian-born master drummer Obo Addy Whan Taj Mahal's bluesy West Indian electric guitar riffs blended with Obo Addy's Afri­ can drumming, it took only a moment before the audience was on their feet. On Friday. May 10. 1986 at 9 p m .. the club scene will come alive at the Starry Night 18 NW 6th Avenue), when Taj Mahal returns to Port­ land to share a billing with Obo Addy end Kukrudu at a der.ce end con­ cert presented by the World Music Foundation. Tickets for this special event are $8 60 in advance. 910.00 at the door, and are available at Gl Joes. Music Millenium. Artichoke Music, and B A S S, outlets, or charge by phone. 1603)226 1606 ALL THE SPAGHETTI YOU CAN EAT! M A Y 3rd (F rid a y ) $5°° _ KIDS UNDER 5 FREE ONLY . with Taking Place At LLOYD CENTER TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH 1319 N.E. 7th Ave Et Clackamas Albert Collins, the highly-acclaimed, high-energy guitarist, will be in concert on Sunday. April 28. at 8 p.m. in the Reed College Com­ mons. Tickets: 66 in advance at Music Millenium and Artichoke Music; 67 at the door. The event is sponsored by the Reed Cultural Affairs Board, a student organisation Albert Collins is a guitarist with a whole new sound and style pouring from his battered Fender guitar: a com­ bination of icy echo, shattering, ringing, sustained high notes, an ultra- percussive right-hand attack, an unheard of minor-key guitar tuning, and express train power Mary's Restaurant and Lounge (Formerly Milton and Oscar's) | S E R VE D FRO M 5:30 p m -8:30 p m RESTAURANT Acclaimed guitarist at Reed SaiaJ 4 A ALL MONEY USED TO HELP SEND KIDS TO CAMPS THIS SUMMER! GET TOGETHER Advance Ticket Inform ation Urban Young Life — 282-2225 Sexy, sultry. Stirling Fma Turner is on fire with the biggest come­ back in recent music history Tina, 46. wants to know. "What's Age Got To Do With It?." in the May Ebony. This year Tina has won four Grammys, two American Music Awards, has a triple platinum album "Private Dancer," is debuting in a major film, is headlining a major concert tour, and has received a 6400.000 advance for rights to her life's story. Tina says of her effusive success. "I'm having a great time! Can you believe all of this is happening to m e .. and so fast?!" Tina also talks about life without Ike. the key to her youthful good looks and the secret behind her untamed signature hairstyle 27th Annual Ebony Fashion Fair resent^ Sfatti/fOt/ J 5700 N.E. Union Ave. Sponsored By 3 Presents LIVE ENTERTAINMENT The Links, Incorporated " Portland Oregon Chapter Thurs. thru Sunday, 9:00 P .M until 2:00 A M Business Hours: 366 Days a Year - 7 a m. until 2:30 a m p -— ■ Mary's Restaurant and Lounge | | I I J ; if 6700 N.E. Union Ave. Red Lion Motor Inn Jantzen Beach Portland Oregon 281 1176 This Is the lest tim e this Coupon w ill be offered. Benefit ol COUPON EXPIRES DEC 30th. 1986 ! DINNER HOURS ■ ■ Mon thru Sunday 5:00 p m until 10:00 p.m . Linkt Educational Fund 2 fo Free Dinner wit One ol Greater Proceeds to Am erican Heart Association o l Oregon Inc Puretitte Tickets it s Kerr Young Parents Program ■ ■ I Inyrt Onl.r Ethiopian Aid — Mr irr S trink Oownlown H Mrs C i W iqi ■ Links Educational & Art Scholarship Fund Celebrity Attractions Jeffrey Osborne's soaring solo success isn't founded on gimmicks, high tech special effects or wild sax crated moves, it's based on the old fashioned love expressed by his romantic baritone voice, reports the May Ehonv. Osborne hits top overnight The Jefferson Dancers at the C ivic Auditorium two different programs M ay 3-4 8:15 p.m. Tickets $5. $7. $10 at Meter & Frank. Stevens & Sons, PCC Bookstore Evergreen Events Auditorium Box Office Ticket prices include a one year subscription Io EBONY or six months to JET Citiiens' Groups for the month of April present the Staple Bros.. Cavalcade of Stars Ray Dell ft Co. with "Lady Magic" Paulette. Strictly Roots. Gene Diamond and Tiffany All at the Royal Esquire Club. Royal Esquire Club When Osborne left the RAH group LT D three years ago, he expected he'd have to struggle a less years before achieving any type o f solo success. Much lo his pleasant surprise he found popularity immediately with his First solo single. ‘ ‘On the Wings o f I ove.” Osborne recently topped the charts when he sang with and produced new comer Joyce Kennedy on their duel, “ The l.ast Time I Made Love." Osborne is a strong family man who finds that his commitment lo his wile and daughter helps keep his skyrocketing career in perspective He says, “ I know I ’m two different people. Onstage, I'm a totally d iffe r­ ent person. Offstage, I'm )ust like anybody else. I have a little kid who'll come in here and smear peanut butter on my pants. That brings me back down to reality.” 1708 N.E. Alberta HAPPENING S APRIL WEDNESDAY Happy Birthday Francine Staple Bros. David’s Harp benefit Happy A benefit concert for Davids Harp, a private, non-profit community- based, social-recreation center for mentally ill adulls w ill be held at Rarkrose United Methodist Church. H i l l NE Knott, approximately one mile north o f NE 111th and Halsey, on Thursday, May 2 ai 7:30p.m. Music provided w ill include folk, blue-grass and contemporary pop/ piano. Ticket prices are: adults $3.00; stu­ dents $2.00; children $1.00. Call 253-8883 for more information. HAPPENING S Birthday T.J. Arias Party with Diamond & Franane Gena «od Co Ray Dell f t Co. feetunng Lady M agic Paulette 18 191 Strictly < Roots 1 Staple Bros. Frank Redding and Co