Portland Observer, April 24, 1985, Paye 5 PLAIN TALK. EASY BANKING. Sometimes, it can almost seem as if your bank speaks another language. Because the words and phrases it uses are complicated, and often have unclear meanings. W hich makes for wry nice bank talk. And very poor people talk. ROLLOVER Take the word “rollover” as an example. To most people, it sounds like a trick you teach Yet every day banks use these terms. And others. Leaving it up to you to find out what they mean. Except at The Ben). Franklin. We’re committed to plain talk. T h at’s why were offering a five book. It has banking terms from A to Z explained in plain English. You see, our plain talk makes banking easy And to make it even easier, we’ve developed every thing from a 2 4 -hour rate hotline to a way you can open an account over the phone. You can even get nationwide access to your cash with The Exchange'** teller network. Hus, we re working on more services for 1985. We’ll be adding more tellers at rush hours. Reinforcing our “plain talk" employee training with special rewards. And paving close attention to howyou think we can improve. Just for starters. PENALTY FO R EARLY WITHDRAWAL LIQUID ASSETS And what about "liquid assets?" What probably comes to mind is water. But in reality its an investment that can be turned into money So change to T he Benj. Franklin. D rop in and pick up your free book today And stop wondering what's meant by the “penalty for early withdrawal" YIELD T hen there’s “yield? In the language of banks, it has nothing to do with letting another car have the right-of-way And a lot to do with the true rate of return you can hope to get on your investments during one year.