Page 4, Portland, Observer, April 24, 1985 W onnot ( t e ie r e EDITORIAL/OPINION MELSON MANDELA F20M PBiSoN WITHOUT CONDITIONS he s dawoecous a P otential TUCEAT TO P ublic codec Sleeper hold: death hold for Black As progressive as Harrington and Clark might seem, they now sit on the throne o f an institu­ tion which says it ’s alright to throw opossom at a Black restaurant, it ’ s alright to oppose any in ­ dependent review o f police practices, and it ’s al­ right to continue to use a procedure which a f­ fects Afro-Am ericans negatively. Harrington was set-up by those in the bureau who sen, her unprepared to face public scrutiny. The sleeper hold is a death hold. There is enough inform ation available to document the lethal nature o f this hold. It only takes six sec­ onds to restrain a suspect, so why did the o ff i­ cers apply pressure for 15 seconds? Why is the death hold still being used when it has been blamed or restricted in other states? Justice demands an end to the sleeper hold utilized by the police bureau. A multi-racial in ­ quest should be called, and the community should m onitor the Grand Jury proceeding very carefully. A n incident o f institutional racism resulted in the death o f a Black male whose only crime was to be born Black in America and living in P ort­ land. Oregon. Tragedy, shock and bitterness has embraced P ortland’ s Afro-Am erican community as facts continue to emerge in the sleeper hold death o f M r. Lloyd Stevenson at the hands o f a Portland Police O fficer, and the tacky manner in which Police C hief Penny Harrington and M ayor Bud Clark have handled the situation. Rather than answer questions at a Monday afternoon press conference, Harrington insulted the intelligence o f those who attended with a classic show o f bureaucratic arrogance. She re­ placed the " N o com m ent" defense with an “ I don't know ” one. Discarding the history o f the misuse o f authority by police officers who patrol our com m unity, Harrington refused to see the obvious: A white officer walks into a situation where a Black male and a white male are involved in a confrontation. The indoctrination o f a white officer in Portland is that a Black male is always " d ir ty , ” therefore Stevenson was wrong. The o ffic ia l line promoted by the white media was that somehow Stevenson was at fault, but his sterling reputation and employment as a se­ curity guard, who had daily contact with various law enforcement authorities and shoplifters, refutes any credibility this theory might have. Wha, happened to Stevenson could have hap­ pened to any man in this city, especially to a man o f color. A fam ily and a community are in mourning. The police bureau's follow-up and defense makes us wonder if we are paying the police to “ protect and serve” or to “ restrain and op­ press.” Portland again stands embarrassed as its “ finest” turns out to be Portland’ s worst. z* Street Beat by Lam,a Duke and Richard J Brown In light o f the tragedy surrounding the use o f the sleeper hold, the Street Beat team asked, “ Should Police Chief Penny H a r­ rington issue a permanent ban on the sleep­ er hold?” Don Farm er S elf-em plo yed M Sperry H o u sew ife "If I was a cop I wouldn’t want it banned, but if I was a citizen I would " "I supjxise they should since one person lost his life. They sey the odds of that hap pening is great, but still one person lost his life." Je ffre y Jone« Security O fficer "Yes. I knew L.D. and I can’t imagine that situation happening to him. W e tost a great man They could h8ve used other measures " HE HAS CEPEATUDLV ADVOCATED THE USE OF ON SOUTH AFRICA Sullivan Principles easily circumvented fey Penny Samuelsen In recent months much controversy has been fixused on U.S. businesses operating in South Africa. The public- outcry for immediate, complete w ith­ drawal o f all corporate investment from South A frica following the Soweto massacre o f 1976, when an estimated I.(MX) Black Africans — many o f them young students — were murdered by South A frican police during whai had begun as a peaceful demonstration by Black school chil­ dren protesting the use o f the white Afrikaans language in their school». In March o f 1977 the Sullivan Prin­ ciples were introduced by Rev. Leon Sullivan, a Black Philadelphia minis­ ter. civil rights activist, and (ieneral Motors Board Member, as an alterna­ tive to a full corporate pullout from South A frica, and in consultation with the South A frican government (which heartily endorsed the final version,. Sullivan had developed a set of 6 principles or guidelines to be fo l­ lowed by U.S. businesses operating in South Africa. The principles called for: I • deseg­ regation o f work facilities; 2 • equal and lair employment practices; 3 - equal pay for equal work; 4- develop­ ment o f training programs for Black employees; 5 - increases in the number ol Black employees in management and supervisory positions; and 6 - im­ provements in the quality o f workers' lives in the areas o f housing, trans­ portation, education, recreation, and health facilities. In the last few monihs, Sullivan has for the first time publicly admitted the limited effectiveness o f ihe P rin­ ciples and has added one ihai requires U.S. companies to publicly work toward abolishing the laws o f ar>art- heid One could say ihai because this puis those companies in such an awk­ ward position, it is an indirect way o f pressuring them lo withdraw from South Africa. Compliance with the code was to be strictly voluntary, with no provision being made for enforcement; yet despite this, only 12 o f the some 300 U.S. companies then operating in Barbera W ater« Pecker "The police should not use a lethal hold There should be other we-.'S to bring someone under control.’’ Shirley B row d er Spinner "It should tie banned per­ manently The hold is danger ■ ous How many more people will have to die before it’s banned. "You're damned right they should ban it. I got harassed just because I live in North Portland They have other ways to stop a person besides killing him.” Portland Observer Th« Pnttlw td O tn rr w r (U SPS 9 W 680I ■ puMahad «vary Thuradev by L i a Pubaahng Company. Inc . 1483 N E K *n g e worth. Portland. Oregon 97211 Poa» Otite« Bo» 3137, Portland. Oregon 97308 Sacond ctaaa poalaga paid al Portland. dragon L NW A PER founded A tto c ittio n taas M hj ea’-œia» k » t> 4 Í ver wea mtafcfcthed m 1970 Subacnpliona: »18 00 par year n Itw Tn County area Boat m aatat Sand addreaa changa» to t t a P n r t lu d O tn m rc . P 0 MEMBER 283 2486 Bo» 3137. Portland. Oregon 97208 A ll" * L . A l Williams, General Manager Companies designated as "N a tio n ­ al Keypoints” must report directly to ihe Minister o f Defense. They arc strongly encouraged to train and maintain internal reserve all-white commando units to defend iheir facil­ ities against the possibility o f “ civil unrest." Further, in the event o f “ na­ tional emergency.” they could be re­ quired io convert their plants lo m ili­ tary production, even to the extent o f allowing the armed forces lo assume total control o f all company opera­ tions. Since Keypoint companies are sworn lo secrecy by ihe South A frican government, and as a condition o f op­ eration are prohibited from divulging any inform ation about Keypoint re­ lated activities to their parent bixlies in the U.S., it is unknown how many American companies may actually be working lo bolster and preserve apart­ heid. Given ihe fa d ihai much U.S. investment has gone into the develop­ ment and production o f automotive, energy, and electronic technologies in South A frica, the number may be ominously high. W iih Reagan pursuing his arro­ gantly racist policy o f “ constructive emgagement,’ ’ ii is vital that we do not allow ourselves to he misled when his administration cues the Sullivan Principles as justification for encour­ aging trade with South A frica. And as for the adm inistration’ s claim that withdrawal o f U.S. investment would hurt Black South Africans more than anyone else, in the words o f the late Sieve Bike — banned, imprisoned, tortured, and finally murdered hero o f the Black Consciousness Move­ ment in South A frica — “ . . if Wash­ ington is really interested in contribut­ ing to the deselopnieni o f a just socie­ ty in South A frica, u would discour­ age investment in South A frica. We Blacks are perfectly willing io suffer the consequences! We are quite ac­ customed io suffe rin g ." Portlanders Organized fo r Southern African Freedom (PO SA F), a local m ulti-racial citizens action group that supports Black majority rule in Southern Africa and an end to U.S. support fo r apartheid. For more in­ formation call 230-9427. Letters to the Editor M a rg a re t Johnson U n em plo yed The Observer welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be typed or neatly printed and signed with the author's name and address (a d ­ dresses are not published/. We re­ serve Ihe right lo edit fo r length. Mail to: Portland Observer, P. O. Box 3137, Portland. OB 97208. Stop prostitution! Th« A x rte m / South A frica agreed lo participate in ihe original program. Since then many companies have come to recog­ nize the public relations benefits to be derived from complying — at least on paper — w ith the Sullivan Princi­ ples. and today roughly 40 - 50ty> o f all firm s operating in South A frica have signed agreements promising ad­ herence to the code. The number o f Black employees affected is about 22.(XM, out o f a w orkforce o f 9 million. Sullivan and his supporters have dauned that the principles could be. in Sullivan’s words, “ . . a tremendous force fix change and a vital factor in aiding apart had.” Bui critics are quick to point out that since the pnnaples were deliberately designed io function only within Ihe context o f existing apartheid laws, they fail lo address the fundamen :aJ issues o f political, economic and social sdl-deicrnnnalion for millions of South African Blacks. They, therefore, have bule if any value as a tixil for dis­ mantling ihe legally entrenched system ol while supremacy in South Africa. And indeed. ii would be in acule op- posihon to their own best interests fix U.S. companies lo seek anything beyond cosmetic improvements in the working conditions ol Black South Africans. A fta all, fix many American cixnpa- mes doing business I here, apartheid provides the cheap labor pixil that at­ tracted them lo South African in the first place There is a growing concern among cniics that while ai best ihe Sullivan Pnnaples are ineffective, at worst they may he providing some U.S. corpora­ tions with a handy mask o f “ sixial re­ sponsibility” behind which clandestine —even sinister — dealings with the South A frican government go un­ observed. F ix example, as pari o f a kxig-range plan to decrease ns vulnerability to both international trade embargos and internal attacks by Black free­ dom lighters, the South A frican gov­ ernment has designated some «M, companies — including American firms — as “ National Keypoints.” This is ihe name given to companies in those indusines — such as automo­ tive, electronics, and coal-to-oil con­ version — identified as vital to the country’ s security. ..... - ..... \a *4« MNt • voting II N aw Vork To the Editor, Since the C ity Club'» ridiculous recommendation that prostitution be legalized in Portland, there seem to be more prostitutes now than before. The problem has permeated to an epidemic stage. In fact, it is spreading faster than colon cancer. It is disgusting for an organization with the influence o f the C ity Club to suggest, or consider, this as an alter­ native to a problem which has plagued the inner Northeast com­ munity for many years. We in Albina have complained lo the Mayor and City Council fix years aboui prostitu­ tion, drug dealers standing on our streets to no avail. I f they had dealt with the problems, it would not have escalated out o f control. This problem would not be to l­ erated in any other part o f this city or state, as it has been in (he Northeast. If this was going on in Lake Oswego or Northwest, the problem would have ceased i f they had to call out the National Guard. It would have been considered an emergency. 1 can understand the C ity C lub’s position because it ’ » membership is mostly men. It wasn't until the “ get tough" law with the "jo h n s ” that they took a position. They never took a position on anyihing else that con­ cerned our neighborhood and prob­ lem. Maybe they feel, if the net is spread out, some important fish may be caught. VES!A L O P IN G DeWELSE Children ours To the Editor, We’ re truly sorry all the subscrib­ ers o f the Portland Observer could not have been at a public hearing last week to "observe” a handful o f legis­ lators squirm Senators McCoy, Hamby, seat heli Monroe and Trow pul their names as sponsors on SB 137, which declared our children as the “ slate’ s most im ­ portant resource” and under "stress" the state could assist in the rearing o f our children. A fter the Oregon Taxpayer’s U n­ ion came out in their March 1st news­ letter “ blowing the whistle on SB 137,” wheels were put into motion to try to get rid o f the hot potato. Our children belong to us. They do not belong lo the state and they are not "resources" like timber. ELIZABETH FREAUF Salem. Oregon