ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS INVITATION TO BID C IT Y OF S A L E M O R E G O N D E P A R T M E N T OF P U B L IC W O R K S D E P A R T M E N T OF G E N E R A L S E R V IC E S INVITATION TO BID R E P L A C E M E N T OF A S IN C M W A T E R M A IN IN C A T T E R L IN A V E N U E F R O M C EN T E R STR EET TO B STREET lads will be received al the office o l the City Recorder City Hell Room 206 Salem. Oregon, until but not alter 11 00 a m , Local Time on May 8 1 9 » at whrch time all tads will be pubhcly opened and rear! Moud at the Council Chamber». C ivic Center, 566 liberty Street S E Salem Oregon for the REPLACEMENT OF A 6 IN C H W A TER M A IN IN CATTERLIN AVENUE FROM CENTER STREET TO "b" STREET ’ The proposed work consist* of installation ot 680 lineal loot of the 6 a ic h ductile iron pipe and apporentar t work The Polk County Housing Authority will accept bals for improvements at Kingwood W est. 1947 Salem Dalles Highway Salem Oregon until May 15, 1 9 » at lha Authority office. 20« S W Welnut Dallas Oregon al the limes listed tor the billowing contracts 1 30 1 50 2 10 2 40 3 000 pm p m pm p m m Walls Electrical HVAC Doors Re roofing Bal packets may be obtained at the Authonty office tor a »25 00 refund atae deposit The tad packet may also be leviewed al the Salem Con tractors Exchange Salem. Oregon Eugene Builders Exchange Eugene Oregon, and al faith Construetam Data Plans and the Northwest Plan Canter in Portland Oregon Plans, «pacifications and other bid documents may be ms«iected end ob tamed at the office o l the City of Salem Department of Public Works 566 Liberty Street S E . Room 325 Salem, Oregon The (udder shall not file the book ol Standard Construction Specifications' with his bid Bids shall tie rnaite on the forms furnished by the City artdressed and mailed or 'telivered to the City Recorder. City Hall Room 216 Salem Oregon 97301, in a sealed envelope plainly marked BID ON THE CAT TERLIN AVENUE W A TER M A IN and the name and address ot the (adder f-j/ual Opportunity. A ffirm ative Action Lmplovcn. INVITATION FOR BIDS The H ouain g A u th o rity Lin co ln C o u n ty will receive tads toi S id ing R ep la c em e n t end A lte ra tlo n a un til4 P M . the 24th day o f M a y . 1 9 » at 1039 N W N ya S tree t. N e w p o r t. O regon 9 7 3 » at which time and plat e all tads will tai publicly m axied and read aloud A surety taaal < ashier » check or certified check of the turtder made payable to the City of Salem m the amount of ten percent (1 0% l of the hid must accompany each bid as security Bid security ot a« save the three lowest ladders Will tai returned following the bat openaig all bat security will tai refunded upon e ie ru ta a i of the contract by the success Proposed forms ot contract documents, including plans and specific» taxis, are on file at the office of Ocean Spray Community Center 1039 N W Nye Street Newpod Oregon, end at the office of Edward W Riley Architect at the Axport Terminal Building North Bend. Oregon ful tedder 97469 No tail will tai received or consalered by the City ot Salem unless trie bat contains a statement by the tedder the ¡xovisams of ORS 229 360 shall tie included m his contract Contractor s Prequakficataai Apphcatams must be submitted to the City Purchasing Supervieor 1 1 3 0 20th Street S E , Salem. OR 973021 for approval on or before April 30. 1 9 » which is at least five working tlays prax to the sr heduied tad openxig date Upon etaxovai the ladder will receive a vela! proposal for balding purposes days affix tad openxig A codified check or bank draft, payable to the Housing Authority of Lincoln County. U S Government Brxxls or a sebstar lory Bid Bond executed by the ladder and acceptable auretiea in an amount equal to five pecent of the tad shell be submitted with each tad No tie) shall tai ret eiver1 or consalered from any turldei who titan not have an approved prequakficataai eppteatsin on Me with the City Pui The successful taildet will txt required to furnish and [>ay fix satisfactory Performance and Payment Bond oi Bonds chasing Supervisor PR EOUALIFICATION C LASS W A TER LINES R A M O N A H UO SON City Retonler Bal No 2759 Bal Opr rung May 8 , 1 9 » 0 Cotaes nt the rtrx uments may be obtained by depositing 125 (M) with the Housing Authority ot Lincoln County lot each set ot documents so ob taxied Such deposit will be refunded to each person who returns the plans speoticalaxis and uthai documents in gcaxl conditxxi within 10 Attentaxi is called to the (xuvisaxis fot equal employmeiit opportunity, and payment ot not less than the minimum saianes and wages as set forth m the Specihcataxis must tie peal on this protect The Housing Authority ot Lincoln County reserves the right to tetect any or all bals ot to waive any informalities in the bidding No bat shell be withdrawn toi a penod ol five 151 days subsequent to the openxig ol bals without the consent of the Housxig Authority ot Lincoln Port of Portland County H O U S IN G A U TH O R ITY OF LINCOLN C O U N TY By Connie Hoffman Title Executive Directoi An Equal Opportunity Employer For Information on current job openings, call our Employment Information Desk, 231-5000. Extension 700. Page 8, JOBS, April 24, 1965 ^ 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3