Jobs Classified C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D N E IG H B O R H O O D IM P R O V E M E N T P L A N S CITY OF SALEM OREGON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS department of general services REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS INVITATION TO BID FOR THE R E H A B IL IT A T IO N OF A 14 IN C H S A N IT A R Y SEW ER S Y S T E M TO SERVE LESLIE. O A K A N D S U M M E R STR EETS S E The City o l Portland Bureau o l Community Development invites pro posais from consultants to prepare neighborhood improvement plans fra tf>e amer .«att.eest rkstrat ami the inner southeast district of Staled tad» will be received at the r.tfrce o l the City Record«» City Hell Ruom 205 Salem Oregon, until but not after 11 00 a m . Local Time on May 8 > 8 » ai which time a« l a h 1« publicly opened and read aloud at the Council Chamber», Cnnl Center, % 6 Liberty Street S E Salem Oregon lor ' THE R EHABILITATIN OF A 143NCH SA N ITA RY S E W IH SYSTEM TO SERVE LESLIE, OAK. A ND SU M M ER STREETS Portland Consultants will tai responsible lor establishing a set o l im provement goals and strategies and specific protects to be undertaken to carry out neighborhood revitalization Separate contracts will be awarder] for each district plan Total consultant fee per district plan may not e«r.eed »20 000 Interested consultants may obtain detailed information from Dee Walsh, Bureau o l Community Development 1120 S W 5th Ave Room 1120. Portland. OR 97204 Phone 796 5163 All proposals must be received by 5 00 p m . May 10. 1985 S E M H t / Rtflf. encouraged Io npp/i The proposed work c o n » * » o l ALTERNATE A 9 « lineal teet o l 1« «ah Insrtulorm laiet (ape ! '* • 161 reconnection», and mtscekentajui aptairtenarv «a; or ALTERNATE B 943 lineal feet of 12 inch polyethylene i,m,r pipe INFORMATIONAL ADVERTISEMENT five ISl reconnection», end miKeHeneou» appurtenances PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Plans Stax ihcetion» and other tail document» may Ire inspected and ob CALL FOR BIDS ..... a) at the office ol the City of Salem. Department of Public Works. Sealed bids will bn received until 1 00 P M on the dates indicated in the Purchasing Department Multnomah County School District «1J. 501 N Dt«on Portland. Oregon lor the items listed herein ‘JU, I tardy Street S E . Room 326. Salem, Or grin The ladder shall not t ile the book o l Standard Construction Specification» with hi» tad Bals shall tai made on the form» furnished by the City arkHevaal and mailed .a delivered to the City Recorder City Hall Room 206 Salem, Oregon 9/301. in a sealer I envelope plainly marked BID ON LESLIE. DAK AND SU M M ER SEWER, BID FILING DATE and the name and address of the balder April 30. 19B5 A surety la,m l. cashier » check or certified check of the balder, made tw».ibr „ .t h e City of Salem. ,n the amount of ten percent 110%l of the lad must accompany each tad as security Bid security o l all save the three lowest ladders will be returned following the tad openaiy, a» tad DESCRIPTION Air C o n d itio n in g lo r B E S C Processing Equipment Hoorn Data Formal announcement detailed specifications and bidding documents may be obtained al the above address For additional information, please contact Michael J Hutchens Director ol Purchasing 240 3305 STH unty will tar returaled upon enecutaxi ol the contract by the success tut N<1 t.