•> „ ■■ \ Classifieds Jobs D ata Entry O perato r $6 51 per hour, data entry of all Assess ment ft Taxation property and tax rec ords on XL 40 Mini Computer Ability to understand coded progarns, interpret documents, understand and follow mod erately complex written and oral instruc tions. Experience with mini computer transmissions, tape mount and dis mount, and Job Control language help ful but not necessary Applicants must have six months of recent work expo nence recording documents by means of computer techniques as a keypunch operator Apply by May 3, 1985 WHERE TO APPLY: M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C o u rth ou se 1021 S W Fourth Avenue, Room 134 Portland, Oregon 97204 MEDICATIONS Equal Opportunity Employer 2 2 °T Ou*. O»».• ’ UW I » IWI.O'I» HEAVY [QUIPMRl KCHAR1C $1.626 - $1,787 Monthly The Oregon Department of Trans­ p o rta tio n , Highway D iv is io n , is accepting ap p lica tio n s fo r the job lis te d above. Vacancies e x is t in Salem. Future vacancies in Bend and LaGrande. Work is re p a irin g and m odifications Equal Opportunity Employer POSITIONS OPEN Sports Editor Need conscientious, professional sports journalist with experience n photograpfiy to run and maintain the sports section of a twice-monthly publication. Contact Jim S m ith . Publisher Central Oregonian 568 N. Main Street Pnneville, OR 97754 1503) 44 / 6205 of heavy maintenance and con­ s tru c tio n equipment such as snow plows, motor g ra te rs , tra c to rs , and d iesel engines. Hydraulic and welding experience d e s ire a b le . For in fo rm ation , contact ODOT Personnel, 419 Transportation B ld g ., Salem, OR Sports Editor Seeking experienced sports editor for a daily publication Layout experience pre ferred W rite Editor. LaG rande O bserver 1406 5th Street LaGrande, OR 97850 (5031963 3161 J' -S ' . •• •• Classifieds SECRETARY ♦-Fifth to Full Tim* SAIF Corp., Oregon's leading workers' compensation insurance earner, is seek ing Branch Claims supervisors for its Portland West, Portland East, Salem. Eugene, Medford and Bend branch offices. The individuals in this position will be responsible for supervising, di­ recting, training and monitonng desig nated claim technical units to insure efficient, effective management activity and prrxlucing optimal claim results at the most reasonable total cost Candi dates must have a minimum of 3 yrs insurance related experience in positions of increasing responsibility, supervisory experience preferred and a college de gree or insurance related education. W e offer excellent salary and benefits package Please send resume to H u m an R eso urce* Division SAIF Corporation 400 High Street SE Salem, OR 97312 Equal Opportunity Employer ■nr- ■ Jobs SUPERVISOR Branch Claim* MULTNOMAH COUNTY Resource C o o rd in ato r Dynamic, creative, self starting coor­ dinator for volunteer based community health clinic network Experience in organizing and program development; knowledge of medical/pharmaceutical field; excellent oral and written com­ munication skills $1,213 mo. ft health insur. Send resume to: A d m in is tra to r. H ealth H elp Center 4842 N E 8th Portland, OR 97211 Deadline 5-3 85 No calls ■ ,-z ’. i - 97310. (503) 373-7663. r>w Oww» O ffic e o f th e A s s o c ia te D ire c to r Qualifications: 3 yrs secretarial exp, 60 wpm tying; experience on word proc­ essing equipment, preferably W ang, ability to maintain confidentiality of in­ formation and materials; experience desired Outstanding spelling, gram mar and punctuation skills, experience in establishing and maintaining filing systems, ability to communicate effec tively in public and via telephone, pre vious experience desired, ability to deal with pressure of multiple priorities; ability to work independently with minimum of supervision. Starting sal ary $12,022 to $12,500 per annum (prorated for actual time worked) de pending upon background Letters of application and resumes must be re ceived in the personnel office by 5 p m. April 29, 1985 In letter of application indicate that you are applying for the Associate Director's Secretarial po sition. Apply to P erso n n e l O ffic e Northwest Regional Educational Lab 300 S W 6th Portland, OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer CAREER O p p o rtu n ity Have you always wanted to run your own sales office/ Allstate, a loader in the insurance industry, is currently looking for aggressive sales applicants that de sire their own sales office in the Portland area Our company will help you ostab lish an office of your choice and back you in a company national advertising program. If you are willing to go that extra mile and have some college back ground, this may be the opportunity for you Allstate has an excellent training orogram, benefits package, including group health and life insurance, Sears discount. Sears profit sharing and more If interested, contact Jo e Bland at 246 0678 ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO Equal Opportunity Employer ' - .