Jobs Classifieds COMPUTER P ro g ra m m e r/O p e ra to r $1,758/m o to start W a s te w a te r O p e ra to r I $1,610/m o to start Apply by May 3, 1985 ♦ E m erg en cy C o m m u n icatio n « O perato r Trainee $2,883/m o to start Requires speed it accurate typing Apply by May 10, 1985 All positions include City paid benefits RESUMES W ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Apply to Portland Civil Service 1220 S W Fifth Ave , First Floor Portland. OR 97204 or Urban League IO N Russell Portland, OR 97227 Jobs ASSISTANT EQUIPMENT BUDGET ANALYST Mechanic/Utility Worker I Special Project A c co u n tan t This position develops and monitors the Housing Authority of Portland's budget; analyzes trends of all departmental buck) ets, performs special accounting pro|ect assignments Duties include, but are not limited to: Assists each department in developing budget information; Devel ops budget by department; Develops financial data for applications for fund ing; Monitors results of financial reports rriated to the budget. Reviews operations of departments, including system infor mation flow, processing functions arid assists in development of various ac counting information systems; Provides written reports and recommendations as a result of audits and reviews by HUD and independent auditors. Performs skilled work in repairing and maintaining automotive and related equipment; in addition may perform a variety of manual and semi skilled tasks in the maintenance and construction of city public works facilities EMPLOY M ENT STA N D A R D S: Education and experience equivalent to one year of work relating to repair of automotive equipment; it is desirable to have some formal education in repair and mamte nance of automotive equipment. In ad dition, should have some knowledge of general construction work including some experience in operating light mo tonzed equipment SALARY $1,270 $1,547 plus excellent benefits CITY APPLICATION AN D SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE M U S T BE RECEIVED BY 6 PM FRIDAY, M A Y 3, 1985 Apply City of Milwaukie 10722 SE Main St Milwaukie, OR 97222 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMER Research Aaaiatant To assist in studies of continental margin structures principally through the analy as of gravity and magnetic measure merits Must have a B.S m computer science, physics or physical science Also, must have experience with pro gramming in FORTRAN 77 and with DEC RSX or V M S It would be highly desirable if the successful candidate had experience and training in cartog raphy Experience with installation and maintenance of computers also very de arable To apply send resume with names, adrlressos and telephone num tiers of three academic or employment references by 15 May 1985 to Dr J. Paul Dauphin CO NM AR /Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 Affirmative A ction / Equal Opportunity Employer Complies with Section 504 o f the Rehabilitation A ct o f ¡973. pl > ,«s A nd specs ' New Arrival« Daily Available at Northeast Bu«ine«« Cantar 4232 NE Union Ave Portland. Oregon 97212 Page 2, JOBS, April 24, 1985 Classifieds Equal Opportunity Employer Women, minorities and handicapped are encouraged to apply. Experience and Skills: Prefer college de gree, with four years experience in a fi­ nancial position: knowledge of automat ed accounting systems; knowledge of budgets and budget controls; ability to communicate with several levels of man agement in written and oral format Compensation: $1,799 to $2,324 per month SUPERVISING ACCOUNTANT Resjxxttit*) frx the treasury, acoountng and utemal control functions of the Ft nance Department Works with and super v»r, other Rnarxx) Department staff to iKtatifih effective control prt xjrarns and of fiaent processng of acoountng nfrxma tion and auditing functions EMPLOY MENT S TA N D A R D S Training and ex penence equivalent to a degree from a four year college or university with spe cialization in accounting or financial administration, at least two years profos sional work experience in accounting, auditing and/or governmental services; CPA preferred, supervisory and EDP ex penence desirable SALARY. $1,906 $2,319 month plus excellent benefits, CITY APPLICATION A N D SUPPLE M ENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE M U S T BE RECEIVED BY 5 PM FRIDAY. M A Y 3, 1985 Apply to City of Milwaukie 10722 SE Main Street Milwaukie, OR 97222 Equal Opportunity Employer Women, minorities and handicapped are encouraged to apply. Apply at: Housing Authority of Portland, 1605 N.E 45th, between 8 30 a m and 4 p m ., Monday through Friday HAP application and supplemental application must be completed Applicatons accept ed until 4 00 p .m ., Monday, April 19, 1985 Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY The Housing Authority o, Portland is looking for a part-time secretary (to work up to 30 hrs per week! in its Mainte­ nance Department Experience and skills: Prefer two years general office ex penence; must type 55 wpm; must have good command of the English language, must be familiar with a variety of office equipment, prefer skill in operating word processor and data entry or) CRT Pay $5 99 per hour Apply at: Housing Authority of Portland, 1605 N.E 45th, between 8:30 a m and 4:00 p m Applications accepted until 00 p.m ., Friday. April 26, 1965 Equal Opportunity Employer M /E