Page 12, Portland Observer, April 24, 1906 Boston Univ. internships B O STO N — Boston University is currently accepting applications for its Washington Legislative Internship on Community and Polity program, where students work and study in the nation's capitol. Sponsored by the University's Cen­ ter for Judaic Studies, the Comm un­ ity and Polity program takes a unique approach to the Washington intern­ ship experience. Il focuses on how members of a minority group form u­ late strategies to approach relevant issues, and how they pursue these in­ terests through political and legislative processes Interns explore the roles thaï national organizations, voluntary agencies, and special interest groups play in the workings of our demo­ cratic system. The interns' course and field work are well-integrated to provide them with a well-rounded, practical aca­ demic experience During the fall semester, students complete academic- preparation at their respective schools. They must complete courses pertinent to an ethnic group as well as from the fields of sociology, po­ litical science or economics. In the spring, interns participate in the everyday operation o f a Wash­ ington, D .C ., office, while taking two seminars Interns lake placements with groups or agencies matching their interests. Almost any ethnic or religious minority advocacy group that is engaged in lobbying activities is appropriate for placement. Some o f the organizations open to internships include the American Jewish Committee, Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus, Religious Action ( enter, American Hellenic Education Progressive Association, and many more. The application process is highly competitive, with only 10-15 posi­ tions available The internship is un­ paid. but work-study may be avail­ able for qualified students. Tor work- study information, students should contact the financial aid office at their school The year-long program coincides with the academic calendar o f Boston University, and interns are charged the same tuition and fees as matricu­ lated Boston Univesity students The University provides housing in apart menis located near the Capitol. To be eligible, students must have a .1.0cumulative average, a basic under­ standing o f American politics, some experience in campus or community affairs, well-developed verbal and written skills, and the ability to work independently. Tor further information or an ap­ plication packet, wrote to Hillel Le­ vine. Boston University, Washington Internship on Community and Polity, 745 ( otnmonwealth Avenue, 6th flo o r, Boston, M A 02215, or call 617-1514428. OWN A HOME FOR LESS THAN $25.000! ★ THAT’S RIGHT!!! - HUD is offering several homes listed below for less than ‘25,000!!! .INTERESTED? - Call any real estate agent and say, “I’m ★ interested in owning a HUD home.” They’ll provide you with the information, show you homes, complete the paperwork, and best of all, HUD PAYS the agent’s commission, if there’s a sale. ★ TOO EXPENSIVE? - If our low, low asking price is more than your budget will allow, make us an offer!! We might accept it!! ★ WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? - Call or see a real estate agent TODAY!!! BID OPENING HOMES BID ACCEPTED UNTIL 11:00 AM MAY 6TH BID OPENING 1:00 PM MAY 6TH 7247 FlaAa Ara N. Portland 3 B d 1 B a 13 6 8 S q Ft I N lo*adori Wlnalon 3 B d 1 B a 1 9 2 0 S q Ft •14 020 '14.000 14111211* I t M . Vancouver 3 B d 2 B a 1 2 2 8 S q Ft '37,000 ■ 3041 AonhrooO Or Eugono 3 B d 1 B a 9 1 2 S q Ft •2*00« 2417 101* A r a « Portland 4 BO 1 'r B a 1 5 1 9 S q F I * 1344 OuoAert, Eugene 3 B d 1 ' y B i 1 0 1 3 S q Ft •24.500 4240 241* Ara « Portland 3 BO 1 B a 1 0 3 0 S q Ft '20 000 4220 Panala I t 8W Portland 3 B d 1'V B a 1 1 4 4 S q Ft ‘41.000 •22 000 '21 000 2033-25 UrnatIHa I t U Portland 4 B d 2 B a 163 2 S q Ft D u p la « '42.000 ' N T4 11», O f « G'ooham 3 Bd 2 B a l 5 7 « S q F t 41101121* Ara M Portland 2 BO 1 B a 0 2 8 S q Ft • 1021143rd Avo «.Vancouver 3 B d . 2 B a 1 3 8 9 S q Ft i l 000 '31.000 '52 000 424 32nd I t N IprtnattoM 3 B d 1 B a 9 5 2 S q Ft 3701 I M I * Avo « Vancouver 3 B d 2 B a . 140 4 Sq Ft '14,100 ■ 1 , 1 0 « 1441* Ara Vancouver 3 B d 2 B a 1 2 7 2 S q Ft >41000 114 Fraacoti I t xiamat* FaNa L o t O n ly A p p ro « 3 9 3 6 S q F I '22 000 ■ , 524 141,0 4 , » « Portland •2.200 « Bd 2 B a 192 8 S q F t ID OPENING HOMES BID ACCEPTED UNTIL 11:00 AM APRIL 29TH BID OPENING 1:00 PM APRIL 29TH 372 Manioc» I t Arlington 3 B d , ' • B a 1 3 8 6 S q FI '14 100 7127 ,01* Are ME Portland 3 Bd 1 Ba 1509 Sq Ft ',4 000 ' 4702 Ratina A ra N Salon 3 Bd 2 Ba U B S S q F t '35120 ' ,2112 741* SI « Vancouver 3 Bd 1 B a 1056 S q F, 732 41* 11 1 Cortege Grove 2 B d 2 B a 9 0 6 S q Ft •14 200 2703 Franklin SE Portland 2 B d 1 B a 8 7 6 S q Ft ‘31000 134 241* M Sprlngtleld 2 B d 1 B a 7 2 4 S q Ft •14 400 • 7201 ,21», Are ME Vancouver 3 B d 1 B a 10 5 6 S q Ft 2442 Ven laran SI. Eugene 3 B d , ’ r B a 126 8 S q FI •27 500 • ,237 Canora SI ME Portland 2 B d 1 B a 1 0 0 8 S q Ft '42 000 • 7304 121», Are ME Vancouver 3 Bd 1 Ba ’ 0 5 6 Sq F, ' 124 21* I t E Cataratta 3 Bd 2 B a 1 5 2 9 S q F , M o b il.- • 107 Toliver M Molalla 2 B d 1 B a 8 2 7 S q Ft • ,0214 Sacramento « 20 000 '37 000 2 Bd '24 200 • 21543 a l l Aa* Moadooa I Wllaontille 1 B d , 'r B a 130 2 S q Ft Portland 1 B a 744 S q F , '34 000 • 3320 Fairhaven « Salem 2 Bd 1B a ,0 5 'S q F t 1204 NE 41* St Vancouver 2 Bd 1 B a 1 ,7 6 S q F , • 7404 12141 At» ME Vancouver 3 B d I B a 1 0 5 6 S q Ft »303 241* SI ME Vancouver 3 B d 1 B a 8 1 6 S q Ft 2312,551* A r a « Vancouver 3 B d 2 B a 1411 S q Ft S chool Lunch EXTENDED LISTING HOMES M enu m a an rm ,la « April 29 Polynesian Meatballs Oortna 3 Bri 1 H Ba ,3 6 , Sq Frt2 Arirw l 342 101* N. Cartage Grove 3 Bd 1 B a 1735 Sq F, with flu ffy Rice Carrot Coins with Ranch Dip fresh Pear Hall (iranola Cookie Milk ' 104 3rd I I Gaaton 3 B d . 1' r B a . 1 3 6 0 S q F l 111 AantMa AvoW Mammon 2 B d 1 B a 8 9 6 S q Ft '4 9 100 ‘22.300 '47.000 '20,400 '24 300 7’ 7 cine»*, I t P ianai* Feda 2 Bd. 1 B a 1156 Sq F, 434 Ma*, E. PRO, Rock 2 B d i B a , 0 4 6 S q Ft 'U.1S0 '10 000 2 4 1 7 ,1 1 *A v a « Portland 2 B d 1 B a 10 2 2 S q Ft •21 347 TIR Avo. I 3 B d 1 B a 1301 S q Ft 7 1 1 1M , 81M . Troutdale 3 B d 2 B a 1 2 3 8 S q F1 ■14 200 132 7M * Avo « Portland 3 B d 2 B a 1 6 6 8 S q F , D u pW a '17.000 - 4402 SE Draw U» •« 2 B d 1 B a 8 2 0 S q Ft •33.110 M H W cM g an Ava N Portland 5 B d I ’ . B a 1 6 8 0 S q Ft ’11400 3*7 Warn», I I Oregon CHy 2 Bd. 1 B a 8 5 2 S q Ft ' 17773 C hea* Court Sandy 2 Bd 11M Magia I , Waal. C< 2 Bd 1 Ba 720 Sq F, ★ NEW CHANGE: April 30 Mexican Haystack Lettuce and Tomato Whole Kernel Corn Apple Wedges Trail Mix Milk 4004 Mtaaaurt Avo M. Poritand 2 B d 1 B a 8 7 2 S q Ft 4317 Avalon P, Xlanat* Falla 3 B d . 1 B a . 13 7 8 S q Ft 1 Ba 8 4 0 Sq F, •21 ~ - C* X d “ emn, prop.,« n* « « i nest m oney iP C f M M to S '0 0 0 b o g n n tn g A pr« 22 TERMS AND CONDITIONS ★ Only homes with • are eligible for FHA mortgage Insurance. Buyer must choose lender. ★ The only contingency tor financing is FHA mortgage insurance. These ★ M ay 1 Corn Dog french fries Tossed Salad w/Dressing Orange Smiles Milk M ay2 Barbecue Chicken Potato Salad Celery Chunks w/Peanut Butter Dip Strawberry Shortcake Milk properties are identified with an •. Homes listed above as “Extended Listing Homes" and Hornet Hated as “Bid Opening Homes" that are not sold as a result of the competitive bid offering will remain available lor sale until such time as they are subsequently relisted under different terms. Each working day at 3:30 pm offers received for these homes during the day will be evaluated. In the event that circumstances prevent HUD from opening offers on a given day, the properties will remain available up to the point of actual acceptance by HUD of the beat net offer. Offers submitted under this procedure shall be submitted In appropriately marked sealed en­ velopes containing HUD-9551 with addendum, sales contract, earnest money deposit, and forfeiture statement. ★ ALL HOMES SOLD AS IS, NO WARRANTY. U.8. DEPT. OF HOUSING ANO URBAN DEVELOPMENT M ay 3 Deluxe Hamburger Lettuce, Tom ato/Pickle Tater Rounds Peach Slice* Milk ■ ' • ax ■ Ah i'M .» I » * * - ''- • • '• .'■ • • ’ * «- ‘ a - . ' -*• - •. y . • 1 4 «* « •* ”• - . e £ ' . » • • •• '* '• w •' ’