A I Portland Observer, April 24, 1986, Page 11 Low calorie Creole dish provides nutrition I H o w easy the doctort's job u in a diet! He tells you to eat more o f this and less o f that Then o ff you go with great determination to succeed. What you don’t always remember is that in changing a diet pattern you will be trying to eat more o f the things that you aren't so wild about (or you would have been eating lots o f them before!) and less o f those yummy, sciumptious things that you have learned to believe make meals worth­ while. If you find yourself on a fat- controlled, a low-calorie, or a weight- reduction diet, you've probably been told to eat more fish. Here's a recipe that is so good (hat you can serve it for company and slay on your d M at the same time. Creole-Style flounder, developed in the Rice Council test kitchen is baked in a deli­ cious sauce and served over hot cooked rice. Rice fits right in with many diets, too. It contaihs only 82 calories per half-cup serving, is gluten free, low in sodium, and low in fat. Rice adds a special flavor and heartiness to (he meal without ruining the diet. Serve it plain, or add a low- caloric seasoning like saffron, onion, lemon or dill weed and you will add lió pounds fillets o f flounder other while fish J cups hot cooked rice appeal, interest, and flavor to diet meals I or Saule green pepper and onions with tops in butter until tender. Stir in tomatoes, tomato sauce, I teaspoon salt, V» teaspoon pepper, thyme, and bay leaf. Simmer gently for 20 minutes. Remove bay leaf Arrange fish fillets in a lightly greased shallow baking pan. Season with salt and pepper. Spoon sauce over fillets. Bake at 375 deg. for I ) minutes or until fish flakes easily with a fork Serve over beds o f rice. Makes 6 servings. CREOLE-STYLE FLOUNDER 1 large green pepper, sliced in thin strips I 'A cups sliced green onions with tops 2 tablespoons butter or margarine I can (14*4 to 16 ounces) toma­ toes, chopped (2 cups) I can (8 ounces) tomato sauce Salt, pepper to taste Vi teaspoon thyme I bay leaf Home economist heads programs by Linda Thompson With the state of today’s economy, one finds it increasingly difficult to balance one's finances — especially the grocery bill. Our role model for this week is an expert in this area. Not only does she enjoy it but chose it as a career. A native o f Mexia, Texas, Cornetta Smith is proud to be a part o f a large, loving family (seven girls and two boys). She graduated from Booker T. Washington High School and later received her B.S. in Home Economics edpeation from Prairie View A & M University, Prairie, Texas. Soon after graduation, Cornetta went to work fof the Slate Extension Service in Sequin, Texas. In 1970, she made her debut into the City o f Roses where she imme­ diately went to work for the Portland Public School System as a home eco­ nomics teacher for Boise's seventh and eighth grades. From Boise, Mrs. Smith went to Adam in the same capacity. Cornetta left the school system in 1973 to work for the model city’s 4-C as a nutrionist and home economist. As Portland underwent changes, Cornetta remained faithful to her po­ sition and the community she loved and served, and as the program merged with A M A Family D ay/N ight Care, she soon became director. The Albina Ministerial Alliance organization recognized her talent, her skills and her knowledge and ap­ pointed her as coordinator o f all their programs which include A M A Family Day/Night Programs, Headstart, Self Enhancement Program and the Emergency Food Program. Cornetta was instrumental in getting a grant from a local business to do an assess­ ment o f inner city child care needs. With five girls (Althea 17, Andrea 15, Blanche 13, Contonia 12 and Yolonda 8) and one boy (Dayton Jr.) she and her husband still find time to be very active in the Northeast L u ­ theran Missionary Church where she teaches Sunday School and works with the Youth Department. In her spare time, she enjoys reading and cooking. Cornetta is one o f those rare gems from the country that has made America, especially Black America, what it is today and she has the fol­ lowing four steps to give for a suc­ cessful life and career: *'A really good, strong family background is No. I. It sets the stage for positive thinking. A good family background helps put the pieces o f life together. No. 2 is a strong belief in God. This means a realistic understanding of how the word applies to one’s daily life. No. 3 is a good education, and No. 4 is strong community support from neighbors, friends and church, someone who will always give you moral support and the right advice.” SAFEWAY Fresh Oregon Grown Whole Fryers As you bite through the crackling, crisp, golden crust your taste buds will be rewarded with the sweetest eating chicken you've ever tasted. Then you'll know what a wonderful buy Safeway's Oregon grown fryers are1 S ave Up To 40" Lb.. N o L im it! Smoked Picnics Mild, yet full and rich, is the old-time smokehouse flavor of these picnics* Asst'd Varieties, Frozen, 10.3 To 10.8-Oz. Ea. 79 Save Up T o SO Ea. QQt S ave Up T o SO E a. Lucerne, Plain Or Prestirred Ea. Laundry Detergent, Liquid, 64-Oz. Btl. W is k D e te r g e n t Softener, 96-Oz. Bottle. S n u g g le Fabric Save Up To 80*, No Limit! 99 3 High blood pressura it listed as ths primary causa of death for 60 000 people each year The Salad Basic To Mix With Vegetables G a la A p p le s imported 5 9 cLb Ad Prices Good 4/24 Thru 4/30/85 At Safeways In Lloyd Center, St. Johns, At 5920 N.E. Union & 6400 N. Interstate. Sales Limited To Retail Quantities. No Sales To Dealers. 69* Frozen, 5-Oz., Mild. Med., Hot ........ For 7.5-Oz. Package ................ S a v e Up To 2 6 E nchiladas 49 49 And Much More!..... No. 1 Northwest Grown Tender Asparagus ! Bright Green " Spears, r Tender As Butter! C n s p C elery 29 Lb. SAFEWAY i »1 1 99* Frozen, 10-Oz Beef. Chicken 5 WfSour Crm Sauce O r ............ Chicken Or Cheese California Iceberg Head Lettuce 12-Ct., 4.5-Oz. Pkg N ach ip s Until next time, remember — Spring is the time to gel rid o f the old dead grass that prevents life. ¡60,000 T aco S h e lls Pure All Vegetable Oil In Easy-Grip Plastic Bottle, 24-Oz. Size $ 79* w Wesson Oil Jeno’s Pizza Lb.