Page 10, Portland Observer, April 24, 1966 ALLEN TEMPLE C M E C H U RCH »4 C o rn er of 8th an d S k id m o re Sunday School 9 30am Sundav Worship 11 00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00pm (second and fourth Sundays) E lonze J . E d w a rd s (P astor) Send notier o f your church activities and events Io: Religion Editor. Portland Observer P O BoxU S7 Portland OR 9720b Christian economics topic audience to ask questions o f and interact with D r. Weaver. Dr. Weaver received his Ph D. from the University o f Minnesota in Educational Policy and Administra­ tion and his M B A. from California State University in Fresno. He is D i­ rector o f the Small Business Institute of Bethel College, has worked with neighborhood economic develop­ ment groups in rural and urban Mis­ sissippi. and serves as a consultant to small businesses and churches on mis­ sion clarification. Information about the lecture se­ ries is available from the office of Dr. Joyce Q. Erickson, Dean o f Fac­ ulty, Warner Pacific College, (503) 775-4366, ext. 601. The college is located at S.E. 68th and Division, Portland. Economic issues from a Christian perspective will be the focus o f the Staley Distinguished Christian Schol­ ar Lecture series at Warner Pacific College from April 30 to M ay 2, 1985. Dr. Robert Weaver, Associate Pro­ fessor o f Business at Bethel College. St. Paul, Minnesota, will address these issues in three public lectures: “ The Bible and Economic Jus­ tice" — Tuesday, April 30, 10 a.m ., in McGuire Auditorium. “ Neighborhood Economic Devel­ opment as a Christian Response to Poverty" — Wednesday, M ay I, 7:30 p.m. in Egtvedt Lounge. “ Poverty and Loss of Person- hood” — Thursday. M ay 2, 10 a m. in McGuire Auditorium. After each lecture, forum sessions are scheduled to allow members o f the A P u blic S e rv ic e o f th e Po rtlan d Observer Sanctuary Coalition gala On Saturday. M ay 11, 1985, the Portland Sanctuary Coalition will hold a gala fiesta to celebrate its first anniversary o f providing shelter for political refugees from Central America, l-a Fiesta will be held at Holy Redeemer Cantwell Hall, 127 N. Portland Blvd., Portland. Enter­ tainment will begin at 7:30 p.m. with a concert of Andean folk music by Antarra. El Combo Caribe, a salsa band, will provide music for dancing from 9:00 until midnight. Admission is $5, $3 for seniors. Food and beverages will be sold. Central American craft items will be available for purchase. Tickets can be purchased through the churches of the Portland Sanctuary Coalition: St. Andrew Catholic. Centenary W il­ bur United Methodist, St. Mark Presbyienan, and Multnomah Friends Meeting. Tickets can also be pur­ chased by contacting Pay Carey at 284-6408. Proceeds from the event will go to support the continuing work o f the Portland Sanctuary Coalition, refu­ gee needs in Central America, and the national legal defense fund o f the sanctuary movement. Albina Ministerial Alliance 284 6023 THE M O U N T OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH N .E . First f t S c h u y le r» 284-1964 John M Jeckeon, M m « t » M Ed 6 00 P M Vesper Servue 10 00 A M Baptism Fourth Sunday 11 00 Communion Each First S -~ ta y The American Baptist Convention, American Baptist Churches of Oregon' Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention: National, Oregon, Portland Ecum enical M in istries, A m erican Bible S o c ie ty . M & M . Board. Laura A. Evans services Tuesday Funeral services will be held 2 p.m. Tuesday in Caldwell's Colonial M o r­ tuary for Laura A . Evans, a self- employed caterer and domestic w ork­ er, who died recently in a local hos­ pital. She was 76. M D 9 M A M Church School 11 00 A M Congregetienel W o ithip Tuesday YOU ARE W ELCOM E TO W O R S H IP AT Mrs. Evans was born in Wichita. Kansas, to Bella Grove and Jake Horton, moving to Portland in 1943 Her husband, A. D. Evans, preceded "A warm spirit of fellowship always" 7 00 P m Sunday Sunday School 9 15» m Morning 11:16a.m . Worship 6 30p m YP W W Evengetmtic 8 00p m Worship Tuesday Friday Noon Day Preyer :ty Chi Ark of T her in death. She was a member of A .M .E . Zion Church for 25 years and served on the board o f stewards and the missionary 7 30pm Bible Bend Thursday Choir Rehearsal 84 N.E. Killingsw orth • 281 0499 tlw. gtWr ao ^ a - Friday Tollou’ peace u’iL ■ The Pastor Speaks all c. holiness society. She is survived by two sons. Phillip Bryant o f Portland, and Melvin Smith of San Diego. 10 grandchil­ dren, five great-grandchildren and nine great great-grandchildren A daughter, Betty Haskins, preceded U ’ ilb O U l iV h iC h 1 ) 0 M orning Prayer man shall sec Inc Cord her in death. 9 0 0 » .m > MZOJA m a m S « u s RAAR 14B0AM DM ( (im m unity D irectory and profiles J A d i O n t h i i P a g e A r c O l L o c a l B u i i n e u c i T h a t A r e H e lp in g B u ild A B e t t e r C o m m u n it y AUTO BROAD » way . BROADWAY TOYOTA 307 N E B ro a d w a y P o rtla n d . OR 97232 1503)284 1105 Broadway Exxon C o m p to to C«» C«»« C •»»«•» A tt«a P ro d u c ía f o w i n f U z v 'c » l a r v i t i perishloners of St their heed e ttlre at th e co ngregation Julie Flecher. D a lores Leggesan. A n d rea D ebn am . M a tty e lies. Terrl W lc k llff; back ro w (l-r). Sadie G rim m e tt, Beria Brooks. B etty S m ith and G ertrud s Rae (Photo Richard J Brow n) A M A hosts sixth anniversary banquet The first Black woman in history to be elected to the Oregon Legislative Assembly, the Honorable Margaret L. Carter, State Representative Dis­ trict 18, will be the guest speaker for the Albina Ministerial Alliance and the program's 6th Annual A n ­ niversary Banquet. The event takes place Saturday, M ay 4. 1985 , 6:00 p.m. at the Cosmopolitan Airtcl, 6221 N .E . 82nd Avenue. Portland. Representative Carter, mother of 9, is a long-time supporter of child­ care and will address the subject of "Preserving Tom orrow ’s Greatest Resource".. .our children. Mrs. Carter holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree. Portland Slate Univer­ sity; Master's Degree in Education, Oregon Slate University and post graduale studies, Washington State University. Her career includes: teacher, Albina Youth Opportunity Schemi, 1971-73; Counselor. Portland Community College, 1973-present, and Business W om an, 1975-prcscnt. She continues to be actively involved in the following community activi­ ties: Oregon Alliance for Black Schtxil Educators, Alpha Kappa Alpha So­ rority. Joyful Sound (music director). Piedmont Church ol Christ. Representative Carter was elected to the l egislative Assembly with over SOW o f the vote in her district in No­ vember. 1984 In her first run for an elected office, she received the largest vole majority o f any candidate in the state. Joint Trade and Economic Devel­ opment, Education, and Human Resources arc the committees on which she currently serves. The A lli­ ance and its programs commends Rep. Carter in her achievements and look forward to hearing her speak. The Albina Ministerial Alliance (A M A ) is an ecumenical ministers or­ ganization involving 4 m o » » i 519 N E B ro a d w a y 284 5060 • Sales • Service BEAUTY istered to youth in the hippie and drug cultures. During the days o f marching for civil and human rights he also led a march up Williams Avenue proclaiming that "Jesus is lord!" There were times when the crowds were so great that the services had to be moved to the Civic Auditor­ ium or to the Jefferson High School auditorium He left a spiritual legacy that the present congregation pro­ poses to remember by naming the en­ larged. unique room in his honor. The church foresees a wide range of uses for the Wendell Wallace Multi-purpose Room, for youth events, fellowship, community serv­ ice, and worship. The dual dedica­ tion on Sunday, s nd the special meet­ ings to follow through Tuesday eve­ ning, are open to the public All are invited Fran W hite Appliances b T V. Leasing • Parts A L W A Y S A G O O O S E L E C T IO N OF NEW AND USED CARS A ND TRUCKS jari>eïVi S ER VIC E D E P A R T M E N T H O U R S B E A U T Y b B AR B ER SU P P LIE S 7 .3 0 A M HOW9 » 7 M on 5 0 0 P M M O N D A Y T H R U F R ID A Y 5001 N E U n ion (C o rn er of A lb a rta l 288 5303 284-1105 Sat 5834 N E U nion A va (5031281 6393 M X » c s W IO S A Mil» 3 0 7 N E BROADW AY Q m n i n PO RTLA ND n i i i i n t i i T V B A R B 'S S to p -A -M ln it M a r t 2 N . K illin g s w o rth * A c c e M o 't i 707 NE F R I M O N I Z i ’ »WS F R ID A Y S B E A U TY S U P P LIE S Wholesale end R eim W e carry product» met er» Mw»n in Jet and Ebony Maya/'''«* Open 9 1 m 8 p m 3617 NE ì& ih » M 9 0353 CLEANERS JEWELRY ELK C L E A N E R S b LAUNDRY PATON JEWELERS M ot 1014 N K illin g s w o rth 500 N W 23rd A v e n u e y\ .ill h A Sunday » 0D a a I« V6I It ' 12 0 0 a a IJ W e a 11 GO p a Phon«: 284-3979 H t p a ir .’HI MMti’ PHARMACY u.® P R M C C L IN IC PHARM ACY- B roadw ay M atrw aaver» b Designer» Beauty Salon h a t the »olutton ^1° >> r v 'w - w • C o u n t» a»«ppr 6'' 7th 16 N M o rris St P ortland O regon 87227 281 8931 at B ro ad w a y U N IT Y O F LOVE BEAUTY SALON S s tm a iK X Ii a |)®»n<1 s i'tlm y lt.1t. \ 1 S jn tlv T h at 7 4 0 « «o 11 p * Ende» TOO a a | ) u m n « ( h y\ .ih h f x It-iArlrv E s ta b lis h e d m 1912 a n d »tri* pro vid in g q u a lity dry clean in g at reasonable rates W H Y BE BALD? 1634 N T Saraa H Sarvxaa • tn r>u,a">aaa N h » » aa>a • Ona o’ t M <*o*«d • moat ta*an«ad t«chn<^r»a Rare- H W ’ .iw w e C a m a a a d ia a larvae CorMyn B arvoa Maranatha Church honors Wendell Wallace Maranatha Church is honoring one of its earlier pastor by naming its new­ ly completed banquet and gym area the “ Wendell Wallace Multi-purpose ro m ." At the same time the church’s new conference room will be dedicat ed in memory o f the late Paul Knaupp whose presence in the church for many years was distinguished by a spirit o f love and reconciliation. The church invites the community to the dedication ol these versatile facilities at the Sunday morning service on May 5th, when the Rev. Wendell Wallace himself will be present and ministering He will be speaking also during the evening services o f Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, M ay 5, 6 and 7. The new multi-purpose room was formerly the church’s sanctuary, but is now renuxleled to accommo­ « i x i M M o u a tt D A IL Y 281 9496 For further information or tickets, contact A M A Family Day and Night Care Program. 285 (1493 ¡■ /M o /T TSZ ■T 234-7466 ail to « « *fn t» d o m M t k t Ou» m»