Portland Observer, September 26, 1984, Page 9 ft ’s Easier to Lose Mom's stew still tastes best Freeh, local produce. low er than retail prices, at Portland Farmer's M arket, Saturdays, N. Williams fr N.E. Knott by Royce Alexander There are many, many weye to pre­ pare Beef Stew, but I happen to pre­ fer one of my mother's favorite rec- ALOTOF PIZZA FOR A UTTI from that real down-home flavor If you are not in a real hurry to aat It af­ ter the stew » cooked, piece It into the refrigerator and let It ait for a day or ao. Thia grvea »k of your aaaaon- inga a chance to completely filter through the meet. Large Canadian bacon pizza Just when you get on Quick Start 1 dove of parke 4 tomatoes 2 cube» of Beef Boukion 8 tableapoons of flour Cooking ok Satt and pepper to taata In a «kklet, heat cooking ok; lightfy duet Stewing Beef with flour, piece beef into ekBet and brown tightly on both »idee. Cut up potatoea, carrot», oaiary, onion, tomatoea, and any other vegetabiea you went to put into •tew. Piece thorn In a large cooking pot and cover with water arid »tart to bok (First put the »tew beef in the pot and let it bok until aimoat tender). Crush garlic, add to Poking water, add boukion, »ah and pepper. Let cook until vegetabiea are done. Add flour to thicken »tew Serve with hot com bread and a salad, you have some kind of good eating. Q u ic k S ta rt! It s the fastest Weigh, Watchers proqram ever And it s a proven success because hundreds of thousands have tried i, and lost weight quicker in the very firs, weeks We re accepting enrollments now for the Quick Star, Program So. call Weigh, Watchers today Hurry1 All you need is Quick Start and you II really take oh (All new and rejoining member» please come 20 minutes early) Join Any Class Anytime Northeast Portland Center 5049 N E Sandy Blvd Mon 7:i Tues 7:1 Wed 9 30a m & 5:1 Thurs 7:1 E ri 9 :3 0 a m Fellowship Baptist Church 4737 N Lombard Street Tues 7:00 Thurs 9:30a m N O R T H E A S T P O R T I ANI» MaranathaChurch 1222 N E Skidmore Sat. 9:30a m t":i For information call collect (503) 297-1021 Weekdays 8:30 5:00 p.m . 'tntiiim j ((Quick Start PROGRAM W e ig h t W a tc h e rs In te rn a tio n a l. In c . 1984 O w n e r o f th e W e ig h t W a tc h e rs T ra d e m a rk Sunshine pizza Exchange Let Portland Observer Union Ave. JOBS 3034 N.E. Union Ave 28I-I875 w o rk fo r y o u ! call 283-0090 c L. Hours r 1 r »ett * just what you need, lust what you want Get your food dollar's worth and then somel Here — where more food goes in the bag and less money leaves your w allelf Here — where you get more high qualify food for lessl Union Avenue at M onroe Union Square Center Frijd Chicken • JoJo 's • Burritos • Corn Dogs • Clam Strips, etc 281-4418 " O w n e r-O p e ra to r Larry W llla o n " / I I