Portland Observer, September 26, 1984, Page 7 ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK J1 NOStM W ISI T es t A W « M • PORTLAND OREGON • « J W f i W T IM IN C O UC H ANO »UBNSIO1 IN HISTORIC O lO T()WN Jo« "Bean” Keller. Entertainment Editor Sept. 28th thru Oct. 4th Why Do Wo Miss Out? Fri. A Sal........................ Billie Rancher <5 The Unreal Gods Sun. A Mon. ............................................ Pee Wee Clay Ion Tues.................................................................... The Cool Rags Wed. ....................................................... Terry R obb Band Thur............................................. Curtis Salgado/In Yo Face Portend has been considered M l "maybe cfty" by a tot of netioneiy known Bieck artists because of the lack of totaraat shown by the Black oommunfty. Many artists w « ba enroute from CaWomia to the Northwest and w S fly over Portland and go to Seattle whore ooople are more racapdva. W e. the oom­ munfty aa a whole, have to atari showing more concern If w a aver went to ba recognized on a national level. The problem aaama to ba that moat people weft until the laat minute to decide If they ahould buy advance tickets, which to a promoter or artist determines how the city Is reapondtog to the event. A good example wes the B B King concert, which was soid out tw o days before the show; out of the aold-out crowd of over 1,300 people, there were approximate­ ly GO to 76 Blacks. The reason for thia la that they a* wafted until the day of the ahow, but by than It waa too lata. W e have to atart ahowlng more advance support If w e ever went to sea national acta In Portland, aa well aa ahowlng sup­ port for our local acts. Otherwise, w e w « mias out. I Lunch • Dinner • Drinks • 223-9919 | 'Throw Down 84" Danco/Show On Friday November 2. 1984, B.E.A.N. w * ba presenting "Throw Down 84" at the Starry Night (N .W . 8th and Burnside). A t least three of Portland s fsneet R&B, funk bands, rapp groups and breakdance groups wB throw down their beat hand at thia ad-age dance and ahow. This show will possibly ba taped for cable television. Tickets wB ba available soon. Read next week's Portland Observer for more information or call Joe (Bean) KaHar at 2B3-248B. The S tre et M u s ic Band w ill be p erfo rm in g a t th e Esquire Club (17th ft A lb erta) S ept. 27th thru 28th and w ill appear a t G eneva's Lounge O ct. 3rd and 4th Featuring Roland Harris & Terry Cook Portland Opera premieres its 20th anniversary season with an exciting new production of Roaatoi's rollicking comic opera, "The Barber of SevWe." Open mg night is Saturday. September 29, at 8 p.m. in Civic Auditorium with sub­ sequent performances on Wedneeday, October 3, and Saturday, October 6. The S tap le Brothers B and w ill ap p ear a t th e Esquire C lub (17th ft A l­ berta) ev ery M o n d a y , T u e sd ay an d W ed n e sd ay nights. ♦ ♦ KBOO 9O .7FM Listener-Sponsored Community Radio ♦ Boo Ball Saturday, October 27th Night Rap, Oct. 2,10 p.m. W in n e rs a n d losers u n d e r th e R e a g a n p o licies . Judy Moora Smith presents Expressions of Black culture gospel on Redlo Zine Frldey, September 28th, 9:30 e.m. ♦ ♦ Tarry C o o k, n ative T exan , m a d e opera d eb u t In th e 1983 Paris O p are p ro d u ctio n o f "O th e llo ." T h a t year ha d e b u te d as w e ll In th e V erdi " R e q u ie m ." H e Joined th e M e tro p o lita n O pera laat season aa a m e m b e r o f th e Young A rtists D e v e lo p m e n t p ro g ram a n d de­ b u te d In th e fall M a t p ro du ctio n o f "La T r a v ia t a " Thia past spring ha sang th e loading basa role In a n a w p ro d u c­ tion o f H a n d el's "R in a ld o ." H a p erfo rm ed on th e " In P e rfo rm ­ an ce a t th e W h ite House Series fea tu rin g artists o f th e M e tro p o ll tan O pera fo r PB S -T V . Roland Harris Is k n o w n b y audl encee th ro u g h o u t O reg o n as an accom plished o peratic and choral p erfo rm er and for his vocal end in stru m en tal teach ing In O regon school districts H e has sung lea d ­ ing roles in "D o n G io v a n n i," "La B o h e m e ," "Don C a rlo ." " T h e M a g ic R u ts ." T o s c e " . H a la a m e m b er o f th e P o rtlan d O pera Chorus, th e P o rtlan d S ym p h o n y Chorus and the A m e ric a n Choral D irecto rs A sso ciatio n. M r. Harris Is presently a vocal co ach en d p i­ anist fo r Jefferso n H ig h School's m usicals as w a ll aa a private voice teacher C o m p le te E n te rta in m e n t S ervices •P ro m o tio n « •M a n a g in g •B o o k in g •P u b lic ity •P ro fs c t la y o u t» • P rog ram C o ordin ation •B a n d a • D a near« • A c to r » •P A C. i- UTTER ENTERTAINMENT ATTRACTIONS NETWORK E q u ip m an l • lig h t in g •D ra c o U n it Et D J Contact Joe (Bean) Keller • Home 232 9871 • Office 283 2486 Geneva's Lounge 4228 N. Williams All New Up Sync Contest Oct. 7th, 9 p.m. Support our advertisers S*f IV« PORTLAND OBSER VER