. . ' Jobs • Classifieds • . Jobs 7 ', '- Classifieds V •'V • • AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER s» V. •» t. < ••• Dear Readers: I t is an honor fo r the Oregon Department o f Transportation to pay trib u te to a ll m in o rity- and women-owned businesses as a part of M inority Business Opportunity Week. The Oregon Department of Transportation jo in s the many pub­ li c and private agencies who s triv e to create new contracting opportunities fo r m inority business enterprises. We welcome th is occasion to renew our commitment to adm inistering a pro­ gram which w ill re s u lt in new opportunities during the coming year. The achievement o f our goals w ill depend on the co­ operative e ffo rts of the Department, m in o rity- and women- owned businesses, and the connunity at large. The Department f u lly intends to meet th is challenge. The M in ority Business Enterprise (MBE) program is a resource to the Department which w ill re s u lt in greater use o f the many tale nts and s k ills which are ava ilable in our state. Fred D. M ille r D irector The Oregon Department of Transportation Job*. Section Tw o Portland Observer, September 28.1984 Page 3 carts &