war U Page 10 Portland Obaarvar, Saptambar 28. 1964 Bogle lacks political baggage CHUCK ROAST (Continued from Page I, Column 2) ma being tough or harah. Thoee are the kinda of mamoriea I'm banking on tor people to recall " Other« view Bogle aa the candidate of the police bureau, but he said he hea not received an endoreament or any funds from the Police Aaeocte bon. The iaauea Bogle hea incorporated into his campaign are crime, bueineaa development and quality of kfe Ke went« to aee more coordination among the reeourcee of the state. City and private sector to secure buai- nees growth Bogle celled the City Club's idea for zoned prostitution "ridiculous.'' "For a government body to sane bon prostrt’rtion is Nke telling your kid If you're hard-up for money, «'a O.K. to eel your body. Proedtubon a not a victimleee crime. It's the degradation o ffe Bogle's tan- re as Executive , ant for Commiaetoner Schwab was during a period when the Affirmative Action commitment of the City of Portland wee not put into practice Whan questioned about the Affirma­ tive Action record, Bogle said, "A t this time I have not taken a look at the problem but w a are stiR in the aariy stages of the campaign." W hy should voters mark their bai lota for him? "I offer the citizen» a unique background. I could shape a partnership that would lead to a re­ duction in crime. M y experience in the news media has sensitized me to the conditions of our city M y two years with the city has taught me what buttons to push for the crti As a political newcomer Bogle said, 'I have no political baggage end that sent Toran stresses background (Continued from P age I. Column 4) booklet be prepared for the voters on a* the candidates for City Council Her campaign is currently formulating a packet to present to City Council for approval. She does not see her party af­ filiation ee a Republican a con »deration the voters will take into ac­ count in thia non-partisan race. Toran he» hired a public relation firm to develop name famiierity. "By the middla of October the voter» wiH know Kay Toran a alive and we» and in this race " She ceils hersetf "realistic" about the possibility of the Black community endorsing one candidate. "There are 10,000 Black registered voters. It lAKxiki be nice to have that block behind you, but the decision of who wi# get this position will be made by the majority population of Portland " BLADE CUT i C a m p O ct. 2nd a t n oo n In Tarry Shrunk Park In aupport of Port­ land aa a Nudaar Free Zona. Sponaorad by Naw Claar V U o n , 287-7684 ( 1) Debate on No. 2. Oct. 2nd, 7:30 p m ., Neighbors North, 7608 N. Hereford Jd la aaaklng M e w from low-income community on the pro­ gram’s dkacdon and 1986 priorities Urban League. 10 N. Ruaaa*. Oct. 3 ,1 p.m. Forum on C entral A m eric a ana the Church, Sunday. Sept. 30. 6:00 p.m . at Koinonia Houaa, 633 S W Montgomery. Spaghetti dinner S3.80. Benefit for Portland Printing Coop. 236-7138 ■o You'll be amazed at the savings you make at our Wonder Thrift Shop! [ F o o d s t a m p « g la d ly a c c e p t e d S A T IS FA C T IO N G UARANTEED You m ult be completely satisfied with every pure he * • or we w»H cheerluMy refund your purchase price WONDER-HOSTESS THRIFTSHOP 116 N. C ook St. Corner of V encouver b Cook St.. Portland. Oregon Open M o n thru Sat - 9em 6pm - Closed Sundays The letter "f" took its shape from an ancient Egyptian symbol to show a hook. About A .D . 114, the Romans gave it the e f sound w e know today. W eatherize now! Attention renters en d hom e- owners I A series of 30 weetheruation workshops wiM ba held in the inner northeast and southeast neigh­ borhoods Theee workshops w d demonstrate how you can stay war mar this winter and save money on your utility bill by weatherizing your home. Also, free weatherization materials w it be distributed to in- com e eligible pert icipents You are invited to host or attend a workshop, or intoim your neighbors of the opportunity This offer is open to any one living in the following neighborhoods Richmond, Sun­ nyside. King, Boise, Sabin, Vernon, Humboldt. Biot, end Concordia The project co-sponsored by the bureau of community rlevnlopment and the community energy project. If you ere interested m hosting or atten lin g a workshop, pieese cal Robin or H a rt at 284 7868 W e do n o t d o business w ith S o u th A fric a BS American State Bank AN INDEPENDENT BANK Head Office 2 7 3 7 N. E. Union P orten d, Oregon 9 7 2 1 2 4842 N .E . 8th P o rtla n d . O R 87211 FT5L IENOWS I <■) FOR LCr Evergreen C IA link debated tact us to work for them, and the mission was one that assisted in the protection of our rights or freedom, we would probably work for them" (Arizona Daily Star, July 10,1984) For more information, call Me MinnvSte Peacemakers. 864-7862, the Fellowship of Reconciliation, (Por­ tland) 222-7293, or Portland Central America Solidarity Com m ittee, 227- 5102. B R A N D * yew k n e w V A R IE T IE S y e u l i k e S IZ E S y o u w a n t « M U I I Ml I «••uh. e a I« ** A • 1J»k « • • • • . t . ■ ' 8 8 * e } )rd A M I * Me «Mask a 0 «viele«* e A W ee* e l a k e O » * » * e DO A A • « R in g C ‘*V 4 I I • Oak Ore»» OB wew««» A rf» O n T h .y P a g e A r c O f L o r o ) B u n n e i i t i T h o f A r c H e l p i n g B u ild A B e t t e r C o m m u n i t y AUTO 1 BROAD WAX A 2 OYO'rA 307 N .E . B ro a d w ay P o rtla n d . 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(503)281 6393 MEtW Records & Tapaa M . k . th is d ir e c t« '* CLEANERS JEW ELRY Faatueng ih» largaci «auction of goapal raconta m the North ELK C LEA N ER S b LAUN DRY PATON JEWELERS Pop Soul J a n R ecord Club Drawing* each m onth with mambarship card w o » k « o r *o u - Cell » 3 2486 t H d fi Scarves a Accessories . ng 707 NE F R E M O N T Established in 1912 and « W providing quality dry cleaning | ai laaaonabla iata* 1014 N. K illin g s w o rth 500 N W 23rd A v en u e 111j ' n u n r t * VS . i l t h | \ | « w r l r > |> i.» n tw n rl V\ .1 I I h 1 t .lt . S I ||-«S t-lr y H l IM I» S illily ?M 1 HHU 3978 NE U n ion 287 7346 C U * lk r .lM -U i Sun to** lA»» «1 66a F R ID A Y S B EA U TY SU PPLIES Whofatssto end Retail W e uBtry produf ts ’ het ar» SA»*n m Jet end f bony Magazine Open 9 a m 8pm 3612 NE 15th • 2 0 0363 PHARMACY MPS C » * | M « P R M C C L IN IC PHARMACY naît U * '« « 4 1 Àccatto"»» ■Winona • Cavmar S i." n g on 1RN M o rrla S t Portland O regon (7277 2Bt M 31 '»« !.■ . T i t 'T e A un * aarwe» Aw ÎXT « ««A «wry 1* 407 N .E . M as o n W H Y BE BALD? B ro ad w ay H a irw e e v e r* b 0<«ignar> Beauty Salon hat Ih» «olulron 1834 N.E 7th Professional Services a l B ro ad w ay 281 9495 < ... • ■ '- D Bwrnt.Ne 1 1 J * » A M I O '. MB* M Lwrwbmrei W O »-»a«ay t a l e i f A M ill» IP J n A e< 1 I A lv i» « « * •ta in a AP.i1.hr S tw w * nt i h » /■ »«*•■