Portland Observer, September 12. 1984, Page 7 La n © n @ bet Send n o in e o / n u r church activities and eventi lo Pehfion Editor, Portland Observer P O Pos ) U 7 Portland O P 972OP Service for Central America An F.cumenical W orship Service foi Peace in C e n tra l A m e ric a w ill be celebrated on T u e sd ay, September It . at 7 30 p.m . at I irsl P re sb yte ria n C h u r c h , 1200 S .W . Alder. Portland The service, which is open to a ll, is co -sp o n so red by E cu m e n ical M in istrie s o f O regon and the C o u n c il for H um an Rights in Latin Am erica. It will feature the M isa C a m p e sin a (P e asan t M ass) com posed and perfo rm ed by N ic a ra g u a 's forem ost m u sicia n s C a r lo s M e jia G o d o y y los de P a la c a g u in a It w ill a lso feature contemporary gospel soul music by the New Beginnings Gospel Ensem ­ ble o f the M aran ath a C h u r c h o f Portland Services will be conducted by the M ost Reverend Kenneth Steiner. Bishop of the Archdiocese o f P o rtla n d and T h e Reverend Rodney Page, Executive Director ol Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Pastoral classes offered through cooperating education in ­ stitutions, but (he Institute is spon­ sored by Ecum enical M in istries of Oregon. The Rev Rodney I Page, Executive Director of E M O stated, “ This year’s course offerings are the largest number in the history of the In stitu te and present som e o f the most o u tsta n d in g leaders o f the Christian fa ith ." F o r fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n and registratio n contact F M O at 0245 S.W . Bancroft, Portland O R 97201, or call 221-1054 The In stitu te o f P a sto ra l M in istrie s today an no unced its course o ffe rin g s for the 1984-85 academic year The institute offers courses, w orksh ops and sem inars designed to give chu rch p ro fe ssio n a ls the e d u ca tio n a l e x­ periences necessary to update their s k ills , help them keep abreast o f Biblical and theological scholarship and nurture their faith. A s fat as is known, the Institute is the only one o f its kin d in the c o u n try , not operated by a college, sem inary or u n iv e rsity . C re d it is extended Support our advertisers Say You Saw It in The PORTLAND OBSER VER Historic Black church to observe anniversary Th e m em bers o f H ugh es Memorial United Methodist Church will observe the anniversary of the o n ly h is to r ic a lly B la c k U nited M ethodist C h u rc h in the O regon- Idaho region, from September 15, thru September 22. fo u n d e d under the name o f the church of the Open D»»or in 1945, in Vanport, the church of originally 50 members now enjoys a congregation o f a p p ro x im a te ly 150 In M ay of 1950, the m em bers adopted the present name of Hughes M em orial after the First Black Bishop elected to the c e n ira l ju ris d ic tio n o f the Corner of 8th and S kid m o re Sunday Si hoot 9 33am S u llll.lv W lK s t ll|) t l I X J . I I I I United Methodist Church. The present c h u rc h , I I I N .E . F a ilin g , was e stab lish ed in I960 Pastor W ayne R e y n o ld s, and Fa m ily arrived in P o rtla n d , three years ago and in lu se d the church with new direction and energy. The general comm unity is invited to p a rticip a te in the v ario u s a c ­ tivities scheduled during the week Highlights include attendance of the fo unding pastor E n n is W haley. A dinner and fash io n show at the H o lid ay Inn A irp o rt, G ospel co n ­ cert. Fo r those interested contact: Dcna Bowles, 2X5-2756 Dinner benefits peace work Ecum enical M inistries of Oregon w ill sponsor a benefit dinner to be held Monday, September 17, at 6:00 p.m at W estm inster Presbyterian ( hutch (1624 N .E . H a n c o c k ) in Portland Proceeds from the dinner will go towards the work of E M O ’» Peace and Disarmament (. ommittee and scholarship assistance to those tra v e lin g to the So viet U n io n to promote peace and goodwill. A fter dinner special music from Russia will be performed by the St. N ich o la s O rth o d o x C h o ir , newest d e n o m in a tio n to jo in E M O . Fo llow ing the music program , Ms Ja n e S h e p a rd , R e g io n a l V ice P resident o f C h u rc h W om en United, Fr. George G ray, pastor of ALLEN TEMPLE C M E C H U R C H St. Nicholas Orthodox C hurch, and the Rev. Jo yce M ason F u n k , Regional Associate Minister lor the C h ris t ia n C h u rc h (D is c ip le s ) w ill share their experiences o f their recent travels among "Believers“ in the U . S . S . R . There w ill be slide shows as well as a question and an ­ swer period A sp ecial feature o f the gala benefit bu ffet w ill be A la sk a n Halibut, donated by Mr led Smith, member of First C h ristian Church Cost of the dinner is $12 per person, $10 for A sso ciate M em bers of E M O ( all 221-1054 in Portland Io make reservations or for further in ­ formation. Christian Youth Fellowship 6 OOpm (sei ond and fourth Sunilaysl E lo n ia J Edw ards (Pastori The G reater St. S tep h en M issio n ary B aptist Church T ele p h o n e 287 6691 or 666 1577 "The Church on the Grow" II Peters 3 18 P asto r A Bern ard D evers. I 3924 N. W illiam s A ve Sunday Worship 11 00 a m • Sunday f waning 7 00 p m Wednesday Evening. 6 30 p m C o m e W e H ave a P la ce W here Y ou C an Se rve THE M O U N T OLIVET B A PTIST C H U R C H __ by W .L. Perrv Malaika and Kaziaha Slka-lmhotap ware married Saturday. Sap tambar 1at. The couple, both natlvea of California who now make their home In Portland, ware married by the Rev John H Jackson (Photo Richard J Brown) Grace Collins The church is bound by God and people, therefore, power and am b itio n s lend to v io la te the basic p rin c ip le s o f the le a ch in g o f the Bible A church needs to adopt the policy of a legalized constitutional administrative process. You r church constitution should set forth the adm inistrative policies subject to laws and by-law s in the smallest details, with binding legal ra m ific a tio n on the pasto r, mem bers, and officers of the church. The source of authority should be your d o ctrin e and c o n stitu tio n , rather than rules built up w ithout c o n sc io u s or m ade up at each m eeting The chu rch co n stitu tio n and by-law s should be written and voted on by the church membership. In m y o p in io n the B la c k c o m ­ 11 00 Communion Eat h First Sunday The American Baptist Convention. American Baptist Churches of Oregon Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention National, Oregon, Portland E cum enical M inistries Am erican Bible So cie ty. M frM Board r f - W e are featu rin g the H our of P o w er z A C o m m u n ity Flrstl »A* munity as a whole will not be able to m ake progress u n til a ll churches cpm c under a fo rm u la for the lib e ra tio n of B la c k people from bondage T h is form ula must relate to the secular and religious sphere in the same breath whereby each Black participates fully in the local church through doctrine and a church con stitution A c o n stitu tio n is needed to e x ­ plain: church ow nership, belief or doctrine of the church; duties of o f­ ficers, length of lime in office; rules and re gu la tio n s of the ch u rch ; sp iritu al activities and program of (he church; and, pastoral duties and responsibilities F o r free in fo rm a tio n on a c o n ­ stitu tio n fo r your ch u rch write M T S ., Box 336051, Decatur, Gcor gia 30032. N .E Firstji» S ch u yle r • 284 1954 John H Ja< kaon Minister M E<1 M D 9 30 A M Church School 11 00 A M ConyrayatHHial Worship S OOP M Vntper Service 10 00 A M Haphtm Fourth Sunday W h e n souls *»r« saved backsliders ' claimed heshngt. miracles, right here in • j f neig h b o rh o o d every W edn es d a y , 12 iK>n until W a celebrated our first year of • or vie as m May Public wel< oma Come hear lynermc messages such as God conditions for positions and positions for conditions ,! I Why your church needs a constitution k ‘•I I >' . ' Ç ! "f EMMANUEL "A warm spirit of fellowship always" a t, aby HUGHES MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHUR -X. presents* : 'Latch Key Program' I he \ r k o f S iifc ty h u rt h o f ( io if Hughes Memorial Church 111 N.E. Failing 5-year old kids at Grace Collins study hard on school work before going outside to play * O s Grace Collins • ¿ 'S a tu rd a y S e p Le ± r I 5 7. 0 0 p.m. Address___________ City ____________________ __ D a te ____________________ In response to God s great com m ission and the o ve rw h elm ing w o rld need, in faith , I prom ise beyond my re g u ljr financial stewardship $ per wt-ek per m onth per yea' "N o w faith is the su bstance of thin gs hoped for, the ovidence of things not seen " I Heb 11:1) I make this promise with the understanding that if for any reason I am unable to fulfill it. I will tell God about it If H e accepts my reason, my obligation is cancelled. Je s s e J a c k s o n for P re sid e n t C o m m itte e is now O R E G O N R A IN B O W O R G A N IZ IN G C O M M IT T E E Please make contributions to this new name PO Box 6797 Portland OR 97228 6797 ^-2,^ Memorial Center Day Care \ 284 7563 W l’„ . •Prison M inistries provides Chapel services, counseling and visitation •Prison M inistries is A non profit, religious, tax deductible, organization (IRS 51 01738231 •Financial support Churches, individuals, businesses and foundations •Prison M inistries. Inc member ut A P C C A American Protestant Correc tional Chaplain Association. Associate member of A C A American Cor rectional Association Name___________ WITH Mon-rn Call 4042 N M ich iga n A ve Portland, OR 9/227 P R IS O N M IN IS T R IE S INC * local Singing Groups 6 30 am 6 00 pm 281-6930 B’V p.'Yfk*-« 7 00 p m My faith promise Io Prison Ministries Outreach X Choirs 128 N.E. Russell St. y 7 30 p m Prison M in istries, Inc. • Kindergarten • Pre-School • Rrraxlasr • Hot Lunches • Snacks T uevfay Bibte Band Thursday Choir Rehearsal 84 N .E. K illtn g sw o rth • 281 0499 B o th Day Care to 11 yrs. 287 2223 YOU ARE W ELCO M E TO W O R SH IP AT 9 % \v e9 . , 1032 N Su m n e r TEM PLE Memorial Center Children 6 wks. a*«*«] U a w s I Raaew A Portland Women's Crisis Line For m o re in fo rm a tio n , cell 283 0090 232 9751 A Pubkc Service of the t ‘"'ttan