Paye 6 Portland Observer. September 12, 1984 Fall Registration for Classes OBSERVATIONS September 24 28 • 10 a m FROM THE SIDELINES ZO K athryn H a ll H u ylr D AY ID N|- R<) we* surrounded matron of honor, and bridesmaids Natalie H arris of D allas, Texas, Kaye Webb of Raleigh, N by C aro lin a, and Eveltn Hawkes of Salem were gowned alike in floor length black georgette skirts and while lace blouses styled with peplums. They wore scarlet ribbon streamers at the waist and carried arm bouquets of red roses. On the arm of her father, Arthur W ilson, the statuesque bride, radiantly beautiful, came down Ihe aisle in a stunning flame-red wed ding gown She carried an arm bouquet of mixed red and while flowers Her gown, fashioned with a bodice ol red lace with tight filling At David Naro party were (seated l-r) Derrick Naro. David Nero and long sleeves and a peplum, had a floor length skirt o f red satin, (standing l-r) Donita Nero and Benjamin Nero. (Photo K Hall Boglal sashed with red satin A back panel tell into a short train. Her head dress was a frothy looping of red Oregonians who vowed to change held during the I abor Day tulle that formed a shoulder length all ihat "next time around *' weekend veil Her slippers were red satin Lois Irving, unit president of the W hile pearl button earrings were hosting Portland chapter, and her only jewelry Wilson Smith, tournament chair, i l l A U T U M N M AR R IA G E A fabulous reception at the Red were all smiles, along with James A I.ion at Janlzen Beach followed the ol Zoe Ann Wilson, daughter M olin, the associate national direc­ wedding ceremony. Guesls feasted ol Mr. and Mrs Arthur Wilson, lo tor of the A B A . and George W on iced crab claws, beet and turkey Jesse William Price, son ol Mr and Johnson, of C harlo tte, N C ., the and toasted the health of the bride Mrs. I ratios Price of Indianapolis, ABA National president and bridegroom with champagne Indiana, was an event of Saturday, Accolades from within the officer Frank Daniels, grandfather of the September 1st, at the Greater group were bestowed upon Toddy bride, helped supervise the cutting Mount Calvary Church ol God in Price ol Seattle, the vice president ol the northwestern section, tor her outstanding service Io the ABA Ben Robinson ol Portland was selected to give certificates and bouquets ol roses Io It) people lor then accom plishinents Among recipients were I dna Baskell Martha Iordan and lived I aiinie ( hatman ol Portland Dozens ol prizes and trophies were awarded with ( a lilo rn ians going away with the weightier balance, according lo good matured on his recent t abor Day weekend birthday (a biggie) bash aboui 2ml Iriends and some relatives who showered him with gif Is lor Ills b irihday and for his newly pur chased home in Ihc suburban North wesl Ih e house, low and sprawling over csiensise grounds, is a confor- lable haven lor ihe businessman and his family of sons. Ouesls at ihc in fo rm a l, easy going a ffa ir saw a half dozen bedrooms, a glassed in living room, Nero’s home office, and ihev played pool hi his b illiard room Some younger guesls enjoyed the huge outdo*>i hoi lub; oihers swam in ihe b caiih lill, shaded swimming pool. Several politicos look their dinner plates, loaded with exolic barbecued goal and other goodies, and ale un­ der colorful umbrellas spread on an upper story sun deck The live-car carport and paved turn-around made room for more tables and an orchestra for guesls who danced to a variety ol music under awnings erected lor ihe oc­ casion A lem porary outdoor bar look care ol all liquid requests Other honored guests were David Nero's bro th er, Benjam in Nero, and his w ile , D onita. from Glad wviie. Pa II I I D AS AN exciting event, B the northwestern section ol the American Bridge Association up to ihc expectation ol some 1511 to 200 people who came to Portland (from many parts of the nation) to play in the third annual tournament T 8pm Peninsula Park C o m m u n ity C en ter 6400 N. A lb in a P o rtlan d OR wrestling adult conditioning gymnastics, and many others For in fo call 285-4222 Coach Roy Pitman DO YOU REALLY WANT TO SAVE ON YOUR FOOD BILL? W e o ffe r savings o f u p lo 4h *»nd m o re on fin e q u .il'ty * ,,f ,J*,f «*n d H ostess p ro d u r ts p lu s la rg e